I have 60 dollars, should I get Skyrim or GTA 5?

I have 60 dollars, should I get Skyrim or GTA 5?


Treat yourself to a nice meal

Buy a better game... Buy Gothic 2

Wait until they're both on sale for $30 each.

Buy a gun and end it

how do you end a gun?

pirate both dumbass

by shooting it

>this thread again

You already know the answer

shouldn't you be playing your game todd?

Fuck off, Tod poster.

>When Miraak dropkicks you out of your own car and drives off mocking you

stop making this thread

Gta san andreas and morrowind
now you saved 50 dollars

SA and oblivion

You can literally buy both and have change left if you buy it from G2A, Kinguin or another similar site tou fucking nigger loving cock sucking cuckold porn watcher

>"Hey guys we just learned this cool new tactic!"
>"In what fucking situation are you going to be in where a car is moving a 2mph, and pointing a gun at the driver is less effective"

buy a pizza

Its up to you. I have both and I'll give my opinion on them.
Both have features stripped from them compared to the previous entries in their respective series, there is no beating around this.
It really comes down to 2 factors, 1 for each game. For skyrim, do you like the idea of modding the game to your tastes enough? For GTA5 its a matter of are you going to play GTAOnline or not?
The only thing to consider about GTAOnline is its been updated a whole fucking lot with totally free updates (in theory) and enough goofy gamemodes that its more a sandbox engine for other games, just done crappy. The feature creep it totally designed around playing with friends over solo play. There is a real powercreep now too. There are weapons and vehicles that cost so much in game money (you can make it easy enough) that you as a brand new player will be vastly outclassed and frankly, hunted down, by other players.

This is a troll thread though so do whatever gives you the most laughs which will be to sit on Sup Forums with your dick in your hand slamming f5 as fast as you can on this thread

>this meme again

You obviously lack that Can Do attitude user, I'd transfer you to slum beat cop duty to save my own ass out in the zone.

Buy rope and become an hero

>Both have features stripped from them compared to the previous entries in their respective series, there is no beating around this.
this is outright false
GTA5 adds A TON OF SHIT that was not present in GTA4 and returns from San Andreas.
Kys m8.

Gta 5. Fun story and lots to do online. Expansions still coming out for it. Don't listen to the jaded losers on here

GTAO is shit, SP is the only thing that matters and they're not adding anything to it, not even lowriders. SA is better anyways.

>no remote controlled anything
>still no jetpack
>cars drive like ass, removing physics is removing a feature
>no indoor areas of the overworld except a single movietheatre lobby
>get banned for modding your own game
>they dabbled in removing fucking convenience stores without realizing people got snacks and food to heal health there, so they put it back in a stealth update
They are purposefully messing with the formula at this point, the game has been out for so long. If you are new and jumping in just now, there is a real chance they will have tampered with something you like about the franchise.

Pirate both, buy a quarter oz of weed