Hidden algorithm in Dota 2


So I got a feeling that there is some hidden algorithm in DotA2 matchmaking. During the past year my solo mmr dropped drastically of about 1000 points which is pretty dissapointing, but I am starting to be more and more sure that there is some fucked up hidden algorithm which maches me only with fucking retards.

Now dont get me wrong, we know majority of dota players are indeed fucking retards, but this is simply mindblowing.

I am on 2800 mmr now and still dropping, but I seriously havent got any good team members in about half a years now. 99percent of the time I am the only guy with positive score in our team, with classic 3 teammates of 0/10, 1/15 and 2/16 score.

Normally I always picked last because I dont care about my role, I play waht the team needs (usually core or support lol), but when I dropped af I started playing carries, then mid... even though I own my lane to the point where I have 10/0 viper from mid in 12. minute (which is pretty common) I loose the shit in the end because my team never pushes, never teamplays, nothing.

If I'd see similar noobs in the opposite team, i'd say ok, but its always good pick, nice teamplay and no solo feeders. Those are only and always in my team.

I also despise this semi-new ""autobalance"" system in Dota because it simply means you better not own the early game. Even if I have some high score like 30/3 and destroy the lanen I get killed couple of times and suddenly their team has twice my networth and 3 lvls more. Ok fuck that, but it's really not helping this situation.

So I got a feeling that this algorithm works the way that when you have an old account, lot of hours and above average stats, it automatically matches you with the lowest of lowest.

Seriously, raging noobs, feeders mid, autocarry first pickers who have 50lhs in 20 minute and just solo farm even though their base is getting destroyed... this is what I experience in my team every single fucking game I play nowdays.

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Srsly mate nobody who is white plays Dota 2 anymore. Play PUBG the better game and you can leave whenever you want.

you have to go back

>writing up a giant conspiracy theory trying to explain away why you suck
Assfaggots players, ladies and gentlemen
Ranked systems in matchmade team games were a mistake

it's called forced 50%, you're not the first person to make this complaint by any means

Stop playing Dota 2. you're not having fun. play fighting games instead

>Im so shit at the game that rather than getting good i spend hours and hours coming up with a theory on why its not my fault
Holy shit dude, this better be pasta or ill kill myself for you

I also noticed that the average amount of people playing everyday dropped from 900k to 500k on average.

Other than some bad patch decisions and OP heroes, may it be that more people started having this shitty bad experience with their team every single game they play?

Also, personal hate for the monkey king shit which in my eyes destroyed the balance of this game completely.
I challenge you not to have at least 25-30 kills in game with him from mid even if you fail the early game, get ganked constantly and get 0/7 by 10th minute.

Wtf is happening guys? I dont want to start playing beta mobas like LoL n shit, but if I ll experience such dissapointment in every match I play, I guess I got no other choice.

I wouldn't really care for loosing if it's a balanec game and well played on moth sides, but this autistic raging feeding shit from at least 3 of my teammates every single game I play is very, very disappointing and I am stopping enjoying the game at all.

Also, do you have any alternatives on what I could hook on instead of this dying game?

Thanks for replies.

>playing 7.xx

Learn to ascend the level these pubs are on and stomp before you get the privilege of a high mmr

>dis faut of de sistemm I don scuk

Nigga I play this shitgame for fucking 14 years already.

My party mmr is currently 5100+-
My solo mmr 2800 and dropping no matter what I do.

Read my post once again or gtfo to shitpost somewhere else k thx bai.

Yeah, it matches you with people just as shit as you. It's not really hidden.
> I own my lane to the point where I have 10/0 viper from mid in 12. minute (which is pretty common)
>Even if I have some high score like 30/3 and destroy the lanen I get killed couple of times and suddenly their team has twice my networth and 3 lvls more.
So basically, you lack the game sense to gauge your own advantage (you think you're super far ahead but get shit on), don't know how to press your advantages, and suck at mid-game.

Well, you know where to improve. Problem solved.

>2800 mmr
you're fucking terrible even if there's some secret algorithm ruining your games
how about you learn to play

>im getting carried
>Thus the system sucks
True that, MMR is retarded, any form of pubby matchmaking is retarded, its either extremely abusable, or just not functional.

If valve somehow introduced a clan system with their own curated competitive scene, shit would be different, but pubbies are always going ot be pubbies, even if you slap a ladder onto it.

>solo mmr
>doesnt play bloodseeker at >3000 to just instantly win games because people STILL don't know how to react to him.


a game that tries to sell you skins as you play has a system in place so that you constantly keep playing

congrats you fell for it. dont forget to buy the newest compendium or pass or whatever

What is actually happening.
>matched some games with retards as opponents because you lost too many games
>you win without breaking a sweat
>after taking a few wins, they put you up with people who have slightly the same skill as you
>you can't deal with it and lose
and the cycle continues
Git gud and not carried.

>a game that tries to sell you skins as you play has a system in place so that you constantly keep playing
dota has absolutely no meta-game incentives to keep playing
each match starts from scratch
unless you think raising your MMR number is an addictive mechanism in which case you're an idiot

Dota is shit and playerbase is constantly dropping, stop drinking the kool aid and move onto better games.

Ooh, this this another one of those people that don't understand that reaching a 50/50 winrate is the ideal endpoint of a well decent matchmaking system?

well my party mmr is 5000+ ... how bout you pro playa?

Pls teach me how to solo own mid-game where their team start to cooperate and move together whereas ours proceeds to solo farm jungle and feed.

Pls tell me how to be such a good mid-gamer that I can own 1v5 situations because I simply cant make my team group up and teamplay at all. When I say "Pls guys group up and lets teamplay", "Pls dude try to come with us next time instead of dying solo for 10th time in 20 minutes" etc. I only get flamed and nothing changes.

Pls tell me how to win when I have 0 teamsupport and in 1v5 situations I kill two heroes for 250 gold and then get killed for 1000+ gold. Tell me pls.

>playing solo ranked
why? all the fun in this game is in the communication and teamplay, and you know you cant communicate with russians/peruvians

Dota used to be good until they pulled a mists of pandaria with 7.0

Post dotabuff so I can see your games.

Not when it comes at the expense of the player experience.

>well decent

Because dota is a game that makes you hate your friends.
>post stats, because I can't see the wisdom in everyone telling me that if I play better I have nothing to complain about

Hello my russian friend

>Blaming the system for being bad
>Redditspacing this hard
>Playing Dota 2

How about fuck off nigger

My MMR went down from 3000 to 1400 in the last few weeks.

I made the same experience that after a winning streak I get paired with the absolute worst trash of players possible, feeders, people who cant speak english, crying arabs who cant team play, mentally retarded euros.

It's probably to keep the winrates 50/50, but I haven't touched dota in 2 weeks now and I feel better than ever,

your friends are weak

My player experience is fine, I'm pretty consistently in even games where it could go either way, my winrate hovers slightly above 50% and my teammates are competent and speak English.

>Complaining about well decent
You bein' well nitpicky innit bruv.

I did it boys. I uninstalled it, I'm finally free.

I play BS a lot, yep he's an OP faggot from mid with very very ez kills on these noobs but that doesnt help.

> he cant really push shit solo
> same situation applies - own mid, own early, own mid game, making space for my 3 solo woods farming mofos, then die couple of times because they figure out that I cant go 1v5 by 30 minute, then late game comes, 50 minute pass and my team is still farming solo, then they get on my net worth eventually, then its gg.

The problem I have is that there are hardly such noobs in opposite team than there are in mine most of times. And by noobs I dont mean newplayers who try to win, I mean serious feeders.

>unless you think raising your MMR number is an addictive mechanism in which case you're an idiot
and yet in every thread about games with a "competitive" MM system all you have is idiots bragging about their number, trying to talk shit to people with a lower number, and crying about how their number should be higher than it actually is

>play underlord solo offlane
>casually farm my greaves
>now i can keep my mouthbreathing bastard team mates alive in teamfights AND dish out a shitload of dmg
>bonus points for 5 man teleporting back to base because my mouthbreathing monkey comrades always overextend on pushing towers

i am just a scrub floating between 4-4,1k but i feel i have quite a bit of game sense by now but i am stuck with playing the hardest role (solo off) all the time if i even want to have a shred of hope of winning

>pick safelane carry, farm like a mad man, keep lane stale for safe farming, 10-12min bf no problems
>my mid and roamer are 0/5 by the time the 15 minutes mark is there and we get stomped by a 10/0/0 AM

>pick support, zone the enemy offlaner so he doesnt get exp and lh
>my mouthbreathing bastard carry manages to have THREE lasthits per minute while doing ZERO denies and constantly pushing lane

>play mid
>literally my entire team is just permanently dead

solo ranked is pointless

>game is rigged
>I am not bad
>I'm playing fine

You are the worst type of trash. You probably hit play and when you stomp you feel good and when you are getting stomped you just mute everyone if you don't start talking shit. I bet you don't even watch replays to get better.

You are the same kind of trash person that plagues fighting game communities complaining about cheap shit, and then when someone offers to help and ask for replays or tell you to go to the training mode for a few days you just bullshit some more.

>Wow all these people I play with and actually communicate are better than the people I find at complete random!

You are fucking retarded, most likely being carried by the people you play with if you yourself aren't enough to make a difference in randos.

Your last thought is that it might be you and the people you team with are carrying your shitty self, that's how you stop yourself from getting better fucko. Maybe it's not them, it's that you are so focused on what you are doing instead of playing based on what your team is doing.

you mean comeback mechanics? yeah, maybe you shouldnt get all nice and fat and feed like a dipshit

it's behavior score you can find it with console commands
well it used to be but they changed it a few days ago

can still find it but it's no longer a number

>I bet you don't even watch replays to get better.
if you do this and you aren't a pro player you're retarded

stop being a rager there's a score that determines who you're matched with and it's based on how nice of a teammate you are not how good

new patch soon tho

>I don't care to look for my own mistakes! It's a waste of time if you aren't a pro! WHY AM I SO SHITTY AND LOSING RANK

raising your MMR isn't any more addictive than any other scoring system. Is getting better school grades addictive? If you want to see real addiction mechanics look at an MMO

Any suggestions of what should I start playing instead?

Never bought any so I am glad at least for that.

>then die couple of times because they figure out that I cant go 1v5 by 30 minute
Maybe, and let's take this slow because I understand it's a tricky concept, don't 1v5.

You don't need to watch a replay of yourself to notice your mistakes, because you already played the game so you should know what you did wrong

>MMRfags simply can't enjoy the game
This is why MMR was a mistake, community run ladders were always the better option.


>I suck so much that I can't notice my mistakes after making them.
What are you doing for your death timer? Masturbating?

>he thinks MK is op

Lmao i bet you're 3k. Green is the color of cancer this patch along with lich

>seeing what went wrong is a waste of time
>seeing what other people are doing are a waste of time
>seeing what is popular is a waste of time
Just download Invoker macros then, they will rise up your mmr to at least 4.5K

right, unless you're a brainlet with absolutely no situational awareness who can't tell what's happening when it's happening
if you watch replays from anything it should be to learn from others

MMR is a fine system because the separation of ranked and unranked means that the turboautists who care about their MMR don't start screaming with the people who want to have some fun and the turbocasuals who just want to have fun don't piss off the people who actually want to improve.

Because icefrog hasn't been at the helm of the game for a while now.

None of the "NEW META" changes that have been happening since 2014 has made any fucking sense what so ever and has very little in common with how icefrog used to balance things.

Almost every major patch comes with a major character overhaul and the removal of mechanics.

Look man, I know you know how it works.

> early game, ez ganks
> mid game, non-autistic team comes to help
> So 1v1 fight turns 1v5 in a matter of seconds when their team do not ignore fights, but mine does

It's not like I rush into 1v5 lol.

>Because icefrog hasn't been at the helm of the game for a while now.

heres a hint
take a look at the ingame level of everyone you're matched with/against
nine times out of ten you won't see people deviate too far from your player level/time spent.
>b-but that just means the matchmaking is working since time input is correlated with how good you are
No, I'm talking about "never seeing a goddamn TBD at 3k mmr" anymore even though that's where matchmaking defaults new players, and suddenly seeing all these people who are something have something like 6k hours a 3k mmr - and not seeing anyone with less than 2000 hours for literally tens of dozens of matches.
The worst part is that valve has a history of doing this shit with RNG in team fortress 2.

how about post stats so we can tell you how to improve instead of you bitching? if you are doing well you fucking push, as viper you should take advantage of your un-approachable nature and fuck some towers rather then suck your own dick and blame your team, but i'm sure you win all your games because your play style is perfect

All of the major patches have an element of flipping the balance-table. Recently Icefrog (Or whoever) has just had more freedom to branch out.

>play invoker
>free farm the mid lane and jungle
>BoTs and gg

Now you can solo win by killing anyone or ratting or both at the same time. Clinkz is also a free win at that mmr.

you sound like a bad player honestly
you work with your team, you don't go and start fights then whine when your team doesn't come

MMR creates a metagame outside of the game itself, and because of that people simply can't enjoy the game.

Again, community driven shit would have been better, MMR, ELO, ect, which judge individual skill in a multiplayer game with more players then 1v1 simply don't work.

Especially if that system pairs you with similar players, eventually you hit the death spiral where all your games will always fail because you're match with bads

>it's based on how nice of a teammate you are

People rarely commend each other, I know I don't do. I don't waste an opportunity to report afks or feeders though.

If you always die to tp support then you are not killing fast enough or you are going to deep/suicide for a kill. If they commit 3~4 players to help someone then you "win" by simply disengaging.

>14 years
mfw 600 hours on dota 2 and I am 5500 mmr
there are a lot of people with loads of hours that are still trash at games, you're one of them

i wish Paragon and Smite had Icefrog as director

It's not going to be that fast unless you don't know where the enemy team is and your target is near the jungle (Bad fight to take), your target is next to a tower and the enemy team has TP's (Run when they start TP-ing in) or you're just being straight up baited (git gud)

Man I am currenly lvl about 75 (never spent money on this game)

Started playing DotA2 back in 2012 with 2600 games played currently.

I am checking othersw profiles every game I play so I know at least a bit what to expect from them and pick accordingly.

90percent of people I play with are lvl 20-40 with 1-2/5 of my games played.

I am not shitting you, I am not saying Im pro, I do not play as much as before and I lost the track of all the new patches and changes in the game so sometimes I get shocked by some heroes with changed/new abilities.

I do not feed my party games, cant say I am being carried, I do not own every game but it's not such a hard thing for me usually to win mid on 5000 mmr. Winning mid on 2k is very very ez because these people usually do not even deny which is saying a lot about them.

The problem is that on this mmr everybody just farm solo and the game always, always goes to lategame even though I beg them to push fast or they ll destroy us.

I am seriously not such a good player to push the base solo vs 5 without any team support.

Nobody knows either way.

Is there any benefit to MMR other than e-peen?
Also they should reset MMR every new season.
That would make things fun

if Smite had Icefrog at the helm the game would be completely scrapped and remade from the ground up because Smite is literally LoL with different controls and camera

>Check twitch.tv to see if anyone white is playing
>90% of them are white

It's called behavior score and you can check yours with a console command i can't remember because i stopped playing after 7.0. Leaving games and getting reported lowers the score. Anything under 7k is toxic tier and anything under 6k is griefer tier. Preferably you want to have mid 8k and up. Several boosters have called low behavior score accounts extremely hard to gain MMR on, just search for it on playdota forums. There is likely also some invisible factors that are not reflected in behavior score though. Also remember that behavior score doesn't update often, it was like once a week or something.


stay small OP

>Is there any benefit to MMR other than e-peen?
Setting up more even games.
>Also they should reset MMR every new season.
It doesn't change much, except the better players get pushed down and have to stomp their way back up and the worse players have to feed their way back down. Everyone goes back to their old MMR after a period of unbalanced games.

>poor russian
the interracial american education system everybody

You're right. If you're shit and you dont grasp the game at all then it's pointless to watch them yourself. Strange how there are all these seemingly perfect players trapped in low mmr when pros have several accounts in 6k+. I suppose they are very lucky ;)

>party mmr

Why do you have to be mad OP?

Just sit back and play some pubs and enjoy the stupidity around you

They aren't Russian the guys I saw were white white from america. But nice try.

Actually it updated with every conduct summary i believe. Pretty disturbing that nobody else in the thread knows about this shit. There's also a shadow pool where players are sent for 4 weeks or so if they get excessively reported, only getting matched with other shadow pools players. Problem with the system is that people WILL rage in dota and report you for anything which sends some players into a downwatd spiral where you end up eith increasingly salty players that are increasingly more likely to report you.

You're a female, aren't you OP?

>1v1 turns into 1v5 in a matter of seconds

While i doubt that it happens quickly in your skill bracket it still means you are over extending. You either go with no clue where they are or you spend too long to kill him or you chase too far

What do you guys think of the first two new heroes to DOTA? What do you think their abilities are?

>First two new heroes to dota

OP here, thanks for the replies.

Nevermind I am a noob and you're all pros, maybe you're right, maybe Im worng.

I dont really mind loosing and having low mmr, I never want to be a pro dota player, i want to play 4fun.

My problem is that I do not have any fun playing this game anymore. I would have fun in balanced games where both teams are equally strong and the game is tense. But I do not experience such games anymore. That is my point.
Every game I play, I only get disappointed, even if I carry my whole team with fucking Arc for 70 minutes and manage to win in the end, I am disappointed that the game had to last so long because I had to carry it alone. Thats my point. I dont want to tryhard the hardsest every game I play, I would like to be carried sometimes. I love playing supports, its a fun for me, but playing supps in this mmr means getting feeder mid and feeder carry and just watch them loose the game. Only chance for my team winning is me getting mid, rekt it and try ultrahard for an hour while they keep dying.... meh.

No idea what to play instead, I don't want to play single player games only, but shooters like Battlefield or CSGO are boring for me. Any suggestions?

I liked that DotA is both tactical as hell but as well as that there is an action and matter of second situations. No idea what alternative for this is out there, other than LoL which I played briefly couple of years ago and seemed to me that every hero have basically the same mechanics, the only difference is that one shotos an arrow with 500 range, the other magic missile with 700 range. Boring and very simple.

hopefully something based on niche mechanics. i really like abilities that do unorthodox things like slow turn speed and shit.

party mmr is the only mmr that matters in a team game

> party mmr in party based game
> youre shit bcs you cant win solo

Wow you must be a pro.

People are getting too autistic about the armadillo swashbuckler, but the evil fae girl fits in with dota perfectly.
Shes probably going to be a combination of puck and death prophet

Didn't you see the TI announcement? Monkey King isn't a "new" hero because he was already planned as a secret character in DOTA 1.

Are you playing ranked? Because my normal games are at the equally strong and tense mark.

Also, I don't think I'm some pro, I just try and remain critical of myself, it's the key to improvement after all.

i really wonder how the minds of people like you work, like do alarms go off at valve HQ when you start winning too much and they deploy the special preconditioned winning and losing team to your next game? are there 4 guys waiting on standby to suck and feed and lose the game for you? and an opposing team of 5 guys really in sync ready to take a win and drop you back in your place?

i mean think about that for a second, its either that or its just 9 other random people seeded around the same MMR as you, who are going to be affected by the win or the loss just as much as you.

if you think an algorythm is determining in advance that you are winning too much and FORCES a loss on you, how does it make it up to the 4 other players it just fucked for no good reason, and how does it balance out giving a free win to the remaning 5 players?

the way matchmaking works, is in an ideal world you are matched with people of identical skill to yourself, imagine if you will it could find 9 complete clones of you and have them all join your game.

what are your chances of winning a game when its 5 yous vs 5 yous? if you played 10,000 games against each other, which side is clearly going to come out on top?

i mean clearly in that situation you personally would win like what, 70-80% of the matches? because you know that you dont cheat and neither do your clones, so the enforced 50% meta would never come into play and your true win ratio would shine through right?

>So I got a feeling that there is some hidden algorithim

Stopped reading there.
You feelings mean shit. Give actual proof otherwise your post is pointless.

Actually, my normal solo games are pretty decent. Seriously very, very much better than ranked solo games. Feeders in team not common, decent teamplay common.

But I gain nothing from playing those and if im gonna waste an hour of my time on average on one game, I want to have that feeling that I am gaining at least something from it.

Wow you must be special.

Maybe I started this thread because I wanted to see if other people experience something similar and so have the clue? Mmmm takes a lot of thinking I know.

there is the hidden retarded behaviour match making. so depending on how polite/toxic you are you will get a different team. also players with high behaviour score get matched with new players so the new players get a better experience. Not only is this retarded and punishing the non toxic players but it also is fucking stupid because high behaviour score players are usually the supports so you would get a team with only supps.

Did they buff Jakiro or something? I got a godlike within 15 mins with them.

Don't look at the game as if you need to reap a reward from it. If the normal all pick games are more fun, just play those, and if that isn't fun, you should just stop playing. No reason to play a game you don't enjoy just to rake in numbers. I got calibrated at 1.5k, found playing ranked to be absolute cancer, and I've played normal all pick for 2 years and actually have fun.