So I got a feeling that there is some hidden algorithm in DotA2 matchmaking. During the past year my solo mmr dropped drastically of about 1000 points which is pretty dissapointing, but I am starting to be more and more sure that there is some fucked up hidden algorithm which maches me only with fucking retards.
Now dont get me wrong, we know majority of dota players are indeed fucking retards, but this is simply mindblowing.
I am on 2800 mmr now and still dropping, but I seriously havent got any good team members in about half a years now. 99percent of the time I am the only guy with positive score in our team, with classic 3 teammates of 0/10, 1/15 and 2/16 score.
Normally I always picked last because I dont care about my role, I play waht the team needs (usually core or support lol), but when I dropped af I started playing carries, then mid... even though I own my lane to the point where I have 10/0 viper from mid in 12. minute (which is pretty common) I loose the shit in the end because my team never pushes, never teamplays, nothing.
If I'd see similar noobs in the opposite team, i'd say ok, but its always good pick, nice teamplay and no solo feeders. Those are only and always in my team.
I also despise this semi-new ""autobalance"" system in Dota because it simply means you better not own the early game. Even if I have some high score like 30/3 and destroy the lanen I get killed couple of times and suddenly their team has twice my networth and 3 lvls more. Ok fuck that, but it's really not helping this situation.
So I got a feeling that this algorithm works the way that when you have an old account, lot of hours and above average stats, it automatically matches you with the lowest of lowest.
Seriously, raging noobs, feeders mid, autocarry first pickers who have 50lhs in 20 minute and just solo farm even though their base is getting destroyed... this is what I experience in my team every single fucking game I play nowdays.