ITT: trigger Sup Forums with one image

ITT: trigger Sup Forums with one image.

that's true though

t. immense psychosexual faggot



what game?

a hat in time



I've trapped a great demon behind this spoiler
Open it and I can't guarantee your safety

I'll pay you 20k if you get me that wine, user!

So by that definition futa on female is still in the clear?

How is kot not freaking out




>as a heterosexual man
This doesn't really apply to me then because I accept that it's pretty fucking gay.



I want to kill her so bad.




the girl was born in a time where touch screens are more common than regular ones for most things

who fucking cares


That's adorable.

>Something has buttons
>Touches the screen
>Doesn't work
>Keeps trying

Why are Americans so dumb?

fucking amerilards, she probably got shot after they stopped recording

I like my green gameboy because I'm colorblind and thought it was yellow all through my childhood

Do I really have to defend a toddler in this discussion? Here goes: obsessed

That's so fucking infuriating. I bet she doesn't even know how to send telegraphs with Morse code.

She's like 4

a regular smartphone has buttons too, doesn't mean they do much other than return home and change the volume

you guys are getting old BACK IN MUH DAYZ

have you dealt with children EVER?

I'm not triggered but I sure as shit am fascinated.

>give a child 1000 electronic devices that work with a touch screen
>everything with a screen works like that
>hand her a screen that doesn't react to touch


really makes you think


This makes me sad.

you sound dumber than the stereotype of baby boomers

Are you saying she's autistic because she can't figure out that there are buttons below the screen? that's mean.

dude how can you not know how to use a gameboy

I've been using it since I was 5 and have no problems and am now 25

kids are just dumb

wow how dares she not knowing how to use an outdated handheld console that came out almost 20 years before she was born

Touch screen wasn't a thing back then. user's point still stands

I don't know if you're trolling or have american levels of reading comprehension.

Hey look, something that's actually shitty.

>Touch screen wasn't a thing
We have had touch screens for quite some time my underageb&.


holy fuck
you got me

never in my life have I wanted someone do die this bad

Asano will trigger you all if he does this... I myself may get triggered


Ok. You got me.

Touch screen wasn't a common thing that literally now every device has

Lips are fine. I'd skull fuck her.

Okay user you're right, you're so much smarter than a 4 year old congrats. Penalty should be death.

This post is more triggering than the post it's responding to.

The problem as I see it is the fact that she instinctively tries to use a touch screen because her parents shove tablets in front of her face as a form of parenting.

Truly infuriating.

this post fucking hurts me

Sorry. I should have spoilered that, though.

But anyway, guys are better at sucking cock, and since the face is femenine enough, I'd let her suck my off while wearing a dress.

I wouldn't even mutter "no homo". I'd just let her enjoy my cock in her mouth until the unavoidable cum explosion, and then coax her to eat it all.

Doesn't seem all that different from when I spent my days playing N64 and shitting about on V-Tech computers 20 years ago.


Nah. You're just mad you're getting old and this just shoved evidence in your face like no 4 digit number could ever do.

Welcome to the club, pal. Membership is compulsory and for life.

Maybe if you would stop being baited by obvious baits you wouldn't need to ask this so often.



Never forget! Never forgive!


That sucks, man. My childhood was spent riding bikes totally unsupervised until sundown.

>let me tell you why you're actually mad
Whatever you say, kiddo.



My wife works in a daycare. She was reading a book out loud for the children one day when it was time for them to take their nap. This new boy stood up and said out loud that he can't see the picture. She told him to lay down and close his eyes and imagine the things happening in the book. Last week she said that the boy finally got it, saying with his eyes closed that he can see the picture now.



too fat

that's a pretty big logical leap you've made there friend, and it in no way differs from giving a kid a gameboy in the 90s so I also think that the logical leap is disingenuous to boot

fuck you

well I lost.




Fucking FIFA, man. Sony could release a console with zero exclusives but FIFA and they'd win the generation on that momentum alone. They'd rocket to 10m+ sales instantly, use that as their marketing campaign ("10m. Are you with us, or against us?"), use that figure to court developers ("Look we have a 10m userbase already and it's growing fast, put your games on us."), end up with a bunch of other exclusives, and conclusively win the generation.

in fact oh shit that's exactly what the ps4 did

>EU slaves to the footy

>use that as their marketing campaign ("10m. Are you with us, or against us?")
They did that with PS4, actually.

This almost made me mad, but considering I grew up with stuff that had buttons to push and this little one grew up with stuff that has a screen to touch, I stopped getting mad.



FUCK I forgot the name of this, can someone give me the sauce.

Yeah, nah, my brother sat his kid in front of tablets like that. She has a room full of dolls and for fun spends her days watching other people on youtube play with toys. It isn't normal for children to have fun vicariously like that.

>like that
again, you're making a pretty big logical leap here
your bro's a shit parent. Noted. That's all you got though.


>ur getting old: the webm

All I feel after watching this is a sudden awareness of the fact that I'm old.


It was his own fucking fault, he should have learned not to trust them after the first time


>you're getting old
Children today are just retarded. I could pick up games without the ability to read. She can't figure out two buttons and a fucking directional pad.



It isn't just him though. It's the new age parenting style. You seem awfully offended, this hitting too close to home?

Wow, Japan and Europe have some seriously shitty taste.

I wonder if 2014~ will be the dark year of gaming.

I never understood why people care so much whether they're gay or not.
If you like something and people call you gay for it so what?
I don't understand why people feel they need to try to defend their fetish as "not gay".
I like futa, if that makes me gay cool so what?
I'm still going to like futa.