We're going to get monkey paw'd, aren't we?
We're going to get monkey paw'd, aren't we?
It's not even made by original team.
90% of the original team made different company that released the Battle Chasers game few days ago.
This is mostly new blood.
when you're fisting a chick in the ass and she shits in your hand. You proceeded to take the shit and throw it at her like a monkey.
And it's really obvious. Everything in that gameplay video was so heavy in the worst way. They had the pre-alpha bumper on there but I'm really doubting they'll change much of anything if they were willing to show it in the first place.
darksiders was never good
>new dev team
>shitty looking gameplay
>censored main character
>riding off fanboy hype and nothing else
Yep, gonna get monkey paw'd.
>shitty looking gameplay
Yeah, it's a Darksiders game.
It looks shitty even by those standards.
>Pre-alpha footage
I've never seen a bigger lie than this in modern gaming
So first we had War, then Death...'
Is she supposed to be Famine or Pestilence?
>tfw you unironically loved Darksiders 1 and 2 and will probably buy this even if its shit to support the franchise
That's Fury should we get a sequel then we'll get Strife, they're twin brother and sister
>tfw love Devil May Cry and choose not to support shitty DmC Reboot because fuck that
>in return, we will never see another DMC game
I bought Darksiders 2 for full price on launch day to help save THQ
she's Fury and the next one's gonna be Strife... Yeah they're not really accurate to the bible
Darksiders isn't that great of a genre anyway, I haven't played the second one yet but the first one has awful combat, the only redeeming factor is War's sweet voice.
what the HECK
I thought they got back the original team for this under Crytek?
Who the hell is making it then?
look how much good that did
Maybe if I had bought two copies..
How is Ninja Theory still alive?
All their games suck.
You gotta see it posizively: now the DMC franchise is dead for good, instead of getting necroraped into oblivion with DmC 2/3/etc.
I don't like how the gameplay is fucking Dark Souls now.
Darksiders 2 was on the right track with gameplay, but then they just threw it all away for a fucking soulsborne clone?
>I thought they got back the original team for this under Crytek?
>"""original team"""
10% of the original team, the rest went to make Battle Chasers.
It doesn't look like Dark Souls but it does look awful.
Also Fury should be the mage of the group and the trailer didn't show any magic.
The "feminism" in this will bring more costumers than the hate for said "ideology" because we all know we don't have much else to escape.
What feminism? She is weaker than War and Death.
It will bring in literally no one. The people that care about that shit will either a) buy the game anyway or b) comment from afar without being involved in the medium, meaning they wouldn't purchase it either way.
we'll never know user, we'll just.. never know
Dropped the first after four hours and dropped the second even faster.
Every single new fucking game now has you play as a girl now.
Every. Single. One.
The first one was okay. The sequel was awful.
Why isn't Famine and Pestilence a horsemen?
English isn't my main language but meant pretty much what you said.
different guy, this definitely looks like an attempt to make the game play more souls like. darksiders 2 was far faster and had big attacks like god of war and dmc, this straight looks like dark soul style dodging and slowly beating a guy down type game play
>female protag
already did