tell me about this
it will come out in less than one month
tell me about this
it will come out in less than one month
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Old PS2 sci fi JRPG series compilation.
Not the first series?
only one reply?
no love for this series?
Man, forget it. If you want to discuss videogames seriously, outside of nintendo games, you won't be able to on Sup Forums. This board is for laughing at every game nintendo hasn't made and suck the living shit out of everything nintendo makes, if you want to discuss, I would recommend /vg/.
I can't wait. Loved the first series but I'm an EUcuck and G.U. never got a release over here. I just forgot about the series and never bothered emulating.
It's a very bad ARPG with shitty barebones combat, terrible dungeon desing, bad plot and some of the worst characters in video games, but it still has some cult following for some reason. Personally, I dropped the original on the second game.
I love it.
>no love for this series?
I do, but this isn't the place to talk about it, because Sup Forums is fucking casual. They either only know G.U, or at best the original games. If you want to talk about the series as a whole (this is, the whole three seasons) you only chance is to go to dothackers.
Is it ok to play this is I never played the any .hack game before?
I bet you think SIGN is boring too, uh?
Yes, do not worry. All the important stuff from the original games, is told in the 'Terminal Disc' inside the main menu.
I wish it was for the original quadrilogy instead because G.U. was pretty weak
>Not owning a chipped PS2
EU got screwed out of so many good games. Mainly by Japs. Hell we still do in some aspects.
You forgot Blade Runner
Dot hack was a shitty anime but eh, maybe the games are good. I should try them at least
CC2 won't remaster the original games. They made a new novel just for the people who hasn't played the originals (but they didn't translate the thing for some reason).
why tho
>Dot hack was a shitty anime
Root it was, and so the shitty adaptation of Legend of the Twilight Bracelet, but SIGN was great.Quantum was ok, I guess.
Yeah I'll probably pick this up
Because the gameplay and graphics would need to be completely redone and that would be costly as hell, with this they can give us better visiuals and a new Episode and pave the way for new games.
Its not a perfect solution but I will take it
The first series plays like shit and it's story is worse than G.U.'s, the only people who will disagree are fags who thought that iseaki anime is still even worth it.
There's more than one so which one are you talking about? Root? Yeah but SIGN was fucking great and perfectly complimented the games. Twilight was ok
>why tho
Because they would have to put a lot of work just to make it playable and visually appealing for today standard. Honesty, I'm playing it right now, and I think they still looks great and play just fine. But that's just me.
holy shit you triggered me
G.U's gameplay was barely better than the original games and story was far weaker. It doesn't even have to be a remake, a port would be just as good because the original games are expensive as hell now
In all honesty, no one played the first four .hack games for the gameplay. You were in it for the story and characters and to ride those creepy pig things
Sign is an incredibly boring anime that poorly apes what Lain and Evangelion already pulled off much earlier. It was pretty much the definition of shitty Isekai before SAO claimed that title.
SIGN was amazing. The themes, the characters, the story, the mystery, the fantastic OST, the visuals. A fucking masterpiece.
The series is split on Sup Forums between people who either loved it or hated it. It doesn't help that the gameplay was pretty bad and the games are rare and expensive
it's a PS2 game that was too expensive to make for its niche to sell as one game so it was split into three but now it's just one full game also there's a brand new fourth part included
Posting the new scan from famitsu. 1/2
Recently seen .HACK /sign and am looking forward to this. Leaving thread now because spoilsies. But hey guys. I love you anyways. Truly Tsukasa is the king of suffering
Also, here you can vote your favorite male, female and beast character
Fucking Haseo is above Sogabe Ryuuji.
As long as Alkaid wins best girl, all is right in the world.
Forgot an image of a wallet and a vacuum. $49.99 each for games that could be "beaten" in five hours.