Did you buy it again or was this your first time buying it?
Did you buy it again or was this your first time buying it?
Im looking into buying it, is it worth playing?
Do you like Harvest Moon? Because it's pretty much a very competent Harvest Moon clone but with bad art.
What the verdict?
Bought it for the first time, going to play later tonight.
First time buying it but I can't get home to start it up for a while now; is the multiplayer already added in?
why are people treating this port like the second coming of christ?
I have, I think I might buy it then.
First time for me.
Do harvest moon fans actually like it or does all of the "Gooodbyyyeee social life xD" shit come from newpals?
Honestly, why does anyone treat Stardew Valley like the second coming of christ? Why are farming sims now compared to SV instead of HM/SoS?
>"Gooodbyyyeee social life xD"
Fucking this, this is always newpals posting to socialmedias and then end up playing it for 2 hours.
Because people like playing the switch but they don't have anything to play on it. And not everyone played it on PC.
Is there any technical analysis out yet? Want to at least know if it runs well first.
Only thing I've heard is the controls are much better than the PS4bone ones.
Not shitposting - someone who already owns this POS give me a couple of good reasons to buy. My wife has been bothering me nonstop whenever we walk by the cabinet at Walmart.
From my experience, loading times when starting the game and saving times are ridiculous.
All the new HM and SoS games have been horribly disappointing or weird.
SV is like basically just a competent clone of the early HM games which is what everyone wanted I guess.
The SoS team seem to not understand anything.
The newest game coming out is a fucking enhanced remake of Tale of Two Towns. Which is stupid in the context that Trio of Towns was their last game.
I don't like it or see why its so popular, and Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is one of my top games.
Fucking why? Why can't they just make a game without any stupid gimmicks? Trio would have been the best game they've ever made if it had just one town and no town link shit.
I did and I bought it on PC. Something about playing it on a screen at my desk didn't gel with me.
I wouldn't have picked it up on consoles but for some reason it's really working out well for me on switch. Guess there's just something about the platform and pick up and play anywhere that works for me.
does this version have online multiplayer?
Yes, I love harvest moon, and Rune Factory, and Stardew is exactly what that user said. Very competent but mediocre art. The writing is good, not great or anything amazing, but a solid C.
The customization on your farm is what it does best, can do a fuckload, just google peoples farms.
I understand not liking, but how can you not understand why its popular?
It's super obvious.
Its basically a clone of BtN, with worse art.
There hasn't been a good game like BtN in so long that people will latch onto anything to get their fix.
Because it's a watered down Harvest Moon, but people treat it as the greatest thing that was ever made.
What do you even do in Stardew Valley?
I started playing the game for some hours and it felt like it was trying to do 5 things at once.
You just get thrown into this small RPG town, with some NPCs with a barebones relationship system, a lameass dungeon you can crawl with a half-baked RPG system, farming and forageing takes ages.
I dunno whether I was doing something wrong but there wasn't one mechanic that felt intuitive or fun to get into
Second time buying. First time playing.
Snordew Valley? Hehe... The Nintendo Switch has much better games, like Skyrim for example.
Wait your turn, Todd! I’ll get Skyrim when it’s out!!!
It's a very time sinkey game. Not goodbye social life (because videogames are for your FREE TIME) but worth 10 quid
I like the art in stardew, harvest moon characters look like they belong on me-maws kitchen counter.
And that's what people wanted.
Just more HM, even if it's ugly and watered down.
No one else is giving them this, so they take it.
Oh, shit, I just thought to ask. I downloaded the DRM free version of this game for my friend and it won't launch on her laptop. I've tried the XNA and .NET Framework but I keep getting the same error message. I forget what the exact message is.
Thinking about it. Can I just have Nintendo use my Credit Card for the exact amount or do I gotta fill my wallet with round Nintendo approved increments like you had to on the DS eShop?
It uses the exact amount only if you want it to. Nintendo have moved into the modern age.
I didn't buy it either time.
Should, but won't.
You can buy with the exact ammount at checkout now. Just pick needed funds or some shit.
Only took them like 10 years.
Thanks user.
the game features a shiton of things to do, from "lore" stuff, to skills, to rasing money, setting up your farm and treating it and upgrading your house and buildings. You really need to invest a lot of time to fully explore the game. What tends to happen is that newpals is that since they are not familiar with this kind of games, they get hooked up in it very easly.
Because we want Harvest Moon, but somehow no one has managed to make a proper one. This is as close as we can get to one.