3x3 thread

3x3 thread.


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good taste.

5/5 Diablo 2, Bam Ham though I prefer Asylum, Perfect Dark, Mario Galaxy, Cave Story
2/2 DMC 4 and AoM

Crash, Diablo, Batman Asylum is better imo , Perfect Dark
Dragon Age, Warcraft

Chrono trigger, Mario galaxy, mm6
Oath in felghana

7/7, never played SMG or arkham. CTR was great.
5/6, didn't like CoH that much. Deus, Ys, Dark, DMC, MGS, and FF9 are all good though.
7/8. Haven't bought Pyre yet and Dragon age 1 was a snoozefest for me.
4/4 never played any game on the list past MGS.
4/4, SJ, MM3, Hotline, Civ IV are all good. Never played the others.


2/2 (CT, SMG)
4/4 (MGS, FFIX, DE, DMC4)
3/3 (WC3, Air Ride, DA:O)
2/2 (MGS, RE4)
4/4 (Dishonored, SJ, Double Dash, SSX)
4/4 (BB, Prime, Nocturne, Nier)



+Mario, Batman -Crash
+Smash, Banjo -Kid Icarus
+RE4, The Last Of Us -Bully
+Dishonored, Mario Kart -Hotline Miami
+Bloodborne, Metroid -Nier
Metroid, Zelda, REmake, Mario, Bloodborne
Nice 3x3

terrible taste, the worst 3x3 thread i have seen in recent memory

post yours fag


Is this bait? This better be bait.

shit taste detected

>the darkness
Holy shit.

i know right? there all such amazing games

>Super Mario DS
>The worst of the PS2 platformer series
>Needing Persona Lite when it's already SMT lite
>A fucking skating game

its okay not everyone can have good taste

Oh, and 3/6 because Mario 64, Dead Space and Jak are good.

>Being so much of a brainlet that you'll sacrifice analog movement because "murr charcturs"
>Pretending like you have good tastes
Honestly rich

i played it on 3ds dumbass!

I never come in these threads but I'm curious. What do those numbers in replies mean?

# of games liked/# of games played


Thanks m8

Are you really this fucking stupid?

i feel like if ign made a 3x3 image it would be this, maybe replace dmc3 with doom

no but you are for having such terrible taste in games

>It's analog because I played it on the 3DS
No, you really are just that fucking stupid.

i never said that you stupid fuck, i played it on 3ds so it felt more natural than the ds you dumb cunt. kys

The absolute state of you

Only rating those who haven't been rated yet:

7/7. Only games I haven't played on there are Left 4 Dead 2 and The Last of Us.

I wish I could add one more. I would add Deus Ex or System Shock 2 as 10.

++ Dark Souls
+ Planescape Torment

+ HL2, TF2, L4D2

+ MG3, Jak & Daxter

+ Tetris
~ Jak 2
Haven't played Shadow of the Colossus yet.

++ MGS2

++ Bloodborne, MGS2
+ Super Metroid

+ AVP 2, Soulstorm

++ Bloodborne
+ HoMM 3
Haven't played Starcontrol 2 yet.

++ Hotline Miami
+ Dishonored

++ Silent Hill 2
+ MGS, The Witcher 1
~ Hitman Contracts

+ Warcraft 3
- Dragon Age

+ MGS, Deus Ex, Dark Messiah

+ Crash Souls 3, Diablo 2

stay btfo

-Arkham City


Banjo friend. Pyre is also cool, but i'm hesitant to put anything from the current year on a 3x3. I appreciate Kid Icarus but as a lefty it's hard to appreciate everything it has to offer.

Nice list

Strange Journey friend. You gonna get Deep Strange Journey? I'm a little hesitant after everything i've heard.

Nier is great

Just Darkstalkers

-Wind Waker

Shadow Hearts needs more love

9/9, fantastic taste

Again, I think it's a little early for 2017 games, though I can't deny Sonic Mania's quality, nor Persona 5's


Little King's Story was a fucking treat

Alien was great

Tetris? Really? Just like regular Tetris?
2/5 Mario 64 and Skate are trash
3/6 Generic.
Don't like Alien Isolation but other than that, pretty good.

>Tetris? Really? Just like regular Tetris?
>Not liking regular tetris

where can i make 3x3 quick

8/8. I haven't played Street Fighter IV.

Also, I love Digital Devil Saga I & II.

3/3 + Crash, Chrono, Galaxy
4/4 + MGS, Deus Ex, Ys, DMC4
Not that's a choice I've never seen before. The Ps2 spin off games like Dead Aim are general claimed to be mediocre, but you having it here has piqued my interest in it.
2/2 + Muramasa, Kirby Air Ride
It makes me smile seeing air ride.
5/5 + Good and Evil, RE4, Silent Hill 2, MGS, Bully
4/4+ Strange Journey, Megaman 3, Hotline Miami, Double Dash
It was either SMT 2 or Stange Journey for me. Nice taste.
4/4 + Prime, Bloodbourne, SMT3, Nier
People really like Bloodbourne, huh?
5/5 Persona 5, REmake, MGS2, Bloodbourne, Godhand
You're a pretty likable guy going by your taste.
6/8 + SoTC, RE4, Majora, Pokemon B/W2, Jak 2, Tetris, - Mass Effect, Ocarina
Majora's narrative and ablity to create atmosphere are what save it for me, Ocarina just doesn't have the story to make up for its kinda shit gameplay.
4/5 + TF2, Majora, Megaman X, DMC3, - Ocarina
Say what you will about current TF2, it still does its job the best.
3/3 + Dark Souls, SMT3, Nier
First Last Guardian pick I've seen as well. Also
>3x3 for ants
3/3 + Quake, Stalker, Isolation
Good thing my friend is really into Alien, game was actually spoopy. Good choice.
4/4 + Mario World, Demon's Crest, DDS1/2, Strange Journey,
3/3 + Oddworld, Doom 2, New Vegas
>Shadow Warrior

HoMM 2, mah nigga. I like it more than 3. Great taste.
Yeah Alien: Isolation is an odd beast, I've very rarely seen people who think it's meh, they either love it or don't like it.


Myyyy nig

3/4 I don't really enjoy Cave Story.
2/2 Muramasa Rebirth is great, well at least the boss fights are fun. Can't comment on Banjo since the last time I played it was when it initially came out and I rented it.
0/1 I really don't dig RE4.
3/3 Though I can't seem to get into RCT anymore.
1/2 I always thought FFT was okay, but the final boss is pretty disappointing and not a game I'd really replay again.
3/5 While Jak II was okay, I wouldn't revisit it anytime soon and I enjoy the first game more.
2/2 Sonic Mania was a long time coming.
3/4 Only played Melee here and there at a cousins house due to him having a Wii being able to play Gamecube games. Was fairly fun.
1/1 Nocturne is fairly fun.
2/2 Though I should get further in Shadow Warrior someday.

2/2 +Diablo 2, Crash Bandicoot
1/1 +MGS
2/2 +Transistor, Warcraft 3
2/3 +MGS, Hitman -The Witcher
2/2 +2hu 11, Rollercoaster Tycoon
2/3 +AvP 2, Soulstorm -Neverwinter Nights
1/2 +Tetris -Mass Effect 2
1/1 +Dead Space
2/2 +Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2
2/2 +Dark Souls, Okami
4/4 +Thief, Quake, Unreal, Alien: Isolation
5/5 +Morrowind, Doom, Oddworld, Half-Life, Shadow Warrior
1/1 +Resident Evil
1/1 +Duke Nukem 3D


What do you have against Tetris?

Street Fighter IV is great. Also, I really wish Atlus would put out a portable version of Digital Devil Saga

Jak & Daxter and Ape Escape 3 are fucking solid.

Points for Prince of Persia and Sonic 1. That game holds up more than people give it credit for, even without the spin dash.

Cool 3x3

how the fuck do you rate? what does 4/4 or 3/5 mean?



Being as honest as possible

Games liked/Game played

>3D World
Good tastes

(games you liked) / (games that you played)

thanks mate

u b good
i luv u

>Timesplitters 2
>Smash Bros
>3D World
Some solid games user. Keep being you and never buckle to the hivemind mentality.

I know my top 3 is normie, but fucking hell these games are still great
Probably swap out Baldurs Gate for Witcher 2 or SMT 2

Cave Story, Super Mario Galaxy

Kid Icarus,Kirby Riders, Banjo,

10/1 Last of Us

Oh shit are you that guy talking up the Wii Edition of RE4 that manages to be everywhere on Sup Forums at once?

I was thinking about playing Tales of Vesperia. How does it compare to other Tales titles?

in my honest opinion, it blows the others out of the water. Mechanics are great, music is excellent, and Yuri is the best JRPG protagonist becuase he isn't a pussy.

I think a lot of people are that guy. If you hate the wiimote, the wii port supports gamecube controller input. Personally I think the waggle is funny.

my paper mario bro

>terrible taste, the worst 3x3 thread i have seen in recent memory
>reposts Bully and MGS

The quads of Sup Forums-core

post yours nigger

5/5 Two Towers was my shit

2/3 GG and 3rd strike



>DDS also make up your mind faggot dds 1 or dds 2???!!!!!!!!!
That's fucking hard, they're two halves of a whole.

Probably the first one though in the end, had more post game content and the world was more interesting. But fuck was 2 such a trip, I really can't have one without the other.

Can't go with you on Super, but I can at least appreciate why a lot of people like it. Especially compared to what came after.

Automatically shit taste.

This desu.

1/1 RE4
2/3 +Bully, MGS3 ~Dead Space
3/3 TLoU, L4D2, DMC3
2/1 +Okami -DaS
2/4 +Thief TDP, Alien -Stalker, Witcher 3
2/2 House of the Dead, Soulcalibur III my nigga
1/1 PoP Sands of Time myy niggaa
1/3 +KotOR -DaS, GTA

I already posted them you faggot

I could ask for your valid complaints regarding the game
but I'm honestly more concerned with why you would rather gripe about Undertale rather than comment on the 8 other games in the image

Yea I think 2 takes it for me souly due to the mantra system being such an improvment, But anyway I was just joshin your indecisive ass.


-New Leaf

2/3 -elona
sry im too brainlet for roguelikes
what is it about soul silver that really puts it above all the others for Sup Forums? curious to know.
3/4 -mother
that smt 4 pic is cute
>suikoden 2
good taste in jrpgs
3/3 nice honesty
2/2 neat concept
not really a fan of smt2. its weird, I enjoy the idea of the game more than actually playing it. Probably because the game gives you a sick cyberpunk atmosphere only to throw you down doing fetchquests underground for half of it. Wasted potential.
4/4 nice stuff

It was nice that Cielo was pulled out of the gutter in terms of usefulness for 2.

it might not be a lot of people's favorite, but I think many can agree it was a ton of fun.
obviously you won't get the full experience, but if you have the patience, go get the emulated netplay version going and give it a chance.
>old RE gameplay
>certain degrees of randomization
>autonomous coop
>many different characters to start with who have their own perks and stats
>character differences can lead to easier starts or much more exploration and bonuses later on
it's really criminal how good it was and that they pulled the plug on official servers.

Enormous region
Introduced a lot of awesome mechanics
Godly music
Great sprites

I've genuinely enjoyed damn near every Pokemon game but Soul Silver stands above 90% of them.


If any of you are big JRPG fans, check here too:



best one easily.

4/6 i dont like donkey kong 64 or terraria. big + for perfect dark tho.
3/3 i fuck with okami and katamari heavy
4/4 RE4 is my second favorite game of all time also big + for tales of vesperia
4/4 love house of the dead on my sega saturn

I really didn't like double dash.
Metroid Prime.

I really need to play more shooters and RPGS.

Parappa 2?

Parappa 2 is underrated as hell, it's miles better than the original game in my opinion, and it's music is fucking great.