Which one is better?

Which one is better?

san andreas

IV is a glorified tech demo

GTA V but Sup Forums is full of contrarians that will say GTA IV

GTA V unless you have autism

As always fpbp.
2nd's Vice.

Don't let the underaged fool you.

Gta IV all the way.

V > SA > IV > VC > III

IV has aged like a piece of shit. V easily.

IV is better

V by all counts.
IV wins aesthetically, but it's not even best in series on that front, III is.


V > VC > IV > III > SA

Depends on what you value more in a game.

I'll always remember all of GTA IV's story. I remember bits and pieces of V, mostly just the most dramatic moments though. The middle of the game is kind of a blur, haven't played again since release.

GTA V however is the clear winner when it comes to multiplayer due to GTA:O. IV's offerings were lackluster, and you had to make your own fun with the city whereas V just forces choices of things to do every 30 seconds.

I still like IV more, but both IV and V pale compared to SA.

You can have any opinion you want about the GTA series as long as you remember that IV was the worst GTA. Big time.

SA > V > III/IV > VC

VC isn't a bad GTA, it's just insanely overrated on Sup Forums, while III is underrated.

IV by a huge ass margin

>SA worse than III
>SA worst
literally worst taste itt


5. Reminder that GTA4 didn't even have parachutes. No planes (not even a skimmer), no grenade launcher, sticky bombs, bicycles, tanks NOTHING. Online was boring as fuck after a week. Shit on GTAO all you want, but don't pretend IVMP was any better because it wasn't. A few game modes, no progression, just mindless battles at the airport and occasional police chases. That is the entire extent of GTAIV multiplayer. It was pathetic.



Grow up Jamal. SA was a horrendous game.
>look i can make the black man bigger by pressing the same button over and over again, wow this is great and deep gameplay!!!! IV wishes they didn't have this content cut!!!!!

Who the fuck wants to play as a nigger for an entire game?

GTA V with mods>GTA IV online with friends>GTA IV solo>GTA V>GTA Online

Both of them exceeded in different places. IV had the better physics, realism and story (including characters), while V had better customisation and missions on the account that any heist was better and more fun than an IV mission.
Both games had different atmospheres that worked exceedingly well on their respective games.

You can play as a fat nigger with cornrows flying a tractor upside down while listening to All My Ex's Live in Texas.

Tell me that isn't the pinnacle of video games.

GTA V is the worst in the series, an absolute piece of shit with no redeeming qualities, which forgot everything that made GTA great on the first place.

SA > VC > IV > III > V

map detail:
map layout:
gun variety:
gun satisfaction:
fucking 4 >>>>>> 5
but seriously San Andreas

V had more variety and fucking around in the multiplayer but nothing the game has to offer compares to Team Mafia Work from IV. That shit could've been an esport with the proper settings.

Sadly, Rockstar are terrible at competitive online gaming .

V. Anyone who says otherwise is a tryhard contrarian.

4 obviously

V had terrible missions because most of them could've been avoided if the characters displayed common sense. The heists also ruin V because it made me wonder why Michael was afraid of Martin Madrazzo or Steven Haines when he could've killed them both easily.

>good mobility and building traversal
>decent gunplay with powerful sounds and a cover system (and/or a crouch)
>pedestrians acting appropriately to gunshots
>police patrolling
>police arresting pedestrians
>a good wanted system that is challenging
>police acting accordingly with search patterns
>police driving properly, with P.I.T. maneuvers and their spawning system

I have a bunch of WebMs. Any interest?

Crowbcat says 4
I say 4


I think people who criticize IV tend to forget that law enforcement has gotten smarter in the Post 9/11 world while criminals and politicians have gotten dumber.

good mobility LMAO. Niko moves like a 400 pound woman with cum in her eyes. The vaulting is really clunky and horrible too. It doesn't even feel like a Rockstar game. It's so fucking janky and awful. Please don't post a webm of Niko grabbing onto ledges. That was utterly useless since he could only jump like 50cm in the air

Post em


Vice City was the best as far as aesthetics go


Any good mods for IV (weapons/clothing/properties preferred)? I want to load it up again.

anyone who says GTA4 has good driving physics has never driven a car in their lives.

>GTA 4 almost came out a decade ago

IV, easily. Best radio, setting, atmosphere, shooting, and characters.
>guns actually have a kick
>you can actually die

The most reddit opinion ever.

I was a retarded kid when it came out and my pc couldnt handle it..time flies

I kind of like 5 more personally. The PC port is better out of the gate, the pacing isn't as slow, and I like how they brought back the color That's not to say 5 is perfect though, 4 easily beats it in terms of content because 5 has practically nothing to do in it, and this is me basing my memories on 4 years ago, I havent tried out the DLCs.

>tfw casuals complained the driving was too hard

Driving in IV was actually pretty good. People just get mad cause they expect to drive like a retard and not drift and crash every time.


Im serbian and my name is niko so obviously IV

Its literally impossible to say IV is better unless:

>youre a dirty Slav
>youre an autistic contrarian

Can somebody please post a webm of a NOOSE dude getting shot, actually fucking flinching, struggling to stay standing up, and shooting his gun in the air because of the flinching?

V is probably better but I will shamelessly admit iv has so much of a nostalgia factor for me both within playing it and just the fame itself that I like it more

the one that actually doesnt play like shit on hardware released IN THIS DAY AND AGE

>you played 4 when you were 12


iv is not a very good game. accept it


This was me, but I recently went back and 100% it after not touching it since 2009 and tbogt and it isn't that bad honestly. The only thing that sucks bad is driving.

This, V is pure memetier.

IV had the better ragdoll physics so it's better by default.

GTA 4 is so much more aesthetic

V is just le reddit madman and le street conscious Kendrick Lamar

>People whose first GTA was not GTA IV
>People whose first GTA was GTA IV

My first gta was vice city, and out of iv and v overall iv is better

V has better "flow" and driving... And that's it

I loved GTA IV at the time, but GTA V with mods is far superior. Only the larger city from IV is a pro, everything else is worse than V assuming you know how to install mods.

I always like the one user who makes 50 webms for a bad game and then claims those 50 webms prove that the bad game is actually super amazing and 99% of the world's population is retarded for disagreeing with him

IV is better than V. Get over it normies.

t. found Sup Forums in 2013

2010, thank you very much.

13 actually.


>~33s WebM quality

>wanting to scale buildings for a better vantage point for doing a mission

God goy gta5's engine is just incapable




First GTA was III but
anything else is objectively wrong

>Niko moves like a 400 pound woman with cum in her eyes.
lmao yeah

Chinatown beats IV by a good 100 yards

I unironically had more fun with GTA4 than GTA5.

Must be because GTA4 had better physics than GTA5.

GTA V is literally ONLY good online with friends.
No online and this game is easily the most boring GTA to date and feels more like a GTA clone than a GTA game.

GTA V is better. GTA IV has a better story and characters, though.

For people under 18 it's GTA V

For people over 21 it's GTA IV

The interiors make it a lot funner too.

Didn't Rockstar go full jew with GTAV? And fuck up their online? And ban tons of players for literally no reason?

4 because whoever thought of controlling 3 characters with 3 separate story lines is a moron and should be fired.

If anything when you start up gta 5 you select a character and they have their only campaign.

I guess it's comparison time..






IV had better technology, and physics engine in general. It peaked with RDR, and 5's just goes to shit.

Which game is overall better is just personal preference. I greatly enjoy replaying both. Can't believe V has been out for nearly half a decade. Crazy how there's no story DLC yet. I fear for RDR falling for RDR Online with hiests and Buffalo Bills micro-transactions.

it's funny how gta4 fags cling so hard to physics
maybe they know gta4 is shit in every other aspect
I guess SA and VC are also terrible games because they don't have RDR's physics engine.



The multiplayer for GTA V is boring as shit, as every ethug who joins in just wants to hunt you down the minute you even join a match.I'm all for killing in GTA but fucking christ that shit got old.Plus the missions fucking suck donkey nuts.

Don't trigger the autists.

IV also had better characters than V.