ITT: Games with good stories but shitty gameplay

ITT: Games with good stories but shitty gameplay

Wind Waker is by far my favorite Zelda story and by far the weakest on gameplay metrics.

Xenoverse saga
Elder Scrolls
Kingdom Under Fire (the one that was a mix of diablo and warcraft)


>good story
No offense, but really?

>good story
>shitty gameplay

Nigga you are all mixed up.

It has better gameplay than BotW does


How does it not? Durability alone ruins BotW's combat

It's a shitty story, only the characters are passable


>there are people who defend having to use multiple weapons against a single enemy because they keep breaking and you can't repair them


tales of berseria. i understand its a weebshit game so real gameplay cant be expected but holy shit its bad.

Deadly Premonition

Cave Story

KOTOR is supposed to be great. Dunno though, gameplay made me quit.

Tales of needs to take notes from Ys VIII, which had Elder God-tier gameplay.

I really wish weeb action RPGs weren't so boring most of the time. Berseria's cast was wasted on that fucking game.

Pic not related I assume?
>Game constantly meanders back and forth on what the fuck therons and shit actually are and do
>Constantly has extremely contrived bullshit to force dramatic situations
>Being a theron means literally fuck all for Velvet, she just isn't able to taste food anymore and that's it
>Turns a story about vengeance into one about saving the world from an insane autist because they couldn't properly handle the vengeance bullshit

Fuck you, take it back

the only thing i would change is the weapon level system, but then again, it's one of the only unique mechanics

This. Berseria was a game with a great potential plot but it's a >jrpg so I mean, lol.

Yeah, Berseria started out great but went full weebshit wet-blanket cop-out mode by the end.


Not worth it in the end? Was thinking of playing this after I'm done with my current game.

What's wrong with Berseria's gameplay? I'm playing it right now and I'm kinda overwhelmed by how much there is to learn

Goddammit. How long until the edge wears down?

About the time the delicious shota joins.

My wife Velvet is so cute.

Just map all moves of one element to the same button and mash whatever they are weak to

Nah it's decent enough but very flawed in ways that would have been relatively easy to fix.

It still has a lot of the issues that Tales of Zestiria had and Velvet is extremely overpowered compared to the rest of the party (also had some significant AI bugs on release that I believe are now fixed)

But the main draw is the character interactions which are all pretty great, just sad that Velvet went from a 10/10 main character to a 2/10 so quickly just because they couldn't maintain consistency in what she was, and some pretty severe mishandling of scenes and scenarios. Eizen and Rokuro are fucking top tier characters though, and even Zaveid manages to be a better character than he was in the game where he was a main character.

God damn. Velvet is beautiful when angry.

>overwhelmed by how much there is to learn

are you kiddng me?
is this bait?
you can literally beat the game pressing one button

That's quick.
Welp, I enjoyed what I played so far at least

Figure that's what it all comes down to. Velvet's demon hand mode is so OP too

She's always beautiful

Well, on the gameplay front there is just no point in playing anything but Velvet, especially on higher difficulties it seems to rely a lot on being permanently theronized (you can't die while theronized) but also just things like the bosses spamming their mystic artes every third attack (easy to avoid but they will go after your party and it hits with unavoidable aoe then)

It's also extremely simple in that you just set up elemental combos and spam whatever the enemy is weak to, rather than chaining skills together based around movement/stuns so fights can get rather repetitive, especially boss fights.

Also the plot and Velvet with it goes full retard around the time when Velvet returns to her home town, going from a vengeance driven pragmatic realist to a drooling vegetable in mere moments and never really recovering, also making it completely inconsequential that she's a daemon (you see it consistently lead to obsessive behavior in other daemons, but Velvet apparently is who she's always been except being unable to taste food...)


What you need to actually do to play fine has nothing to do with how much mechanics there is though. The game just spam you with tutorials

Probably gonna have to say this one.
Gameplay has some brilliant moments, but there's something about it that feels off to me.

is this your first RPG?

When she goes back to where it all started is when things start to go sour

the room escapes werent any better than crimson room

Why is every single games disappointing lately

I thought it was stupid how stacking gear with weakness bonuses was supposed to improve damage, yet never seemed to. You would only be able to do average damage with stacking. Working on the perfect set was also pointless, since gear doesn't carry over into New Game+.

Isn't that what OP posted?