Why was Sup Forums calling this a failure when it launched...

Why was Sup Forums calling this a failure when it launched? I just finished the post game and I think it's up there with 3, 5 and 8.

It's fucking amazing, prolly one the best DQ, and no it's not a failure it sold a lot, a fucking LOT in Japan.
I will probably play again when they release the western version.

> taking the words of an EOP community about a game not yet released in eng srsly.
That's where u were wrong.


>Why was Sup Forums calling this a failure when it launched?
Only a few idiots were. And they were talking about sales. Same idiots who said Dragon Quest X was a failure for not selling as much as DQIX. When its an MMO. And went on to becoming the best selling MMO in Japanese history, beating out both FFXI and XIV.

>I just finished the post game and I think it's up there with 3, 5 and 8.
That's good to hear. I have high hopes it can live up to Dragon Quest VIII, my favorite game of all time. NO SPOILERS!


is this the game that will save JRPGs, lads?

I'm glad you enjoyed the game user!
please buy the game again when it releases in the west

So is it turn based? or does it play more like FFXII?

Turn based but you have free roam

I just got into Dragon Quest this year so I'm going to buy it when it comes out.

Why is the protagonist doing the virgin walk?


Is that old story you'd always hear in the '90s about public holidays being declared in Japan in order to combat "sick" days on the day when mainline DQ game comes out actually true?

He also does the carlton dance in game


Well, JRPGs never died. Just Square IPs. DQXI is just going to balance out the failure that is FFXV.

No. They have released many DQ games on regular weekdays.



>JRPGs never died. Just Square IPs
And Suikoden, Wild Arms, BoF, Mana...

>game sold 2 million in a week and 3 million in a month
>will continue to sell over years
>hasn't even been released internationally yet
How did it fail?


True. What I mean is, there's still plenty of other established series and new series being made. The people who claim JRPGs have died are usually idiots who equate Squaresoft with JRPGs.

Trunks looks much better with that light purple hair.


I'm a little surprised I haven't seen much talk about the game from importers actually. Just a bit here and there. I've been pushing it off since I've had so many other games to play and a lot of work to do, but I think it's about time. It looks fun. I've played a bit of the 3DS version, but not much as I don't want to spoil myself much, I only played up until talking to Camus' friend after you escape from jail. Why am I spoilering this? Jail escapes are nothing new in DQ.

Not that many people are importing it because it got announced for localization pretty early. Unlike DQX...

That might be part of it, though I imagine most people who can read Japanese would import it anyway. I thought briefly about buying the English version because it'd be cheaper, thinking I could buy it digitally and switch my system language to Japanese, but then I found out that that doesn't work with all games. Tested it out on a friend's copy of DQ Heroes and it remained in English, so I figure it's better to just deal with Japanese game prices.

Well DQXI doesn't have voices so it doesn't matter. But it will probably get voices in the western release. I hope to god there's an option to turn them off.

I'm glad there are still games sticking to their roots. Voice acting was a mistake


Say that to Legacy of Kain.

That was only when DQ3 came out.

>95% of fanart for Jessica is smiling and happy
>she's the total opposite in the game
The 3DS version really should have improved her character.

Outside of the music I've always found VIII to be one of the weaker ones and I'm not sure why it's so highly praised. Is it because it was a lot of people's first Dragon Quest?

My personal favorite is III

The artstyle pretty much has everyone in sameface mode in every game, so almost everyone looks mad.

The default expression for every girl in the game except Red is a happy smile. The difference is, Jessica looks annoyed or angry most of the time when she's actually talking or doing anything. And her personality is "MUH REVENGE!" and "Let's get on with it..." Which makes her come off as a stuck up, angry girl.

Fan artists are usually really good at enhancing characters emotions in their fanart. Look at how smug and cheeky they've made the new blonde girl from DQXI. But for DQVIII, they all seemed to collectively ignored Jessica's personality.

I really hope the 3DS version comes over too. I want to play both it and the PS4 version, especially now that I've played the SFC games its 2D style mimics.

I'd be surprised if it didn't.

You underestimate the stupidity of SquareEnix.

Fug don't remind me. I should really just hack my 3DS to pirate it and get the translation patch.

It was my 8th Dragon Quest, but I think it's certainly up there, though I have a hard time picking a favorite between it, and III-V.

I fucking hate how Square Enix won't bring over X or any of the spin-offs. Fuck, I just want the Monsters remake and the new Jokers game. Finally getting that 3DS rocket slime game would be neat too. X is the only MMO that interests me right now and I fucking can't play it because of stupid Square not bringing it over.

At least we're getting Builders 2 eventually.

Dragon Quest fans must suffer. Unless you're Japanese, where it's the most stable and fan friendly series in history. But you're not Japanese so fuck you.

It's a royal pain in the ass to play X. I'm not fond of MMOs, but I figured I could at least try the demo. For some reason though you have to download it from Amazon or some other site called Rakuten instead of off their own website. I tried Amazon, but it wouldn't let me because I didn't have a Japanese IP. Even using a Japanese proxy didn't work for some reason. I went to Rakuten and grabbed it without even using a proxy, maybe they figured round-eye can't read the magic tongue, so it'd be safe on a Japanese site that has no English version. But then I couldn't play the game without a VPN. Thought you could play the demo without it, but it's been a while since I think I've read that, so maybe it was changed. I used a VPN and still couldn't get in because it said "Hey, your location has changed!" It's astounding how far they'll go to keep gaijin out of DQ X. I just don't get it. I really don't like DQ localizations, but I might be willing to play this game in English if it ever was ever localized just to avoid the 50 hoops I have to jump through to play in Japanese.

Only thing I can gather is that SquareEnix went through all those hoops to block foreign IPs because they were planning to release the game in the west. And in fact, the head producer of the game initially said they were. But then years went buy and nothing happened.

It's not rare for a game to get a localization but the actual game doesn't release. Dragon Quest VI, VII, IX and Joker 2 all had this, but later got released through Nintendo. The question is, why did they not let DQX come out? It's sure not because of financial issues, since even if the game only got 100,000 players, it would have made millions over time. Either they feared it would compete with FFXIV or they really do just hate the west. Both reasons are petty and just make them lose money.

With that hair? Probably because no woman wants him

Who knows. I've translated some mangas that'll probably never be released because one guy on the Japanese team doesn't want it to be released in English even though everyone else wants it to.

This is kinda sexy. No lolicon.