
>As you land the game drops to 1 frame per 5 seconds
>other people punch you to death

>magically survive
>car coming towards you and you're back to 1 frame per 5 seconds
>enemy does anything near you
>1 frame per 5 seconds again

I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why does a modern game run like shit in my toaster?
Go back to playing cuphead you thirdworlder

maybe you should stop playing on your laptop from 2010 lol

How many layers does this b8 have?

get a better PC

I run red orchestra 2 with high settings just fine, this piece of this with everything on very low is a slideshow

>get shit loot
>get medicre loot
>survive until 50
>get good loot
Seriously why do people love this shit.
At least get rid of that balant rng

>As you land the game drops to 1 frame per 5 seconds
So this is the power of Rypoo with its 2010 tier IPC.....lmao.

>game looks like shit and basically an asset flip
>game runs like shit
>woah, get a better PC

>red orchestra 2
Let me guess you can run CS 1.6 max settings too?


but user people love rng, how do you think Hearthstone (or card games in general) do well?

if it runs that bad just refund, no regrets
Im more upset they havent added a frame cap, sick of getting 90+fps when i dont need it

shit game played by shitheads

>somebody is actually in a position to punch my parachute
>it fucking works
I'm not even mad that was amazing

game is a buggy mess though

deus ex HR and crysis 3 are both fine on high, RO2 was to compare it to another multiplayer game; I have bad south european connection but it hasn't stopped me from playing decently other games.

iv got 500 hours on RO2, 400 of them shits i was baked, gud tymes

>get shit loot
>kill enemy player that has better gear than me by ambushing them
>now i have good loot

>>As you land the game drops to 1 frame per 5 seconds
Clean your computer case out, apply new thermal paste to your CPU.

You can thank me later.

This game freezes when I hold ALT to look around. Glad I refunded it before it was late.

Devs are beyond incompentent. 250 hours ( gifted from a friend, would have never bought it myself ) but now that fortnite exists and plays way better, there is no coming back. Only thing i will miss is selling crates to retarded russians and buying good games with the money instead.

turn v sync on

limits to 60fps


>and low health and armor so i am one shoted by literaly every weapon

sorry wrong thread, have a nice day


>except the guy had meds and boosts so i can get back to full

>wow i survive because 1/100 chance
>somehwo game is not casual rng shit

This has literally never happened to me

100 players, very large map, much larger than Fortnite's and the graphics aren't cartoony like Fortnite's. Why are you surprised that you need a moderately decent computer to run it?

Is there any other way to show you're trash at games so efficiently as this?

>survive because you outplay a guy by getting the drop on him

Yeah by playing rng shit like you do.

Not only outplaying him, but him also having the gear the prep you up and not having it wasted on other prepped up players.

I have a 20 percent win ratio. You're just stupid and terrible at video games.

Ratio just like the rng

The game is only interesting when playing duo/squad

Why anyone with a working computer and money would choose fortnite over pubg amazes me. Fortnite is boring as fuck, at no point did I go "DID YOU SEE THAT!" or "DAMN! I ACTUALLY GOT THAT KILL!", only dull moments. I'll take some buggy fun over buggy snoozefest.

random pic

>1070 and an i7
>vulnerable as fuck while landing because I'm at 7fps even on all lowest settings

I've played on max settings and it runs fine with stable 60FPS. What kind of hamster wheel computer are you using?

no need to lie, user. I'm running with a 1070 and an i5 and the game runs fine.

Why would I lie? I'm telling you, the game shits the bed in the plane and while I'm landing a good 2 in 3 times. Everything after that is fine.

What's taking other companies so long to hop on the hype train and make a not so shitty version of this game?

Helps when you have an overclocked 7700K and GTX1080Ti.

>gets early access
>expects almost flawless game
look dude i get everyone has standards but getting an early access game, you know what those words mean.

As it turns out, making a not-shitty game takes time.

It's supposed to be out by the end of the year

>uses 2 other games that came out forever ago as examples
I actually lol'd

>fortnite exists and plays way better

I've also noticed that whenever there's an issue about the game there are fanboys getting defensive about it, like you're trying to spite them for even noticing it.

>get shit loot
>survive until top 10
>get mediocre loot
>survive until top 10
>get good loot
>survive until top 10
>get mideocre loot
why can't you noobs just git gud instead of complaining how noob you are?

It really is that simple.

>Having a shit computer

I dont have this problem.

But then they'd have to face the fact that they suck shit and they can't do that.

>I run red orchestra 2 with high settings
>A game that came out 6 years ago


I am not saying I have a good pc though, it was never the point. The issue here is that with everything at low and very low it's a literal slideshow.

What the fuck did you expect from a early access game that just came out this year?

How the fuck is that a justification?
Is your pic defining your post?

>get shit loot
>kill enemy player that has better gear than me by ambushing them
>now i have good loot
>get banned for streamsniping

Don't worry OP, these shills are just avoiding the question of "why is this game so poorly optimized?". I literally just built a new PC with a GTX 1080 and an i7, and get these issues.

>Get good loot
>Get killed in two bullets from someone I can't see
>No killcam, so I never learn how they did it
PUBG is fun and all, but I can't wait until other devs take the concept and make it good. Fortnite is a good start, but it has a bunch of its own flaws.

I have an i5 and a gtx850, I get solid 50-60fps on high. Git gud.

I run this game on 60-80 FPS with GTX 970, i5 4570 and 8GB Ram
if you can't manage to run it properly you're doing something wrong

I run a minimum of 50 FPS with I5 6600k and a 1060. Your case probably needs better heat management.

It's not the average fps he's complaining about, it's the fps upon landing because the game isn't optimized for shit and is made by an incompetent team. However, people are just seeing this thread to wank over their PC specs.