How do you Nazi turds feel about this?


Other urls found in this thread:

In reality we are growing stronger.

>we're not trying to make a statement on current politics guys

nazi LARPfags btfo

>openly admitting that Trump is a nazi

It's to try and get SJW fetuses to buy their game. Normal gamers were going to buy it anyway.

Do people actually identify as Nazis these days, is that a thing?

The more people autistically call things and people nazi when they aren't nazi, the more likely people will actually become nazi out of spite.

These people are quite honestly creating an enemy where one didn't even exist before and don't even realize it.

lol sure bud

midly amused, its a little funny


Yea, he was the one making the Trump-Nazi connection, not the Wolfenstein Twitter adopting Trump's slogan to reference Nazis.

Do you even think before you post?

I thought you said this game wasn't going to be a statement about real world politics, Sup Forums. What happened? I thought this was just supposed to be a fun game from a series that happened to be set during ww2? It's almost as if Sup Forums was right. Really makes you think, huh?
Killing Nazi's is the only reason I even play Wolfenstein.

>Call of Wolfenstein
After the shitshow that was the first machine games wolfenstein, i couldnt care less.

Where was a Trump connection made? MAGA was stolen from Reagan.

How are you supposed to make a country nazi free if it never had nazis to begin with?


>using Make x y Again to market your game
>thinking you're so sleek and witty

The face of autism.

how do you make a game featuring a political party / ideology and not make it about politics?

Wolfestein has always been about killing nazis. If any alt right cuck or goobergloper is getting mad at this then they probably have never played the series.

>there has been a genocide on every single corner of the world for the past 100 years
>but lets just keep talking about nazis

you ever think about how weird it is.
not even conspiracy, but WHY is it always nazis?

we were hard core enemies with russians and there is like NOTHING about the gulags.
Why is it always nazis.

>inb4 jews

>media and every sjw shit on white people constantly

If you think there wont be easter eggs reffering to Trump or Pepe you are kidding yourself

Maybe by not appropriating MAGA in 2017?

Is your dumb ass actually defending fucking nazi's?

If I walked out today and murdered, and not just murdered but fucking tortured a bunch of fucking nazi's absolutely no one would give a fucking shit except maybe the law.

If I saw me a nazi and I decided to abduct them, and put needles in their eye and a lemon up their ass, no one would fucking weep.

If I saw me a nazi and I raped them day in and day out for over a year and forced them eat what I find in the dumpster at the abortion clinic, no one would give a single shit.

If I saw me a nazi and I boiled their hands and feet, if I blinded them and deafened them, if I removed their tongue and plugged their nose and caged them in their own head without their senses, forced them to walk around a glass cage on display looking for their daily food trying not to mistake it for their own shit, no one would fucking give a goddam fuck.

And yet here you are, practically drowning in hitlers menstrual fluids, offended that a cartoon punched a nazi that you actually think anyone gives flying fuck about what happens to fucking nazi's.

i bet this thread will stay up since Sup Forums got the first posts unlike in the one that was deleted 5 minutes ago

>Yfw it will soon be legal to openly kill people who 'identify' as nazis

Not using a modern politician's campaign slogan would probably be a start.

I don't remember earlier Wolfenstein games depicting commies as the good guys.

Have any of you kekistanis been assaulted by people in masks?

Okay, you're intentionally being retarded. Gotchya.