>guild wars 1 just got a new patch a few minutes ago
Guild Wars 1 updated for first time in about a year
Other urls found in this thread:
>thinly veiled gw2 thread
post QT femsuras
One day MMO's will be the exclusive genre of potatofags like this.
qt femsuras and potatos!
How would you feel if they made Guild Wars 1 F2P?
They should have long ago
What was the fucking patch
>patching a game no one plays
What was the patch?
Good thing all the neat shit I finally got near the end of the GW1 life cycle is worthless. Zhu Hanuku minipet is still neat, but I wonder how many people still have those super rare minis like the tournament Oni's.
posting qts!
I wish there was a .rar or something that contained all of the spell images
they brought back EU servers, holy shit.. does that mean people are playing this deader then dead game from 2005?
Fuck all of you it's still fun and waaaaaay better than 2.
its still better than 99% of MMOs released since
Well, duh.
Path of Fire was the best thing that happen to the game so far. So many Guild Wars 1 references and call back.
Yay you guys can finally play like you guys have been memeing about for threads now.
Oh but you won't. You'll log in for an hour, take some screenshots, realize the only reason you praise it because of nostalgia, and never pick up the game again. :)
Ill play it for hours because its FUN. Fuck you nigga.
they didn't even fucking lower the prices of the games. I thought they would before gw2 launch but they never dropped
Sure thing sweetie.
Pay for the server upkeep bitch.
Can't wait for ls4 desu
This choya tastes like watermelon and basically you are fucking stupid.
I hope Marjory dies. Kasmeer was actually good as a solo girl and the spoil sport one in the group.
Hey. He means it
>Can't wait for ls4 desu
Ah yes. More of sexual tension in "player's favourite lesbian MMO duo", non-sensical story follow, Taimi-ex-machina wondorous solutions. And new """challegning""" raid wing.
Good thing DoA HM is a thing.
Post genius rats
i gotta agree with this
The mounts are fucking fantastic for the most part griffon is so god damn cool
I liked most of the specs, scourge necro was interesting and soulbeast ranger was neat for a while
With LS4 I hope its not stupid shit again though, now that balthazar is dead we can continue with a better story hopefully involving a new mount
also hyped for halloween, in gw1 and 2, feel like there will be some activity in 1 every halloween for several more years
Run along now, go play your game instead of shitposting about how 'bad' another game is LMAO
I shouldn't have bullied him he's sensitive, all those years of Kormir still haunt him.
played PoF, beat PoF. its shit. don't let the gw2g twats here fool you. it's easier than core and an insult to anyone who plays the game.
But only if her death is a lead into the canthan xpac where kas goes ballistic
>2 out of 3 utilities for engi will ALWAYS be bomb and grenade kit
just because your general is ruined doesnt mean you furfaggots gotta ruin gw1 threads
Done my Zaishen Dailies sweetie, thanks for caring.
>it's easier than core and an insult to anyone who plays the game.
You can literally finish it with autoattack and side stepping - not even dogging
Ass-blast cancer of the single furfag spreads.
>calling each other sweetie
Well according to those spicy shaman leaks we're getting a big ass taxi mount
Which if it isn't thrown in and actually has had the same amount of thought put into it as the current 5, I'd be happy as a Skimmer.
Halloween is best event always has been. Mad King >>> Joke-o
the thread was created for gw2 because you gw1fags always provide the free bumps when triggered sorry you're such a retard about that babe
welcome to what happens when a general gets made
Repeat with me newfags:
Diablo is not an MMO. Monster Hunter is not an MMO. Destiny is not an MMO. GW is not an MMO.
How dumb do you have to be to believe a sub 8 player heavily instanced game is an MMO?
Even the creators called it a CORPG in the same vein the likes of path of exile.
But here we are in 2017 people demanding MMOs try to emulate a CORPG.
>gw2 thread gets made
>gw1 thread gets made
>PoF Was Good *autoattacks and sidesteps throughout the entire story* I Highly *follows a zerg and mash 1 and F to res* Recommend It *buys gems to pay for his griffon mount*
your shit threads deserve othergame posting
>the fag mad at zerging because he has zero social skills and burns all bridges
wheres a nigga gotta go to grind mastery xp for PoF
the story missions, bounties, cheevies (bleached bones gives like 20k per bone you find iirc) map completion and potentially soon wvw heroics
>buying gems to afford 250g mount
at least the gem prices went down I guess, I had plenty of gold for mine
for me storyline gave me barrels of mastery xp
events will also give you some decent amount
the are people who still play this game... that is surprising.
Just do the story and few event here or there. You only need to get a Canyon Jump on Raptor at least to finish the story.
What? $20 for the game and all expansions. I don't think they can make it any lower.
I'm playing through GW1 right now. Completed the Factions and Nightfall campaigns, going through Prophecies now. It's a really nice game and somehow still decently active.
all people have to do is play the game and they're showered with gold
but it's like people keep treating gw2 like a wow clone and attempt to farm out 500g in a day by killing the same boss over and over again and that just won't happen (99.9999% of the time)
oh I ask because I have a griffon and want to get it maxed but I didn't really pay attention to where the exp was coming from.
mini charr
Man I'm never gonna get that griffon. I don't even have 20g after buying the jackal.
Chose this over wow in the early days.
Deeply miss it, loved nightfall, fucking loved my dervish
Do fractals, you poor-fuck.
>you forget shaman...YOU are part of my petty vengeance!
>thief with 4 signets in spvp on my team
this is gonna be a nice 4v5
No one is ever doing fractals in the group finder when I'm on and I don't have a guild.
guild wars has decent graphics for being over 10 years old
Then make your own group instead of waiting for someone else to do it first
those charr are ugly im so glad they made them pretty in gw2
honest to god just look at the gw2 recruitment subreddit
tons of people advertise there and I'm unaware of a better place.
its one of the best looking games of its generation
yiff in hell
>create necro
>play pvp with scourge
>95% winrate
Hmm, this feels right.
>You're animals, savage animals, and I will dance on your graves.
it's maximum efficiency bro don't worry about it
Mouse a cute!
Taking my boosted Deadeye through the PoF story. The idea of rifle is cool, but P/P kinda gets things dead. I feel like mistakes were made.
people are just shy
i always see empty things but i start my own lfg and group instantly fills
but like really work towards that guildo its not a big deal it's not like other mmos where you have to commit half your life to it
>I want you to know: I do not like you. I do not forgive you. But most of all, I do not FEAR you. I hate you. There's a difference.
Maan, Gwen was sooo over-the-edge. Still, loved it.
We won and he got no top score, how surprising. He wasn't even capping points, just dying in team fights and running away from WIDE OPEN unguarded enemy points
>OP tries to make a gw1 thread
>gw2fags shit it up like they did their general
the last day dawns on the kingdom of ascalon
Since this is sorta a gw2 thread here's a helpbin about guides/guilds made by Sup Forums. pastebin.com
Maybe we should make one for gw1.
is gw2 worth playing in 2017
as with most thieves
the other thieves are busy going mid and getting absolutely melted by the scourge
they're in a really weird place in pvp in general desu since launch
It was well done too because everyone calls her out on being such an edgy try hard. She isn't presented as being the hero for bullying a random Charr.
>play deadeye in pvp
>50% winrate
buff my class anusnet...
>the last day dawns on the kingdom of ascalon
Stop, I can only take THAT many feels.
Gas yourself, fur-fag.
Ohh.. if only a "certain-MMO-pretending-to-be GW1-sucessor" had such a good characters exposition.
Yeah, but if you tried the game and didn't like it before you probably won't now. Lots of great games to play if you are vibing with gw2!
Which reminds me I keep forgetting you can't send the messages as a F2P account. I keep telling people to just send one lmao
how'd you manage in factions endboss?
Does GW2 have more PVE content in the new expac? I prefer XIV and WoW because of the lack of GW2 PVE stuff
Emapthy + SS + Pain Inventer+ Spoil Victor+ Celestial skill for Assassin.
I don't know man, I've never had more than like 60g, 250 just seems like two years of playing nothing but GW2.
>tfw I make around 400g weekly by doing fracs and gambling Mystic Toilet.
Jesus Christ people, for real...
I wonder if she got use like a used condom in those charr camps? Young human pussy are hard to come by in a war.
Yeah pretty much all of it is PvE focused.
have you used something like gw2efficiency? It helps a lot with making money without like turning it into a job. Just all about making better choices 2bh
>not dancing naked over her grave
wearing her outfit seemed more appropriate
do I boost a mesmer for mad chrono support and to get a ton of internet pussy
No, you are treated like shit. It's your duty to provide quickness and aclarity, if you fail, fuck off.
>Miniatures have been hidden
>run into the enemy WvW team as Guardian
raid healsluts for centuries will be begging for that butterfly cock
No, fuck off and take your shit game with you to your cancerous general where you belong, furfag.
whats a way to get some plat in gw1 i need my exotic set and shit for my heroes
run UW and sell the ectos
run DoA and sell the armbraces
This just looks like a list of stuff to buy/sell but I don't have money to buy stuff and nothing valuable to sell. What am I missing here?
where are the new patch notes feg
Yes, fur. Just because they are le shortstacks doesn't mean they don't appeal to your other shit fetish. Fuck off.
trying to level in GW2 and it's boring as fuck. I'm level 15 currently.
for reference, I ready all the quest dialogue for FFXIV and greatly enjoyed it after the initial slog in the starter city. Does GW2 get better too?