Xenoblade 2

This is the first JRPG to have a mix of British, Glaswegian, Welsh, Australian, and American accents. Think about that for a second.

Also, Japan Time thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Goona be great.....probably will be my goty.....if my predictions are right

How many more days until December 1st lads

This will be the first game where i get the special edition, this game will be amazing

Do japs imitate foreign accents in fiction?

Is it december yet?

Yes, like any other place. However, they are notoriously terrible at having people speak any other languages besides Japanese. They pretty much refuse to actually get native speakers to do it, so it's always a horrendously bad Japanese accent layered onto the foreign language. English is the usual victim. Things like French or Russian as well.

55 days 13 hours and 56 minutes

now that XC2 is a success, what can we expect from future, bigger budget projects from Monolith, especially after all the new hires


I actually have no idea what Glaswgian and Welsh sound like

Best Xenoblade fan art coming through


Will it have a Newfie accent?


That is pretty fucking good

it's not only an accent, they literally have their own expansive dialect
like, they have tons of words and phrases and things that don't even translate to anything in the english we're used to because they made them up

What do foreign accents have to do with anything? The equivalent would be Japanese dialects, but they rarely acknowledge anywhere outside Tokyo and occasionally Osaka exists.

I guess I'll not understand shit if there is no subtitles.

too much

Glaswegian is literally just what most people think of when they think of Scotland.

Why make a thread for japan time when that's forever from now?

Why would OP bring up all those accents then? No one cares about the shitty english dub.


And Welsh?

All the more reason to pray for dual audio

Welsh is what somebody sounds like when they're fucking a sheep.

Pretty sure localized Dragon Quest always had all manner of Bong/Commonwealth accents in them. You can even pretend that the accentless dialogue is American if you want to.

You can't fool me with your... tomfoolery!

>Newfie accent
What the fuck? It sounds like those old TF2 videos where they play clips of the Engineer speaking backwards.

It's just an excuse to make a Xenoblade thread, basically.

i'll take japanese please

please just give me the battle theme from the nintendo direct so that I can stop replaying the video over and over again PLEASE I NEED IT AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH


breh this is weeks after

What tomfoolery? It really was at #3 when it first went up for preorders.

Are we going to get a new rare blade reveal today (tomorrow)?

>English is the usual victim. Things like French or Russian as well.
German especially actually

Yeah, English for cool factor and German for "sophisticated/deep" factor.

Started a new Xenoblade Chronicles file today and I'd forgotten just how much of a difference the quality of life changes that X introduced made to the overall experience.

Best blade


Sawano uses German in his songs.
Instead of using a native German speaker to sing, he uses Japs with broken German sing.
Why does he and ot do that?



Probably. Vasara and Hotaru were both revealed on Friday.


Thanks. Really wanted to get into Ni No Kuni but fuck that awful battle system.

Yeah but it's really not that surprising. These work as a measure of purchase rate and/or volume of cash flow. What happened was the Amazon listing went up long after other sites so many of those purchases were the result of people cancelling their orders elsewhere (meaning net +0 purchases) + the rush of a few other people who were waiting and expected it to be low in supply. After all, it was up against Mario Odyssey (which had been listed for a while) and Playstation Plus cards. It's like what would happen if some store nobody shops at had some massive sale for 5 minutes. After that ~1 day window it started dropping pretty fast.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it was ever that high up, but you'll notice that the regular edition of the game isn't in the Top 100 anymore and it was really low down back then too. The sales of this Collector's Edition are like 90% of the total sales.

>parallel worlds


So xeno2 is gonna bomb?

But it'll still sell better than XC and X so that's fine.

>But to save the world of Alrest, you must first demystify its cloudy past.
>cloudy past
Was it intentional?

Hell yeah it was.

Did you expect a Takahashi game to ever have straightforward story and no DEEPEST LORE?

Reminder that Poppi most likely upgrade throughout the game and age up with each one.

I was talking more about their choice of words, user. Think about it.



>age up

Fucking disgusting.

I have no idea what you're on about.
Forgive my stupidity

Don't hate on Tora for wanting in on the /ss/ game.

Hopefully it has dual audio.

>cloudy past

I'd be more concerned about Poppi Omega the crone tank.

Will Roc have the personality of an Australian rock star?

Is the blushing real or en edit?

It's real in my heart.

Ok I'm an idiot.
I thought that you might be referencing something.
Turns out it's just a dumb pun.
Goddammit me.

I guess you could say your mind was clouded.

A giant bird Peter Garrett might be amusing.


I fucking love fanart like this that combines all the games. I hope we get more of them as XC2 settles in.

It's based on Japanese school grades so I doubt it'll go that far.

If a girl gave me that look I sure as hell would take her ass to Elysium

Upgraded Poppi,
No longer a cute loli,
I cannot accept.

I am LOVING these battle animations. This game is just having way too much fun.

Play the game is hard-mode by not upgrading them.
Protect that loli!

Who else is benching Rex and Pyra the moment they can here? Every single other party member has better design and voice acting than those two pieces of shit.

Nah, Rex and Pyrrha get too much hate. They look fine. And I like Pyrrha's voice and Rex's when he isn't yelling.

Do I have to have played the first one to play this?
It looks pretty different from Xenoblade 1.



No, the story isn't going to be connected, at least from what we've seen. First one is fucking amazing though so you should play it anyway.

>we still haven't heard Patch's voice
They still seem to refuse to show any scene of him but this one, too.


>that looney toons-esque ball hangtime
I wonder if you can actually see it up in the air.

For sure. I thought some of the animations in X were pretty great (like how Elma does a spin and then pauses in the air for a second before doing her sword slash) but this blows that shit out of the water in sheer quantity of quality.

Nah, think of this series like Final Fantasy. I mean, unless we're getting faked out and this game somehow IS connected to the first one. But that's not likely. I would highly recommend you play Xenoblade Chronicles 1 when you have the chance (sooner rather than later) since it's an awesome game. It's also possible you might not enjoy it as much later since you might miss some of the features later games introduce. Check it out on Dolphin if you can run it.

Quick tip: 95% of the side quests in 1 are for grinding. You don't need to do them all. The main story is long enough anyway.

I'll probably bench them, too. I hate their designs.

>Rex and Pyrrha get too much hate
They don't get enough hate.


Nah, check them out in the streams. I actually really like Rex's voice so it just seems like the VA doesn't like to scream. I don't get the hate for Pyra's voice.

Go back to Neogaf


Dayum, never seen this one before

I'm actually really enjoying Pyrrha's voice. She also doesn't seem to be afraid of shouting. I love how she shouts out the name of the attack along with Rex.

I had a dream last night that Rex and friends had a car chase with Torna through a modern-looking city. If this actually happens I CALLED IT

I wonder when then VA will settle in the role and become less shy, when he says "ANCHOR SHOT, HAH!" It sounds pretty fucking great.

Train_chan is ___!

There were some rough lines at the beginning of Xenoblade Chronicles as well but those got smoothed out further in. I wonder why they don't go back in afterwards and re-record a few of the rough lines? Surely that wouldn't be hard. Does the thought just never occur to the VO directors?

What does Neogaf have to do with their shit designs?