Out of all the games you've played, which one would you say you're the most skilled at?

Out of all the games you've played, which one would you say you're the most skilled at?


I've been playing it once yearly since release in 1998, I can speed run that shit


I am the number one Ballz 3D player in the world

I used to be so good at MGS3 I could almost speedrun it with little to no alerts. Overall though, probably Thief 1 and 2. I'll always know those by heart. They've been burned into my brain at this point.

I'm sure you love 3d balls



Try to beat the entirety of Plutonia on nightmare difficulty without dying or saving.

Nothing, I suck at everything in life.

But which game do you suck the least at?


Me and my friends have in total played several thousand hours of this game. I can get the legendary air ride machines and +10 in every stat with my eyes closed.

but i bet you can't beat the True Arena in KSSU can you faggot

I've barely played kirby games outside of air ride.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein online multiplayer
RTCW:ET too since it's practically the same game

Shame that the game is dead now

you sick fuck

SSX for sure. Used to be a pretty solid Tekken player, not so much these days.

i apologise i didn't mean to insult but you really should play the other games

I've played but not beaten Crystal Shards, Super Star on SNES, Rainbow Curse, and the Wii one. I have them all and intend to beat them eventually

I've fully beaten Triple Deluxe and Robobot, as well as epic yarn.

Probably Sonic 3 & Knuckles

I'd recommend the GBA ones as well, or Knightmare in Dream Land at the very least

You already posted it. But if I had to pick a second it would be Fallout New Vegas.

meant as a reply to

i wouldn't say i'm skilled at it, but i know cave story like the back of my hand and i can beat it in one sitting most of the time
i've beaten hell a few times but i can't do it consistently

I still think Curly Brace is one of the best characters in games

Beat it while only collecting one missile tank and one energy tank. Currently trying to do it on hard with no energy tanks and a total of 4 missiles.

Probably Smash 4. Used to play Melee to death with my cousins and I almost always won. Then I got into PC gaming and my brother with his turbo autismo caught up. Now we have somewhat equal matches. Still not good enough for competitive though

I've never been good at video games. I guess I suck the least at Donkey Kong Country only because I have played it so much.

donkey kong country is a good game

I've played enough that I can just see the answers without thinking.
There's really no point in even playing now.

your mom is a good game.

she's a real cutie

that's mean, please apologise

I'm sorry.

souls series

im unstoppable

It's okay, thank you. I forgive you.

Soul Caliber II,I will beat anyone's anyone with anyone and a handicap.

Hotline Miami 2

execution might just be one of my favourite levels in all games

Kerbal Space Program

>implying I'm good at games


I know that feel bruh. My only friend gets endlessly annoyed when I continue to fuck up in a game.

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3, i've played that shit more that everything else combined

I think KoF98 is a better game but I'd say this is the one I know best

who u main in both?
I used guile and fei in st and clark,daimon,geese in 98 UM, ryo when geese wasn't

Planetside 1.
I was in the top 20 every month in that game. No-lifed the shit out of it.



Helps that they're small communities tho


If it weren't for the load times I'd consider speedrunning it given my trick consistency.

Dead Space 2, though its not a skill-based game.

Audiosurf, Ive been the second to first best DV_elite for over half a decade

Mario Kart Double Dash. Played it religiously for years. What a shit game to be an expert at.

Currently playing this on the snes mini, first time i touched a snes. Fucking awesome, dare i say superior to SMW. Im shit at all platformers, but i can get a decent flow on this one


Wait till you play DKC2, you will be sucked.

Street fighter in general

I miss this game, fuck Vermintide 2 I want a sequel to Lead and Gold


1v1 me right now fgt

The one that gets me motivated


Jacky_M for SFV
I don't have fightcade

Star Fox 64 I can still wipe out the elite star wolf team with a minute before the true andross fight.

>The least fun SF

Fug. I'm only bronze but I'm gonna fight you anyway because you had the balls to respond OP get ready

Probably Crysis. The hardest difficulty is easy as fuck once you know all the levels and master the controls.

>>The least fun SF

Thanks for the matches leaf

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin. I beat it several times on the hardest difficulty with lvl ups disabled.
It's not even that great

This, moving your mouse left and right isn't a skill.

>versus gief
>tried to unga but got blown the fuck out
>lose 5-0
>can't even take a round

W E W. This guy is legit. Good games though, never faced a plat and I'm glad I only got perfected once.


Soul Calibur 3, Bloody Roar, Unreal Tournament 2004, Diablo 2

Those are the only games I'm good at.


Borderlands 2.

I wish it was something else because that's not the best thing to brag about even if it is true.

Probably Rocket League as it's the game I sunk the more hours in but the one I truly experienced greatness in is Dead or Alive: I played the shit out of it as a kid and recently completely demolished a friend at a party that was proud to be "very good" at it.

I hooked up an old CRT and my NES the other day and was (still) able to beat Ninja Gaiden NES in like 25 minutes. I haven't played it on a real NES in years so that felt nice.
That game is fantastic.

I'm competent at most multiplayer games, but absolutely not anything I can brag about.

Seems doable except for fucking Mother Brain. To this day I have trouble on it.

I used to be pretty good at Metal Gear Online 2.

Could wipe out full teams like a mother fucker and carried my own teams like a champ.

It was very fun.

Not very impressive but any Ratchet game after the first. I know how to work that strafe jump.


im not the platfag but at least you had the balls to fight.
good job, nigger

kek stop with the ragequit fagget

I saw it done on an SGDQ event. It's definitely doable, it's just fucking hard as hell.

Quakeworld, Quake 2, and Doom 3

At one point I was in the top 1% of Super Turbo players in the world.

I kind of gave up or am taking an extended break from OW. But I got pretty high ranked 'mid masters' solo queing as Lucio, by no means super impressive but definitely better than the majority.

I'm also really good at 3rd person shooters like Dead Space and RE4.

>any tony hawk game
You know the demo screen that plays with the endless sky high mega trick combos with no bails? That good.

Any battlefield game

Been playing since bf 2. I'm usually always able to get 1st place or close to it

That run was godlike, easily one of the best of the whole event

>I was in the top 1% of Super Turbo players in the world.

How did you measure something like that?

How can you be GOOD at Borderlands?
You can have a really powerful character/weapons or whatever, but YOU aren't doing the damage...

>people actually liting singleplayer games
Sup Forums really is the most casual video game forum on the internet

Guitar Hero

it was fun, too bad devs are lazy cunts who don't want to fix their broken shit and took dedicated server files down.

Boy i will fuck you up so hard in Bloody Roar even your grandchildren will feel it.

how do i git gud

Post your fightcade

Was that the one where the guy playing it was pissed sounding the entire run, and ended up PBing it?