What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Imagine Mass Effect 1 except without the memorable characters, significant choices to make, RPG mechanics, or compelling story.


Mass Effect 1 didn't have those either kek

My best advice to you is this:
Pretend it is not a Mass Effect game, pretend the aliens from the ME universe are humans and it's actually a fun third person shooter.
I'm actually about the start it again later tonight to wrap it up and get the platinum. Was going to wait for DLC but that's not happening now.
Does anyone know what the MP life is like on PS4? I don't think I want to play it through on Insanity, but if I'm going to pay for PSN to do gold missions I want to make sure there are actually people playing.

We're reaching levels of contrarianism that shouldn't be possible

fuck off retard

it's easy to tell you're retarded when you post an entire paragraph about how you enjoy eating shit

boring shit from another galaxy

Jesus shouldn't you be doing your homework child?


im sorry

A cast of characters that is one third coastal-SNL fanatic, YA novel fanfic writer and hobby comedian constantly cracking "witty quips" that are so vanilla they make 90% of Paragon Shepards lines look cruel and ruthless - that also includes your Ryder. The rest is standard singleplayer MMO fare with inconsequential side quests, barren planets and respawning enemies to grind for XP and crafting materials.


I wanna fuck the pilot.

Levels don't matter because of scaling, you hit your "peak" so to speak too early after maxing out your 3 main skills.
Writing is poor, many npcs talk in the same "style", it's hard to explain.
If you're a completionist and like to do all side stuff you will most probably burn out due to the over abundance of uninteresting side quests.
It's just a bland game that feels lifeless in my opinion.

A mediocre game.

>memorable characters

Outside of Wrex, the cast in ME1 was pretty dull.

Mediocrity like all me games

I remember the day I got it. My memories were fresh from my playthroughs of KotoR and Jade Empire and I knew this was going to be something special. I was so fucking bored. I cant even remember the plot and neither did the game by the third entry. I just remember using the rover thing to kneecap those leg monsters and that there was a lesbo waifu race. Oh also it stirred controversy for whatever fuckin reason. Sexbox. lel. But yeah, its a bad game.

Anyone have any idea about the multiplayer?

Gets boring real fast unless you're into horde-mode gameplay, with no real difference between difficulties other than the enemies hitting harder and not being manageable unless you've played enough to develop character skills.

Is gold manageable? I hear it's not even the hardest anymore

I ordered a copy earlier because it was £10 on Amazon. I played the previous three Mass Effects and even if its as bad as the third I'll get my moneys worth at that price.

PS4 has a demo I'd recommend trying.