"Cuphead proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good"

>"Cuphead proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good"


Woah... WTF is his problem?

>"The only black man the mario series will ever have is Donkey Kong, because niggers are subhuman and dont deserve to be in any of my masterpieces"

Jesus Christ what the fuck did Miyamoto meant by this?

I still don't get what the fuck is his problem. He calls out Donkey Kong Country for being graphics over gameplay and then when he gets called out about it he backs up and says that he loved the Country series.

"I secretly poisoned Iwata little by little every day, I couldn't bear to see him steer the company any further into oblivion."

Jesus Christ Miyamoto

He is getting old

That was Donkey Kong Country
Miyamoto's a jealous motherfucker, that's why you don't see Waluigi or Daisy very much even though people like them. He didn't create them.

youre not funny jon

He was right though. The first DKC was mediocre. DKC2 was the one that turned the series into a classic.

Saving face. Has to keep up his happy go lucky dude I looooove games lmao image. There are a bunch of stories of Miyamoto being a gigantic dick. Also he probably hated that gaijin Rare completely destroyed his shitty Yoshis Island game.

I unironically agree with him, and I always have. The games are nostalgia bait

I believe this one.

Yoshi's Island was better than the first DKC though
DKC2 was definitely better though yeah
And nowadays you could make the argument that Yoshi aged better graphically.

>yoshis island
so this is the power of nostalgia

Yeah, but Retro's DK games are better than most Mario games now.

okay but a Wario/Waluigi Super Star Saga would be great

>nostalgia bait
>in 1994

>Yoshi's Island was better than the first DKC though
Jesus fuck. Are opinions this wrong even legal?

you're crazy. DKC2 is the biggest example of rose tinted glasses ever. It fucked everything up.

Ever since he started to shat on Wario and how much popularity he gotten the dude can go and fuck himself.

>When Miyamoto dies we might finally get a Wario and Waluigi game

"Day after day I watched him. Growing weaker and weaker, his body succumbing as his smile grew weaker. He'd pass it off a sickness, too much work, just a bad day, or maybe just too little sleep. but I knew. His head would be held high, then slumped low as his engery left him and he grew weaker. And every day I'd greet him with a smile as I watched the fear behind his eyes as he truly came to terms with just how bad his situation was, as he continued to deny the truth, and what little time he had left. He'd confide with me on what to do when the time came, what he could have done with more time, and what life would be like after him. But he never figured out that I did him in, and as I danced that puppet over his unconcious body in the hospital room, I think he finally understood in that husk what he had done. And I'd do it again, if I could."


Where is the source of the original quote?

my uncle

kojima is a dick

What are some other non Nintendo miyamoto recommended games? Is NiGHTS STILL the only one?

not that user, but it literally is

take those goggles for a while

gameplay is tight as fuck. visuals are great bonus

His ass. He never said it.

just another rich psychopath

dime a dozen these days.

>Faggots still spread this fake quote

There's already enough real quotes to show he's an asshole. For fuck's sake, Shiggy collaborated with Rare on the original DKC and gave his approval.

>He calls out Donkey Kong Country for being graphics over gameplay

He never actually said that.

He doesn't really PLAY many games though. He's on record saying that.

I keep hearing about how miyamoto was supposedly a dick but never get any sources to back this up. All coming from nowhere.

So is it basically all his fault that
>paper mario now sucks
>wario now sucks
>metroid sucks
>last good mario was sunshine


gaming magazine that had an interview with miyamoto way back in the early '00s


>last good mario was sunshine
Wew fucking lad.

>last good mario was sunshine

>metroid sucks
>last good mario was sunshine

And yet the full interview can't be found anywhere on the internet. It's all he said she said nonsense.

Is there any way you guys can answer the heart of the question and not spam 80 replies to one part you disagree with?

>80 replies
>Actually just 3

>miyamoto has only made like two mediocre games

yeah the same way nothing was known about DOUG FASTER until like 2 months ago. Just buy the magazine yourself if you wanna know

Are you retarded?

>"You know, Nintendo has a great responsibility to the players. Emperor Hirohito called it the "East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of Nintendo to discipline the drones. Third party titles, decent hardware, gimmick-free consoles... on The Day of Direct they shall all swing from the cherry tree. We will have all Xbots dead or in chains in the next ten years, and if I'm wrong may Satoru Iwata have my new console dead on arrival this very year. May my ancestors bless Nintendo Corporation, but not Nintendo of America because it is full of disgusting gaijin."

Miyamoto really needs to dial it back, he can't keep getting away with saying stuff like this.

you asked for sources for miyamoto causing all that, but how can he have caused those things to happen when they didn't happen at all?

>in a 1998 interview with Famitsu, when asked why he decided to become a video game developer, Miyamoto replied, "I felt people who liked video games were less intelligent and easier to manipulate, and that with clever marketing, they'd buy anything we made, regardless of quality"

He never said that though op

Is cuckhead that bad?
It looks fine to me.

Do you have the scan? Because the issue it's supposedly from isn't available anywhere.

right here, my main man

>Yoshifags literally unaware of the ironic magnitude of ever lecturing another human being on being blinded by nostalgia

And what's the magazine smart guy?

Miyamoto needs to stop having Raimi write his speeches, this is getting out of hand.

Hey, guy. You can't post that here. This is a blue board.

my gaping asshole

When did he shit on wario?
When did he shit on DK?

>[laughs] "China deserved the Rape of Nanking."

What the FUCK is Miyamoto's problem?