Dude, it's like ____ combined with ____!

>dude, it's like ____ combined with ____!
so this is the main selling point?

Other urls found in this thread:



Truly the dark souls of cute 3D platformers.

pass: igg-games.com

GoG version?

No yet, will post "GoG" version when uploaded

A shitty loli simulator. The devs probably are making threads as a selling point. There is nothing outstanding about this game and the Sup Forums hivemind is straight up lying to you if they say otherwise.

Where are the nude mods

got anything for the soundtrack?

I wonder who is spamming this? Could someone have a long standing autistic vendetta against one of the developers?

cant you just play the fucking video game?

never dont do this please

it's someone from Sup Forums

Its pretty normal to help Sup Forumsrothers out on game releases you fucking newfag, like, people here would care if a game is pirated or not here

To be honest, its probably better to find a selling point before they sell it to you rather than after.

I have a large cluster of warts on my big toe.

Looking at footage, the game looks kind of cute but the physics are floaty and the level design is a clusterfuck. Probably could have used another six months of polish.

>dude, it's like autism mixed with shilling!
so THIS is the main selling point?

Why would a Sup Forumsock even care about this?
Uh huh, just helping out spamming every thread about the game. Totally not suspect at all.

Every new release the download links are posted in nearly every thread.

That's just a lie. Wasn't the case for another indie game released days ago.

At least he's admitting the real reason why anyone would play this.

But it was, check most ruiner/cuphead threads if you're talking about those
Or every major 3ds game, hell, samus returns was leaked here originally, along with most pokemon/capcom games

What does this have to do with Sup Forums? You can't irrationally use this for everything you don't like.

The selling point is that it's a 3D Fucking Platformers that isn't Mario

It's the fact that this can be a fucking genre

the main selling around here is that a group of anons refused to stop shilling for the heck of it so they can vilify this otherwise unremarkable game here

Because it's easier to bitch about Sup Forums instead of realizing Sup Forums has been this way since it's inception. Dude probably came over here when tumblr decided to 'attack' Sup Forums for being such misogynists.

>It's the fact that this can be a fucking genre

Only thing interesting is the cute loli. Game is really bland, you'll play through a level or two and get bored at how amateur it is.

>Failed to create the D3D9 Device
Fuck me sideways

Which controller works best with this game

The same controller that works best with literally every controller-intended game on PC.

Your dick.

But I don't have a Wii U Pro controller.

Ok user, I have seen you posting in all these threads, post a speccy of your machine
Also go to to the place where you installed the game and from the folders:
A Hat in Time\_CommonRedist\DirectX
Run dxsetup.exe
A Hat in Time\_CommonRedist\DotNet\4.0
Run dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe
A Hat in Time\_CommonRedist\vcredist\2010
Run vcredist_x64.exe AND vcredist_x86.exe

d-dolphin porn?

thanks for link, honestly watching people play it on Twitch is enough. it's a game that lives on its aesthetics alone, beyond that it's a pretty uninspired game.

probably revenge for the obnoxious shilling here. no sales for kike devs

>being this mad at an actual good game just because the main character is a little girl

It's actually the first time I post that, thanks for the help.

Is there actually a smooch button? This is important.

This post sums up how utterly retarded neo-Sup Forums is.

yes, down with the path makes you send a smooch, but it's not actually a contact kiss

Hmm, good enough. Downloading.

Yeah fuck off, your game is shit

People didn't shitpost this much about pirating for Cuphead.
Tell it to me straight please- What is causing this?

>dude, it's like contra combined with old timey cartoons!
so this is the main selling point?

Why don't you go watch more people play videogames for you.

the extra shilling, hat in time shilling was too much for about 2 weeks, people noticed and got mad

if you cant find a selling point yourself then dont buy it? are you so retarded you have to have other people convince you to buy a game?

>toaster laptop
Nigga what is you doing?

Can you link me some threads?

any link for the ost yet?

I hate the free camera and the controller camera in this game. It crashed on me during the fight in the 4th (?) level against the ringleader boss or whatever. Returned.

>Could someone have a long standing autistic vendetta against one of the developers?
Maxime Lebled aka Maxofs2d. Strongly does not like mechatheslag. Reasons unclear but personally knowing Maxime it's probably on him and not mecha. Also, has a very long history of launching crusades against people. He's kind of a basket case.

that one throwaway about capitalism. Turns out Sup Forumstards are just as bad as their SJW counterparts when it comes to getting butthurt over irrelevant shit.

Case in point and

The game got posted about a lot in its last two weeks because it's been in development hell for so long, shitforbrains. No shit it's going to be all over Sup Forums for that time under those circumstances.

Meant for

Obvious shills for a mediocre game by a pedophile.

>Sup Forums laughs at Neogaf getting triggered and saying they won't buy the game because Jon Tron is still in it
>Sup Forums gets ultra triggered and say they won't buy the game because there's 1 single J O K E about capitalism
the irony is ridiculously strong here

>Sup Forums is one person

>Why would a Sup Forumsock even care about this?

The industry is iterative and describing a game using familiar examples gives a quick rundown

Sup Forums has been fucked since 09 and retards swarmed the site in recent years what's fucking new?

Capitalism, ho!

So is neogaf

obviously not you fucking reprobate, but guess where it's getting posted?

Has anybody worth a shit talked about or reviewed this game?

You mad that your shitty mario clone's only appeal is watching a little girl jump around making little girl noises?

Yes, maybe not everyone in Neogaf is a faggot.

that's pretty much how all indie games are marketed, and they're all not as good as the games they copy

That depends, who do you consider worth a shit?

I find it very hard to believe a single Sup Forums poster cares. Go make a thread and ask them.

You mad that your favourite streamer ain't on so you just sit doing nothing with your obviously empty life.

>Sup Forums is not one person
>Yeah but Sup Forums is a board where people post things!

at least 100,000 subscribers.

No way then I'll actually have to debate people that will argue back.

Yes, that's literally what it is. Thank you for explaining how the website works.

stay triggered retard, keep shilling, it might make people like your game one day

yes, it's literally like Dark Souls combined with Cuphead!

I'm not getting it because of the blatant shilling. Also this game doesn't look like it improved at all since the beta.

yeah, it looks like they just added content without improving the game itself

I'll get you glasses, just gimme your address


>dude it's like HECKIN combined with CUTE!

A lot of people compare it to Sunshine, but I feel it's more like one of the Gex game, in that each hub has you approaching stuff differently. Battle of the Birds was an amazing chapter.

Watch your language

What the fuck do you think marketing is? You think companies spend literal millions so you can figure it out yourself?

Is this the Cuphead of Dark Souls?

I'm buying it because it represents a daring and free realm back in 3d platformings infancy

Me too, be sure to tell your friends about how amazing it is and encourage them to buy it too!



I mean, my friends don't really like platformers so I won't do that, but I'll still buy it.

>devs of this pedo bait now trying to deflect shilling accusations onto other devs

Some cutscene animations are still rough but you need new eyes

Why is it pedo bait when the protag isn't an adult? Does that make just about every coming of age story pedophillic?