There are people over there who doesn't play as a tank whenever the option is given to them

>There are people over there who doesn't play as a tank whenever the option is given to them

>There are actual people who prefer to pick a fucking mage to dazzle and sparkle instead a crusader that grabs you by the dick and tells you how fucked you are

I do not associate with triators and losers :^)

>he would rather be another sword swinging brute who does what he is told, than be a magic user who can literally seize control of the very forces of creation and bend them to his will

>3 fire damage points
>only 19997 to go
>"i-im fucking up this big brute"

Keep telling yourself while your archwizard wife gets pumped full of juice by a bull crusader

All those hit points mean nothing when a wizard can just turn you to stone, reduce your con to 0, disintegrate you, cause instant death, or send you to a prison deep beneath the surface of the planet at a whim.

>not being a dickass thief

Pathmage for life.

Go ahead, play your stupid crusader or fighter.

I'll just open a gateway under you to the caldera of an active volcano. Let's see you tank THAT.

>not having full inmunity to stone by pure VIT/CON leveling
>not having a blessed armor that negates any dark magic spell
>not stepping into that unfathomable realm willingly only to fuck whatever is inside and return with the loot

>Being a crusadercuck
Blackguard bulls report in


>not being a spellsword or battlemage

>very low amount of fantasy games where I can wield full plate ad to just some fuck ugly breast plate and pole arms

>even lower with non human races and females

You'd have to be playing some seriously broken, bethesda tier OP hero wankfest/self-modded game to achieve that kind of shit.

Ever played Ragnarok Online?

>Fuck magic, I have ENCHANTED ARMOR!

>picking crusader
>can't even "reclaim" their so-called holy land


>Same as enchanted

Do not confuse prayer with sorcery you foul fiend.

Fuck off tankfag.

Elf archer dps is the way to go.

>Fuck magic, I have WHITE MAGIC!

People only play ranged classes because they are cheap as fuck in most games and require 0 alive brain cells to be played correctly.

Hey 'tank' parry this meteor

I am a faggot please fuck my face tier:
>pure ranged martial

What are you even doing pls stop tier:
>hybrid ranged martial/magic

Ok tier
>pure melee martial
>hybrid melee martial/magic

30th Birthday Tier
>pure ranged magic

God Tier
>pure melee magic

Why even damage your enemy when you can laugh at his shitty class and at him depleting his entire mana bar and not getting you even close to 40% health.

I can only play male muscular strong characters in videogames don't know why, i tend to always pick grapplers/boxers in fighting games, Dudley being my favourite and have never and probably will never play a female one, im not gay though ;).

Why play a crusader when a mage can just conjour a magical plate armor, a magical broadsword that are both strictly superior to the crusader's non-magic plate armor and broadsword, AND have powerful spells too?

Who /ranger/ here?

barbarian master race. weakbois fuck off.

We should all just play the same class guys

>He doesn’t know