Why are SONY games so creatively bankrupt and generic...

Why are SONY games so creatively bankrupt and generic? None of their exclusives have anything going for them and they're either 'realistic cinematic experiences' or 'generic anime trash'.

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>generic anime trash
>Gravity Rush
fuck you

its all about their third party support. i have never bought a playstation console for its 1st party games

Sony is probably the most creative when it comes to games at this point. They still have 3D beat em ups under lockdown, they still have the genius that made SH1, Siren and Gravity Rush (and he is moving on from GR to something else), they got Gimmicks Done Right: The Company (MediaMolecule), sometimes Insomniac will make a good game, and Sucker Punch are working on something right now that may or may not be good.
People only think like you because they don't look past the normalfag shit pushed in their trash-tier country.

they're the only ones coming out with new IPs very seldomly. it takes the other two fucking forever to come out with some new shit, especially nintendad

flying is the only decent thing in this game unfortunately, everything else is piss poorly executed


OP probably is a man of culture who enjoys his 11 Mario Karts in stride.

The soundtrack and art direction are sensational, though.

According to some people on NeoFAG who apparently have a fair bit of clout when it comes to having insider knowledge, Sucker Punch's new IP has fallen into development hell. The whole studio is rife with in-fighting and there's virtually no communication between departments. Can't imagine that Yoshida and Andrew House's replacement are too happy about that, since they spent a small fortune buying them and so far have only gotten one fairly decent game out of it.

Could you source on the Sucker Punch infighting? Don't care where you get it, but they've made my favourite games of all time (Sly1-3 and inFamous 2/FoB)

>They still have 3D beat em ups under lockdown
>what is sega
>what is plat

Yeah, I was talking about the Yakuza series. Mainline entries are likely staying on Sony for a long while until it stops being profitable. And before you say 'Yakuza Online', it's a mobile game.
They make Action games, don't they? And din't they stop being good for a while?

I'd call bullshit on Sucker Punch if not for the fact that infighting seems common in vidya studios. Glassdoor reviews help out a lot with this.

I'll take these “cinematic experiences” and “weeb shit” over all these cancerous loot box gambling simulators that like to hide themselves as a “service game” any day

Seriously it's like Sony are the only AAA publisher left that will let me just play a game without all the bullshit

Maybe you should choose a better game as an example next time, retard.

Comparatively speaking they're the only ones trying new things, unlike pumping out Mario Kart 22 or Pokemon 11. Like the IP's or not there's more actual effort going to create new stuff on Sony's end than both static Nintendo and Microsoft.

Sega isn't Sony though. That's retarded.
Platinum made Anarchy reigns which was pretty good fun.

So whats Gravity Rush like anyways? Might be getting a cheap PS4 sometime soon and I'm trying to find games I might want

>Sega isn't Sony though
I know, but Yakuza will remain Playstation exclusives. That's a fact.
>Platinum made Anarchy reigns which was pretty good fun.
Didn't that come out around 6 years ago?

Ha. Haha. No.

It's like a distinctively Japanese take on the inFamous/Crackdown/Prototype formula.

Gorgeous soundtracks. Like, potentially some of the best that the medium's ever provided.


Under what does this game fall?

Low key super hero origin story, mixed Japanese and European flares.

its like infamous if it had a more of a heavy focus on flying and if it was more boring

Whats it like being in utter denial and having to justify your shit purchase history every post you make?

Ha. Haha. You're a retard.