I bought it because you guys kept making countless threads about it but it's fucking garbage as far as platformers are concerned
>Poor, mishmashed level design with improperly spaced platforms and assets
>Floaty, far too forgiving physics alongside poor collision detection when traversing between various terrain
>Voice acting is so shit but you need to get an extremely expensive item to change it
>Only 4 Worlds which I easily breezed through in a sitting, the last of which looks like somebody vomited on a couple vegetable slices, with a shorter completion time than Cuphead
Now I didn't get all the items and shit but fuck that, it's a mediocre experience and I feel no attachment to this game whatsoever now that I've finished it. I'm going to get my money back from GOG but I just wanted to let you all know that I will never trust Sup Forums with a game recommendation ever again.
This Game Is Shit
Other urls found in this thread:
No one cares about your blog.
>listening to shills on Sup Forums
git gud
Enough with this neo-Sup Forums myth already
Should've pirated it.
You should always pirate it before buying, like smart people do you know
pass: igg-games.com
No one is going to download your shitty viruses
Upload the GOG and i'll get it
Holy shit have literal virus bots started coming to Sup Forums? The same posts were he during cuphead
Sorry OP, I'm having fun though
no one cares if you get it, faggot.
The game is so good even the glitches are great.
You should always keep you pirating links to yourselves, like "smart people"
I hate lolis but it's pretty okay. I wish I could mod her into something else but the game itself is perfectly passable.
I'm not going to bother trying to discuss it on Sup Forums though.
since when Sup Forums bans for magnet and mega links?
You can turn the voice acting off in the options.
everytime I see this game it either looks really pretty or a complete and utter mess
gameplay looks tight tho
>being this mad that I'm not bitcoin mining for you
>discussing shit on Sup Forums
These whiny pussies can't handle anything that gets thrown at them.
Game's performance is abysmal. I also turned off the voice acting. The game is so much better without hearing it.
Literal fucking brainlet confirmed. Neck yourself
It's easier to just delete the pirated version of this piece of shit game.
Does it run on GPD Win? I've been thinking of getting one of those because my PC project that started about a year ago still isn't working.
>Gameplay looks tight
It's wishy washy. I'm having difficulty staying on platforms sometimes. There are tight ropes/clothes lines you can walk upon and I constantly feel like I'm going to fall off them.
little girl pusy
Sorry, am I supposed to put up with the usual shitty Sup Forums game "discussion" just so I look macho or something?
>Sup Forums will defend this
Feels pretty tight to me
Not sure what your talking about with the tightropes, feels exactly like sunshine to me
Huh?I was talking about everyone else.
They only made threads about it because it has a little girl mc. They aren't good judges of anything when they're lusting after little kids.
2010+ Indie games ruined video games.
Holy shit why does this game use so much fucking ram
The shitty camera doesn't help. Constantly zooming out for no reason despite manual mode being on.
>I've been playing since release and only on the second world
>this fag says he's already done
I can tell you speed the hell through this game (or just lying that you played it). Regardless, I'm having a fun time. You may just not like platformers, because this already better then Yooka Laylee to me.
Not a big feat, but I like it so far.
What did they mean by this?
>R5 1600 OC'd to 3.5
>RX 480 8GB
>16GB DDR4 3200 RAM
>Game is still suffering from microstutters and hangups even if I put it down to low settings at 1080p
I don't know who was running their optimization, but I have no fucking idea how you can fuck it up this badly. I can only imagine how poorly the game runs on consoles.
This isn't a kickstarter thing, right? I can make her blonde, right?
holy shit this game is really fun. ended up hooking it up to a 4k tv and maxed out the graphic settings.
played for about 4 hours and im at the 3rd world.
>the dpad down blows kisses
Worst in certain aspects. Graphics don't hold a candle and the performance does not compare. Never once had any dips in YL.
The creator of the game had an AMA in one of the threads
What the fuck
>gtx 660
>i5 3.4ghz
>8gb ram
Works on my machine. I only get stutters during the level loading screen
aaaaaaaaaaand dropped
The crows give you text prompts. It's voiced as them mumbling and coughing over the word.
does the d-pad up make her lift her skirt, pedo?
OC'd 970. 3570k OC'd to 4.3, 16 gigs RAM. Sometimes I will get my full 144 fps at 1440p. Other times it drops to 40 fps.
>bought it
lol this ugly piece of shit game maxed out your deep blue supercomputer?
can i get someone to edit this to say "hate anime"
I have a 1070 and an i7 6700k, all settings on max at 1080, no drops anywhere.
Holy shit, this looks fun. Is ot out on PS4 yet, or will i have to get it on my PC?
probably the bitcoin mining bot.
Can I get a quick rundown on MechaTheSlag?
no it makes her stick her tongue out
left and right quick switch hats
If you got any drops on a 1070 that would be pretty pathetic of this game.
Yooka Laylee had a bunch of ugly empty space. The casino level was a drag to get through, and I had to force my way through it. I haven't had that kind of problem with this yet.
Everything has been fun so far, and the levels switch up a lot with something else to do everytime. One I'm commanding a marching parade in, and the next I'm roaming around a train for files.
YL also had a problem with making these giant levels, with just nothing everywhere. This games levels are pretty compact, with a lot of stuff around so it doesn't look empty.
Also I didn't have any dips in this game on all ultra/max settings.
You technically can but only if RNG favors you. Each time you complete one of the Time Rifts (little platforming puzzle areas) you get a slot machine and 3 rolls on it, you roll the first one then either take it or roll again. It can contain anything from hair colors to different hat fabrics.
>thread not derailed by Sup Forums yet
Wonderful. Has anyone found any of the Time Rifts in Mafia Town?
>8gb ram
I'm running everything maxed out just fine...weird...
There are 3 threads up. A lot of people didn't know about this game until today. You've probably given them more sales then they would have anyway.
>A lot of people didn't know about this game until today
Only if you've lived under a rock or you're new. There's been threads about this game ever since the kickstarter.
And surprisingly thanks to this it suffers from having awful collision, bugs from approaching objects or platforms at a wrong angle and a clusterfuck of level design. Literally the moment I landed in mafia town I tried to go to the right and climb under a tarp. The world started freaking out. The controls are also hit or miss in HiT. For example with the mafia boss fight, jumping over the electricity just became a pain because it went faster than you could jump and land. And not to mention when he turned into a giant ball despite being clearly in safety I was still getting damaged.
That's even better because we don't want to accidentally be capitalist.
Thats what I have been looking for but can't find them.
>jumping over the electricity just became a pain because it went faster than you could jump and land
the fucking barrel fight was harder than the mafia boss, get over yourself
literally completed that shit without getting hurt
>those complaints
You're blaming the game for your own ineptitude. Literally get fucking good
>b-but I couldn't jump over the boss' attacks fast enough
Fucking feather the jump button to do quick hops you retard.
PS4 version when?
>blew a load over MaxOfSTDs and flipped em off
>went to work on Shit In Time for 5 years initially in Unity, while flipping off the entire Slag Community (Team Fortress 2 orientated, featured variety of gamemodes such as VSH, smash, build a fort, advanced weaponizer, etc)
>sweats in his own facade in the making of this game
>pretends to be funny on his twitter because of all the dank may mays xDD
>encourages loli posters to bump threads like these
just pirate. i don't mind loli posters because they have the intent of pirating and modding porn
>Barrel fight
Boy, you sure are shit. At least the electricity can be blamed on something other than skill.
>I am to blame for floating jumping and the game instantly glitching out from trying to climb up a wall
Fuck off shill.
>jumping over the electricity just became a pain because it went faster than you could jump and land. And not to mention when he turned into a giant ball despite being clearly in safety I was still getting damaged.
Didn't have this problem at all. I think you might just be shit at the game user.
Same shit happened with Hollow Knight.
>I am to blame
Yes you are. Get over yourself, DSP.
Nah fag, this game is float as fuck. Cuphead doesn't have any of these issues.
Yeah, but in the recent days has been so many threads about it that it can be called spam. Probably because the dev is from here.
I didn't say hard, I said harder. The Mafia Boss was hilariously easy and unless you are completely new to video games you should be well aware of how to dodge every single attack he had because they were cookiecutter as fuck. You are to blame.
It's not nearly as nuts as cupposting though.
looks really cute + jolly
This game is fun
No one mentioned cuphead at all you fucking shill.
>I'm going to get my money back from GOG
No you aren't, they don't have the same refund policy as steam, enjoy paying for a drm free game you don't like when you could have just pirated exactly the same version you played.
>Calling me DSP to damage control for this game
HiT shill fuck off.
>You are to blame
Floaty controls is to blame. Maybe the developer should have actually implemented tight controls.
>I didn't say hard, I said harder
Get gud.
>no one
I did you troglodyte. As that game's controls are perfection.
>pirated it
>spend 2 hours just fucking around in Mafia Town before I realized I had to follow Mustache Girl around
This game is a fun time waster. I want to buy it, but don't wanna support the Steam jew.
GOG galaxy is not mandatory yet?
I mean, I did it without taking any damage at all. The controls were plenty tight for me. Have you considered that maybe you're just bad
>fag compares a 3D platformer to a 2D boss rush game
But but I played cuphead so I'm good at videogames
>Cuphead doesn't have any of these issues
cuphead is about as far as you can get from HiT
Nah developer, the controls are shit. Make them like cuphead next time.
Then get it on GoG or the Humble Store dummy
I kinda want to buy this but visually it just looks so bad that I'd rather wait for the GoG version torrent to go up.