What's the shittiest game you've ever played?

What's the shittiest game you've ever played?

and i mean ever

Fable 3.

Dear Esther

adventure time for the ds



Was some of the least fun I've ever had, and I heard the sequel was even worse.

dude is in prison. why is he still relevant?

Metal morph for the snes

Haha, i get it

Gone Home



Tough tie between guild wars 2 and Absolver

Aquaman for the Xbox.

It's literally nothing but swimming around a featureless Atlantis and getting into shitty fighting gameish broawls with mooks, or an awful Star Fox ripoff.

The only good thing about it is fairly impressive underwater hair physics, and the fact that there's a button whose only purpose is to summon a shark to fuck up a dude.

MadThad x CWC x Nick Bates sex tape when?

The Witcher 3

Falling stars. It was the worst piece of garbage. Bought it for a dollar at gamestop years back, ended up breaking it and throwing it away.

Terminator by LJN. It was exactly as fucking bad as AVGN said it was and I've had the misfortune of owning the cartridge. My little kid self of the past was quite frustrated by that abomination too.

Buraddo Boruno

Looks pretty shitty. How did you look at and think it would be worth playing?

STALKER series

Divinity: Original Sin

Pokemon Channel on Gamecube.

>Pokemon Channel

are you sure, bro?

Gears of War. I wanted my $12 back.


Superman 64. Everyone focused on how bad those rings were but the truth is that when you manage to beat that, the next level is even worse

Do these motherfuckers count? It was all I had back when I lived in China.

>Divinity: Original Sin

I'm being serious, it's a boring ass game, and I usually like reading in RPGs.

I'm tempted to say Guild Wars 2 but I'm almost sure that's just because I loved 1 so much and they ruined it. Gonna go with spore.

Two Worlds 1.

Fuck that.

History Channel's The Pacific

Nah, we all had them at some point... I still remember that "racing" game, where if you pushed the big button it goes amazingly faster. I remember I was the best of my class.

Is he still in jail?

Rainbow Six Siege
I spent a full god damn year supporting that game hoping Ubisoft would make it better. Then they didn't fix anything with Operation Health and the last update before I left made the game crash and also literally fucking crash entire PS4 consoles. Apparently Ubisoft wants to make it so there are 100 different characters in the game, fuck that.

OK kid

Beethoven on SNES.

damn dude Sam Hyde is really packin it on

I never bought it. Played it many years after its release, out of morbid curiosity.

"Boring" or "flawed" isn't the same as the WORST game you've EVER played. You're all just melodramatic manchildren.

This right here however has literally no(NONE) redeeming good qualities whatsoever. It is actual garbage that I regret spending more than 30 minutes on.

super mario 64

pity (you)

>yfw madthad was released from prison

>Rest now sweet prince

He gets out next year.

Choose your fighter

Hard mode: No MadThad