Is this pretty good, Sup Forums?
I don't have a PS4 but might get it on PC next month
Any word on how well done the port will be? I like to play action rpgs like this with a gamepad
Nioh Thread
It's the Dark Souls of Samurai games
Could you shill somewhere else
fuck off
Dark Souls of Japanese games
It's a port by Koei Tecmo but the game itself is great
Not having to pay to play the coop is already a nice bonus
Yeah its good PvP sucks shit tho
It's discount souls, if you liked the dark sequels you'll like this, maybe more if you like garbage Asian swords
I heard it had better fighting mechanics than souls tho is that true
It's very good. You will like it if you're actually into real ARPG's and good combat mechanics unlike the usual souls trash.
Should i finish this? I got stuck at this hard boss amd havent played it since like May. Its fun but damn is it a long game. About fifty hours in.
Not really, it's more character actionish but as someone that really like souls and character action games it felt like it couldn't nail either
It has good combat, but poor enemy design, poor enemy variety, it gets too easy too fast, and the Diablo like loot system get fucking anoying after a while.
Game was better in the Alpha.
its like souls but with actually good combat
Easily. The problem is that the areas you explore are very samey the whole time and there's very little enemy variety to use your extensive moveset on, if that were changed in a sequel it would be amazing.
It's real good. I don't know what the port will be like though.
They're not really samey at all, unless you spend all your time doing the sidemissions which have their own changes themselves. Each main mission has it's own unique aspects and flow to it as well as being pretty different visually even when comparing the most similar ones. The enemy variety gets alleviated somewhat by the variety of options you have in combat but there's not as many as there should have been and they both die too fast and don't chase you far enough.
>Game was better in the Alpha.
This basically, although the loot is great and the enemies themselves are well designed outside of what they changed from the Alpha.
it's ok... not groundbreaking. dark souls still looks and feels better, but it would.
>poor enemy design
Namahages and Magatsu Warriors are more fun to fight than anything in any souls game.
On PC I'm pretty sure Nioh will look way better than Souls games do. I didn't play the game much but I noticed that it had basically no AO and tons of jaggies which made it look horrible, and those things aren't an issue for PC games.
>looks better
arguably, yes
>feels better
fuck no, dark souls is a sluggish clunky piece of shit compared to nioh