
>Voice Actor
>Video Creator
>Audio Recorder/Editor
>Graphic Designer
>Cancer Survivor

It still hurts, Sup Forums


>Cancer Survivor

excuse me? what do you know?


>Cancer Survivor

Ex-fucking-scuse me?

Think it was his bio or something.
Ya know, before episode 2 attack of the leukemia came out.

>the description on this video says hes still alive

so what is it.

He was a great dude.

It's a shame he's gone and that faggot TotalBiscuit is still around.

it was actually like his 5th run in against Leukemia.

Think about Leukemia is that there's 0 symptoms of having no white blood cells. So one day you get a cold or an infection and then you die.

If Elliott was still alive do you think he'd be [spoiled]a furfaggot sellout that draws porn for money

He's a furry. So who cares.

Well fuck me there goes the shocking reveal

>makes fabulous
>thinks its the best thing hes ever done but he doesn't want to keep working on this hes got school and stuff
>only way for him get out of this is to fake his own death
>accidently dies.

Oh shit did not know that is what that shit did...
Fuck user don't make me feel like that

Are there blood testing kits out there?
That's fucking horrible either way.

he cant change the description if hes dead dude

why not? did he forget his password?

This site is worse than Reddit sometimes.

I thought we were supposed to be the smart ones.

yea, and everything else

that sounds terrible, I thought he had leukemia not alzheimers.

Yeah ok Kitty

no, no, he had the actually pretty common disease called the cease of all biological function

okay now i'm fucking confused, is he like a robot now?

no, he's dead.

ya, but no Leukemia patient is gonna get blood tests once a week. Some do, but once you get your white count back up you're good for then.

They do get annual blood tests, and constant treatment for getting white counts back up, but when you have any autoimmune disease like Leukemia or AIDS, you can die in a matter of hours after contracting some disease, and it all depends on a huge number of factors.

TL:DR: Leukemia is fucking hard to survive. It's essentially like getting AIDS without contracting an STD

The guy is fucking dead, what are you cofused about?

but the description says hes fine.

yea, he couldn't change it because he died. When you die all your biological function ceases to exist, including your capability to move, think, and be sentient. due to this fact he could not log into his youtube account and change the description to let everyone know of his recent passing

so did he write that before he died?


yes he told everyone that he was alive while he was alive, and then when he died because he died he was unable to tell everyone that he was no longer able to move, think, or be sentient, also known as being dead

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

They were all dead.

God fucking damnit you asperger autistic ass can't stop taking everything seriously and unironically just for once, are you completely socially retarded?

You still up for poker Thursday night,

hmm, due to the nature and tone my brain is receiving from your comment i am assuming you are taking a hostile stance against my intelligence. while i don't understand what you meant by this i am still compelled to respond because i believe it is my duty to rid the world of ignorance and non-intellectualism. I hope you understandu the meaning of my comments, have a good day!

At least he died before Andromeda came out.

I almost envy that he didn't have to experience the cancer of the past few years.

So young and so talented

and then poof he's just gone

>everyone on my mother's side of the family last generation got leukemia
Oh boy, can't wait to die from the fucking sniffles some random day

Sorry, Max Payne come first