Are you regretting that PS4 purchase yet?

Are you regretting that PS4 purchase yet?

Bought it entirely for Bloodborne. So, nope.

>0.87 FPS

always makes me chuckle


No because I'm not a poorfag.

No, becauese I got to enjoy it and then get bored of it long before pcocks

same here bro, same here

Haha, nope.


How come I never see you PCniggers begging for SMT V or Octopath Traveler to come to PC?

>all this neofags and shills
Sup Forumsiral marketing is real

Nah I love my ps4 and pc. Best of both worlds.

You'll never get to play Persona 5 unless its in a buggy emulator at 12 fps, how does that make you feel?

No because to get a PC that can play these games is still far more expensive than buying a PS4 and playing them 18+ months before PC gets them.

Persona on PC


Nope because i am lazy...i have as stable job that i could buy a powerfull gaming PC to play multiplat on ultra and whatever...but is soo much easy just boot the disc on a console and have PC can run the popular PC games of the moment and Thats anough for me

>Not buying it on both platforms to enjoy and support incredible games.

Why would Persona being emulatable on PC make anyone regret their PS4 purchase?
Like everyone and their grandmother have a PS3. It's no fucking Wii U.

No as I get to play games with my friends

>already beat all three games
Enjoy your sloppy seconds, OP.

Nope, because I got to play those games first and wasn't spoiled on anything.

Not way, fag.

no :^)


I finished those long ago so not really.

n a h

Where the fuck are PS 3 roms? Been looking for a rom of Yakuza Kawami.

Pic unrelated


No why?
Persona 5 is garbage, and it's on the ps3 too.
Nioh is decent, hopefully pc guys have fun playing.

No, why would I?

>PC fags slobber over used worn out leftovers from console gamers and act like they're superior for some reason
Nah, I already beat those games, OP.

>I remember when she kept fucking other guys behind my back

Cause PCbros are the most likely to buy a switch, which is more accesible and has portability, unlike PS4 and XBOX which are trying to be PC's with shit hardwear.

I can't wait for all the PC players to realize how boring and bad Nioh is.


As soon as Silent Hills was cancelled, yeah. Not because of some weebshit though.

No, I'm happy more people can enjoy the games I enjoyed. I don't get why people get so butthurt when stuff gets ported from console to PC and vice versa.

I didn't know you had to buy 4 million copies of a game to play it.

If Bloodborne is such an essential game why didn't anyone buy it?

Who says it's an essential game? I didn't know that user was somehow the official playstation 4 owner spokesperson. Is he actually famous?

>Who says it's an essential game?

Yes. The person you quoted never said that. Or do you see a different post than this?

jesus christ user he literally never said that

>games I've already enjoyed thoroughly and moved on from
>now other people can play them too

I am not mad at all. It's not a competition, I had my fun, other people playing it isn't going to diminish it.

>OP asks if people regret PS4 purchases
>user replies with a picture of bloodborne, a PS4 game they enjoyed
>this somehow implies that they said it is an essential game to the platform

You're trying to connect dots that aren't there my dude.

>Play the game months ago and replaying it right now

Why would I regret anything?

>You're trying to connect dots that aren't there my dude.
I don't. If you want to accuse someone of doing that then your best bet would be this guy

thanks for beta testing

I don't feel like making a thread to ask this: is the Nioh season pass worth it? I haven't touched it since I beat the base game.

What game should I buy next, Sup Forums? Got $25 back from a refund but paying an extra $5 for a $30 game isn't a problem.

Since day 1
Bought it when bloodborne came out and I didn't really enjoy that game.
Since then I got disgaea, gravity rush 2, and star ocean.
Disgaea ended up coming out on the switch and I rebought it there and played it more there. Gravity rush was great and my best time with the system. And star ocean was mediocre.

Nothing good looking on the horizon. Maybe the granule game if that isn't on PC.

No, sadly I can play Hatsune Miku, Sengoku Basara, Yakuzas, Bloodborne and other shit on my PS4 but not PC
Also I didn't wait about a year for Ni-oh

Divinity Original Sin 2

Now that Andrew House fucked off, don't get your hopes up, PCfatfucks.

i wont regret it unless Bloodborne comes to PC

Hell no, almost all my shit is Jap/Asia only stuff so its never getting PC releases.

fine then don't complain when you can't play Persona

Because Sonyfags are the face of never ever shitposting.
Seeing them get cucked will never not be funny.

I wouldn't go celebrating just yet over that. While just about everyone on Sup Forums would like Sony to go back to actually funding the development of more third-party games, House's replacement could go full-blown Don Mattrick territory for all we know.

why are psniggers always trashing rps3 for low frames but playing bloodborne on a ps4 is like seeing a compressed gif

Is Persona 5 really coming for PC?

Thinking of buying it for PS4. But I prefer playing on PC.

Should've bought it last week user. It was $40.

Damn, really? Shit.