I'm interested in people's taste in JRPGs mainly. I may ask some questions if I see a game I'm interested in trying on your list. You can recommend titles to others too and rate their 3x3.
I'm trying to decide what JRPG to play next.
I'm interested in people's taste in JRPGs mainly. I may ask some questions if I see a game I'm interested in trying on your list. You can recommend titles to others too and rate their 3x3.
I'm trying to decide what JRPG to play next.
don't die...
Sup Forums probably moves too fast for a nice thread like this but I'll give you a bump OP
I've got one just for this.
Sorry Mother 1 and Dragon Quest III got cut off.
Good list. I love SJ.
You prefer DQ VII over VIII? How is the 3DS remake of VII compared to the Ps1 version?
Also, how is BoF IV's story? I heard it has a lot of references to Taoism. BTW, I'm curious what two games on my list you didn't fancy?
How is Saga Frontier and Romancing Saga's stories? I've never looked much into those games.
Also, how does Atelier Meruru compare to other Atelier games? What about it stood out to you?
JRPGs are my favourite "genre" but I've realized it doesn't actually make sense to like JRPGs as a whole. I like TRPGs for the tactics, I like ARPGs for the action, etc. and I don't particularly like "role playing".
>How is Saga Frontier and Romancing Saga's stories?
SaGa games are light on actually telling stories and make you go out and explore the world and piece together how the world is. The SaGa games are more for playing the game than reading/watching a story unfold.
I've only played Sophie and Meruru, but Meruru was great because you develop a kingdom from some back water place to something expansive.
>it doesn't actually make sense to like JRPGs as a whole.
Some JRPGs suck, some are good. I mainly like good JRPGs for the sense of adventure, the atmosphere, and sometimes the creative narratives.
Suikoden II
Suikoden III
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VIII
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
I'm a simple guy. I know what i like and stick to it.
VIII is baby's first DQ, and I don't mean that in a bad way either. As a veteran DQVIII was too simple for my liking, good for beginners but dissapointing to veterans in my opinion. For me VII is both more fun and interesting.
I actually like both versions of DQVII myself, just used ps1 since that came up first. I guess VII on 3ds is much easier to get into so maybe look into that.
Breath of Fire IV is genuinely one of the fucking greatest games I ever played and I only played it for the first time this year. I can't suggest it enough.
I actually meant to type 5/7 and didn't notice until your post. My two games I don't care for from your list were Xenogears and FFVI. Xenogears feels like it has great concepts but is just too messy of a game for me to fully enjoy. Regarding FFVI I just can't get into FF for the life of me. I have tried four of them and never beat one. VI was the one I got the farthest in though, got to the WoR twice on two seperate playthroughs.
Your 3x3 is essentially mine, just swap out DQV for DQVIII.
Overworks needs to rise from their grave and work on a Skies of Arcadia sequel. I need more sky exploration and MOONSTONE CANNON, FIRE in my life.
How can you stomach Dragon Quest, but not like Suikoden 5?
Don't talk like that.
I'll check out BoF IV next, thanks. I'll go ahead and buy it on PSN, since it's on there. Do you know if PSN PS1 games played on Ps3 tend to suffer image quality loss on HDTVs?
But it's better than 3.
By him having good taste. Not liking DQ is a easy sign of a jrpg pleb.
You're asking how he can stomach a series (Dragon Quest) over a single game.
>Not liking DQ is a easy sign of a jrpg pleb.
Guess I'm a JRPG pleb then.
Nah, should play fine.
I don't mean to overhype it but I played it this year and it blew me away. Everything was such high quality, everything genuinely felt liked it had people carefully plan everything from story to theme to characters. I admit, the difficulty is pretty lacking and it has some pointless side quests you need to do, but please play it. If anything the battle system was so much fun the difficulty rarely bothered me enough.
Suikoden V didn't meet my standards of what a Suikoden game should be. Please don't ask why because when I type out the long list of reasons why, it always starts an argument. Suffice to say, it takes more than runes and character cameos to be a Suikoden game.
You are. DQ is a great series that is just simple fun. They feel simple and while "casual" they typically offer enough difficulty to be fun.
I appreciate your responses. Thanks. I'll buy it and start playing tomorrow. Seems like it's right up my alley.
I just don't enjoy "simple fun" when it comes to JRPG's. I enjoy more experimental games more.
Its ironic that some people label DQ as casual when Dragon Quest I, II, VI and VII are too hard for a lot of people. Hell, even DQVIII is too hard for your average JRPG fan as they have to stop and grind. When an experienced DQ player can beat it with zero grinding.
Clearly the games aren't as simple as the stereotype makes them out to be.
No problem, it makes me happy to get someone interested in such a phenomenal game. I think certain things may be naturally lost to someone not familar with Asian culture and religion, it's natural and was the same for me, but after reading about certain aspects and elements it amazed me how well thought out a lot of things were.
I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Good taste guys
I liked how the combo system made everyone worth using. You can pull off some really strong and useful combinations with the right skills, too. Plus I enjoyed how that system played into progression with some of the Masters, so I was always experimenting and discovering new element or skill combos.
Ursula, Scias, and Ryu will always be my favorite frontline team. A little weak on the magic front, but that's remedied by IV's fantastic ability to swap characters in and out on the fly, while also letting them recover.
What is bottom right.
Looks like Shadow Hearts: Covenant, which is a fantastic game.
Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant
>live a live
>dark spire
It's thinking.
Reminder, if you haven't beat Resonance of Fate on Zenith you aren't a real JRPG fan.
Damn those grey, drab visuals are so fucking ugly. I don't think I can play that game. It's a big turn off for me.
>Hybrid Heaven
I've been meaning to play Treasure of the Rudras. How is it?
It's great a fantastic magic system that's very unique and is one of the best looking JRPGs on the SNES
Dragon Quest is as casual as the genre gets. The only thing 'hard' about it is finding the will to endure the tedium of brainless combat and uninteresting stories.
>Dragon Quest is as casual as the genre gets.
>Dragon Quest II on NES has more variety in combat and Final Fantasy X on PS2
>Defend Dragon Quest
>Default to attacking Final Fantasy
I'm playing Xenogears for the first time when does it fall apart?
If you knew more about JRPGs beyond just the big three, then you'd realize how Dragon Quest is nowhere near the most casual one.
But then, you clearly don't even know anything about Dragon Quest II, VI or VII either. So I shouldn't be surprised.
What is the appeal of Dragon Quest?
I am just pointing out that it is what people default to even if Final Fantasy isn't brought up. Come on guys, stop having such a knee jerk reaction.
Speaking for myself here, but they capture the adventure feel really well, and I love the monster designs
Disc 2. You'll know when the characters start sitting and narrating a lot.
You're actually just deflecting from your original statement since you know Final Fantasy is more casual than DQ is.
According to the series creator, the games focus on exploration, NPC interaction and ease of gameplay. And I'd agree with that, adding in item collecting and extreme polish to progression. It's also a bonus to people who like old RPGs like Ultima or Wizardry. Dragon Quest is keeping that older style of RPG alive when everyone else is going to dialogue wheels and action combat.
>You're actually just deflecting from your original statement
I never had an original statement. I saw your post instantly going for Final Fantasy and pointed that out because everyone does that.
>I'm totally not the same guy
Neither am I.
It's amusing that people on Sup Forums cannot comprehend that people can jump in and out of conversations at any point and there is absolutely no way for you to know since default is Anonymous. Believe what ever you wish.
I like most JRPGs. Really excited for .hack// in november,
DDS saves you from pure shit taste.
Thanks user.
Not reading the thread huh?