Hat Girl > Himiko
Is she our girl, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
you can even recolor her
Nude mods when
lmfao looks like a miibo with the face drawn on. shit
Currently downloading it, got it from here
but if you torrent shit you get it from here Will play with "our" girl soon enough
What's wrong with her legs, why are her calves so huge.
I think she's wearing pants.
Nintendo has new mii's now?
Yeah use your money for Cuphead™.
>Hat Girl
Looks like I have to update my filters.
no one cares, fuck off then
definitely pants
stop shilling
no, YOU fuck off you fucking inbred
Shilling. Shilling never changes.
?? Cuphead is a insta hit, people bought it yet it's shilled constantly
AHiT is barely getting attention
an inbred callin his brother an inbred.
>One guys first game is better than "Ex-Banjo-Kazooie" developers 4 million dollar game
Not saying A Hat in Time is good, just that Yooka-Layle sucked really really hard.
never reply to me again
Top Hat Girl was supposed to be like banjo kazooie? didn't notice, honestly. Seems more like the platforming of psychonauts.
>mafia island rocket race level says I'm missing an item so I won't be able to beat it
>beat it anyways
>doesn't like game
>comes into thread LEL LOOK I FILTER
>still here
>Hat Girl > Himiko
That's what they advertised it as.
if you pirate it, you cant save your pictures taken with photo mode (and it's really fun i just bought the game for this reason i'm such a piece of shit)
>those gasps when she jumps
Hoo boy.
she looks like a fucking portal knights character
The watermark says Love Food, but watching it is making me hate food.
it tried to imitate wind waker but it failed, still it looks 100x better than portal baka
mexicans make the most god awful street food it looks so un appetizing yet little fat beaners eat it anyways
she plays the best console out there
>Hat Girl > Himiko
Ah yes, the fabled GC2.
Is the game worth a pirate?
It's Dodecahedron!
No it's worth thirty bucks.
>40 stars
>worth 30 bucks
I could buy Mario 64, which has 120 stars, right now for $10 or less.
I'd say so
Much, much better than Yooka-Layle
Not quite as good as professional games such as Mario Galaxy. Still impressive for an indie game.
Movement options are still fun to master, levels are cluttered but there's plenty to do in them.
My biggest complaint is the artstyle is too bright, but that doesn't effect gameplay.
The fact that the devs shilled here nonstop to get people to even pay attention to this mario ripoff with loli assets slapped on should tell oyu.
It's also the first game GfB has ever made so that's not a fair comparison
Thanks user. Now let me ask the most important question: How lewd the hatloli is?
how can anyone hate this?
Any date for PS4 version or is it still "later this Fall"?
Her mouth literally looks like it was drawn on in MS Paint.
I understand that making a game is hard and at some point you just have to call it finished, but jesus christ man, have some pride in your work.
Not at all
Everything she does is strictly cute
She raspberries random enemies, performs little dances, and wears a cute raincoat when it rains.
Still not enough content to justify the $30 price. $20 seems fair.
still later this fall w/ Xbox one
It has the audacity to not be realistic or AAA in appearance, so the sheepish masses will ignore it.
Costume Quest 3 is looking great
Art styles don't exist.
Hey bro, just whipped up this new sprite for the next 2D Mario game, Nintendo said they're going to use it in the final build.
You can't criticize it, it's just my art style.
>shitty amiibo face
>muh style
devs are so butthurt
Great stuff. Now show off some gameplay WEBM like the cynical lil shit you are.
>Tfw I unlocked the achievement "Why"
I want every single one of those photos from the diva level. Especially the one that looks vaguely like an ahegao.
>tfw sometimes you remember why you like video games
>lives alone
>too autistic to speak
>enjoys watching shows all day
>doesn't play genuine videogames
>has finally achieved the dream of being the little girl
Completely /our gal/
>too autistic to speak
>"Hey! I'll take you!"
>"Down with the mafia!"
>"Thank you!"
Oh, for fuck's sake. It was bad enough at first when I thought it was going to be a crepe.
Just cuz you don't like it doesn't automatically make it shit.
I want you guys to have this picture
I really dislike the way they did the faces in this. Hopefully the rule34 does it better
Anybody got a rip of the OST? All I got so far is this
but I want to get the boss battle music from the forest world.
humble and preorders will receive the ost in a few hours so expect proper rips then
>Five worlds
>No complaints about it
Double standards and shilling is real.
>2 free world to come post launch
Yeah. I'm getting more Mario Sunshine and Psychonauts vibes. Some missions, like the murder mystery one, also give me Sly Cooper vibes.
The game isn't complete yet. Chill.
Idk I've already spent almost 3 hours and I haven't touched anything but Mafia World
I didn't pay anything, so I have nothing to complain about. Complaining about short games is a sign of a sucker.
What's the best song in the game and why is it the boogeyman's theme? youtu.be
Two more worlds will be added as free DLC.
And people don't hate Yooka Laylee for having only 5 worlds. They hate it for having very bland worlds that long overstay their welcome.
>[]Get Out
>[]Just Get Out
her model is shit
>3D collect-a-thon
>The Legend of Zelda
Is that fucking Windwaker?
How do I get giant calves like her? Been trying for years now
baggy pants moron
calf raises and cardio
put on 20-30 pounds for a year or two, tyen drop it.
>not GOG with known SHA1
Enjoy your bitcoin miner
how u doin
Gog would probably support the camera mode without steam
what theme are you using?
Link me up senpai
what do you mean by this?
>No mention of yooka laylee in post
Fuck off shill. More world's are being added to that game too.
yes, link. i can't find it either
how common are bitcoin miners in torrents anyways?
Where console?
Post references you understood.
>this stupid bitch and the dumb assassin bitch survived
Worst survivors ever
Mafia don't mind punching it.