Why is this shitty looking game so popular? What did i miss? All i see is an average platformer starring the nu-male version of Mickey Mouse. What's so special about it?
Why is this shitty looking game so popular? What did i miss...
lol truly EPIC contrarian opinion, my man!
welcome to Sup Forums, you'll fit RIGHT IN here! Don't forget to say nigger a lot!
It's really fun.
Excuse me, but Cuphead™ is Sup Forums's game of the year. I've bought it on PC and on console. I suggest you do the same or leave Sup Forums. This is a CUPZONE.
This nigga is selling more copies than fifa and destiny on xbox right now.
>shitty-looking game
Nice bait. Glad to see that no one these days has any clue of how animation works.
>solid game play
>gorgeous visuals
>solid music
>solid sound effects
>fun story
It's average or above average in every category and its gimmick of 1930's cartoons is nostalgic to anyone who grew up watching reruns of them.
Unironically This.
To be fair, the actual gameplay does look pretty fun, but the artstyle is fucking horrible.
Shit's too fucking cluttered in every place except the Hub Worlds, and it sucks a fat dick that I can't play the game I bought because it gives me a massive headache after three minutes.
I can't even watch anyone stream it without getting nauseated.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
haha yeah dude this is some stupid kiddy shit unlike the masterpiece that is Bloodborne
You're retarded. Stop being retarded.
Why should anyone take your opinion seriously when you haven't even played the game?
>the artstyle is fucking horrible
I HAVE played the game, numbnuts.
I just can't play it for longer than five minutes because it makes me sick.
nothing but sticking some big eyes and mouths on crappy art and adding some iphone filters. Theres a reason animations don't look like this anymore
You can turn off the color bleed if that's the problem. I get migraines from this kind of shit as well.
>I get sick playing video games
Holy shit, imagine being this much of a fucking loser.
For a whole three minutes apparently
Works on my machine™
If you unironically get a headache/nausea then it's probably due to the chromatic aberration
It can't be disabled though in this game
People who are desperate for a few cents to spam the internet.