Why are wolfenstein threads deleted that quickly?

Why are wolfenstein threads deleted that quickly?
Pic unrelated because it triggers people I guess, I just want to talk about the game.


can't wait for when it actually releases, the shitposting will be great

Just don't have the OP be something that is clearly trying to trigger Sup Forumstards.

Undertale level or Overwatch level?


3 weeks. What's the prediction? massive success? Sweden wins again.


mods are being faggots and wont let people discuss videogames on the videogame board again thats why

heres to you senator


But user you were the one to reference Sup Forums, I didn't even alude to them in my post.

Do you think they have a hidden agenda?

Is your dumb ass actually defending fucking nazi's?

If I walked out today and murdered, and not just murdered but fucking tortured a bunch of fucking nazi's absolutely no one would give a fucking shit except maybe the law.

If I saw me a nazi and I decided to abduct them, and put needles in their eye and a lemon up their ass, no one would fucking weep.

If I saw me a nazi and I raped them day in and day out for over a year and forced them eat what I find in the dumpster at the abortion clinic, no one would give a single shit.

If I saw me a nazi and I boiled their hands and feet, if I blinded them and deafened them, if I removed their tongue and plugged their nose and caged them in their own head without their senses, forced them to walk around a glass cage on display looking for their daily food trying not to mistake it for their own shit, no one would fucking give a goddam fuck.

And yet here you are, practically drowning in hitlers menstrual fluids, offended that a cartoon punched a nazi that you actually think anyone gives flying fuck about what happens to fucking nazi's.

>Reddit spacing
I hope this is pasta

So like what you're doing now?

is this an epic new copypasta?

yes they have a hidden agenda, after gamergate happened a bunch of anti GG shills made their way into janitor positions.

>This thread
I think I know why they keep getting deleted OP. Aside from you being a faggot, of course

well you see the mods cracked down on anything SJW related during GamerGate (or before it, which sort of helped cause GamerGate).

Meanwhile SJW influence and crazy Antifa people have been slowly infesting the games industry.

Now we're in a catch-22 where Sup Forums mods are cracking down on video game threads because the video game industry is infested with SJWs as predicted by GamerGate.

NeoGAF has outright banned discussion of games for political reasons.

don't you love it when americans/non american 4chinners think that politics only mean left/right or which president they voted for

>Neogaf banned political discussion
>Its still infested with political discussion

Maybe we arent so different after all......

h-here you go mister

because spaghetti dropping Sup Forumstards aren't capable of remaining in their own board

Because Sup Forumstards use them to get a foot in the door, Zorak. They're crazy.

But this is their board aswell.

No, they banned certain _games_ because of the politics of their creators. Hatred and Hunnie Pop are examples. There are a bunch of too-loli-for-game weeb games too.

where is the video games

Because they immediately devolve into Sup Forums faggotry with no actual discussion of the game.

It's one of those games like Watch Dogs 2 and Mafia 3 that you will never, ever be able to have an actual thread about here.

huniepop isnt even political wtf

>bumping the threads you claim to be opposed to bumping
What a retarded and unoriginal idea, just like everything out of Sup Forums these days.

wolfenstein came and went without anyone giving a fuck, maybe the developers shouldnt of hopped onto the anti drumpf bandwagon and people would discuss this shit normally


>sage isn't a thing

Anti-Sup Forums newfags don't know about sage which is why:
Is an issue.

OP, all you have to do is make a Wolfenstein thread that isn't obviously designed to get shit Sup Forums replies

I tell ya, Neogaf is just one big ol' containment thread, about half as big as /mlp/

He's asking for yous.
The moron doesn't even understand the point of the thing he's imitating.

>gets talked about regularly
>game play and story is always praised
>made enough money to warrant a sequel
What's it like going through life as a delusional chuckle fuck?

mods don't wanna deal with triggered Sup Forumstards

Impossible, Sup Forums gets triggered more than tumblr
I bet just this picture has one frothing at the mouth about the jewish conspiracy to breed out white people and how it normalizes cuckoldry

i mean, nobody gave a fuck about it politically. nobody was "defending the nazis" in that game, because they were actual nazis, not projected as donald trump supporters.

Sup Forums looks for reasons to be triggered if you missed the last 4 years of this board

>NeoGAF has outright banned discussion of games for political reasons.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you that much of a retard?

Left leaning children get triggered when their virtue signalling idiocy gets called out, so they mass report anything that makes them realize how childish they're acting.

If you have a normal OP and a Sup Forumstard starts derailing the thread, then yeah, that's on them.

But if your OP is a developer tweet saying something about Trump or the picture of the black woman/communist, then yeah, it should be deleted. You're not fooling anyone.

hi there

One more piece of evidence that Sup Forumstards don't actually know anything or give a fuck about video games, except to the extent that they allow them to push their agenda.

Why are Sup Forumsshits triggered so easily?

>projected as donald trump supporters.
To what are you referring? I've only seen the milkshake nazi.

see This isn't a secret, this is well known NeoGAF policy.

how many of you watched those old james bond movies as a kid and realized it's about lobbying against nazis and the 2nd world?

i didn't and I just thought they were cool action movies, and that's what I still think of the wolfenstein games, it's too sad that so many people are literally brainwashed by this garbage media that most of the west grows in that they actually get offended by fucking videogames displaying something that's a hallmark for classic entertainment media

>Sage isn't a thing

Pic related.

Because no one who makes a thread about it actually wants to discuss it. They just want to bitch about "muh liberals"

theres a part in the game where the nazis are talking about how they're astonished people would go around and just "punch nazis" and that you "shouldnt use violence against people who differ in political views"

It is inherently a Sup Forums game, there's no escaping from it.

Sup Forums newfags is also a thing ya know
either way
video games

neogaf doesn't want discussion of pedo partyvan games or gator-made Triumphs of the Will, seems reasonable

Wait, I can't tell. Did you honestly think NeoGAF didn't ban certain games for political reasons or are all about banning certain games for political reasons?

you got that backwards - GG did it first

kill yourself

There's a part in the previous game where the Beatles sing a song dedicated to Hitler and Jimi Hendrix plays the National Anthem while high on LSD while Nazis shoot him up.
Stop being a fragile little baby about every goddamn thing.

That's kind of a stretch.

Except this is true. SJWs and Sup Forumsfags act the exact same way but on opposite sides.

world of warcraft is a racist Sup Forums game too since humans have the strongest racial perks

gamergate and the election was a mistake
where is the video games


Yeah pretty much.

original post was unclear, seemed to be implying that neogaf banned all political discussion of games, which they certainly didn't

Blood Fury: Increases melee and ranged attack power for 15 seconds.
Hardiness: Duration of Stun effects reduced by an additional 10%.
Command: Damage dealt by pets increased by 1%.

I didnt know humans had these racials

hi there

no, that's Sup Forums

As someone who watched that whole entire debacle from the outside, Gamergate wasn't the problem at first, at least not before the social justice warrior faggots ruined it like they ruin everything else.

I will admit though the change happened amazingly fast, probably within a couple weeks. Soon as Sup Forums started calling out Zoey for being a whore and sucking dicks for reviews they latched onto GG and turned it inside out. After that anyone who fuckin even remotely sided with no corruption in games journalism by proxy was sexist and mysogynist or however you spell that made up word.

Sup Forumstards are the only ones who brings up the issues
i just want to play video games

>give a (you) if the only time you see anti-Sup Forums bait get bumped is when Sup Forumsfags reply to double bait from anti-anti-Sup Forumsfags

dude you aren't welcome here
go back to your subreddit

>nu-wow babbies

perception is still better than being half immune to stuns because rogues are the best pvp class

It's offsiters and trolls m8, dont allow yourself to be deceived. I gaurantee you if we could ban all phones and anyone with cookies in their browser who browse reddit the shit would vanish. I'm 100% positive about that. I haven't browsed Sup Forums since it was /news/ and I know more about this shit than now that I ever have because of leftist false flaggers like

I wonder how actual WW2 vets would feel knowing their grandsons would idolize nazis.

GG was created as a smokescreen to legitimize the harassment campaign

you've been memed

>telling a redditor they aren't welcome makes me a leftist
oh yeah dude i'm from a mommunist discord where we organize attacks on Sup Forums in innocent threads pointing merely poiting out how the sjw agenda is killing OUR vidya (totally a 4channer guis) games

OH WAIT THAT WOULD BE fucking a u t i s t i c shit you would think up

I feel the real impact presentation behind the weapons is based on how the enemy damage models look.
>That gib effect when unleashing a entire clippazine in a nazi
>That blood spatter from plinking nazis with shotguns

>Sup Forums sucks
>Sup Forums does suck, we act like this because youre wrong and don't know anything, but I'm not Sup Forums you're just afraid of the boogeyman, look at these strawman images that I have dozens of, have I told you how much worse you are than Sup Forums because you don't like us forcing our agenda on everything, but I only did it because you did it first, why are nazis always the bad guys in these games, wake up sheeple, I can't believe you think the holocaust actually happened, how could you fall for propaganda against the good guys, don't call us the alt right, the alt right doesn't exist and it's not because I don't like that term because it implies I'm on the fringe, everyone actually thinks the way I do, studies show people are more conservative these days and even though that's just because of minorities views on things like homosexuality we need to get rid of all these minorities because I don't have a girlfriend because the cheerleader I like fucked a black guy on the football team, I'm totally not underaged either

>He doesnt Into PvP Traits

Orcs break this goddamn game because the stun resist talent stacks on top of their racial making them 90% immune to stuns


>People really believe this

Son, I watched it since its incarnation. It was literally fucking SINCE ITS CONCEPTION AS AN IDEA ONLY about getting corrupt and talentless faggot journalists out of their positions. You think that because the "cause" was turned on its head so fast.

I'm done with these threads, there's no saving you people. Maybe we should start raiding reddit and other places again just to stir up the bees nest like they do us, like we used to.

how is this thread not deleted yet
mods do your job
Sup Forums doesn't belong on Sup Forums

(you)ing this

take it, you only get one

i've read the irc logs where the core harassers literally invented GG out of thin air

get educated son

It's pretty blatant anti-white propaganda.

>tfw literally never gone to Sup Forums, have no idea what gamergate is let alone the buzzwords you'd put here, don't live in america to have to deal with their politics either
>just want to discuss video games

can't we all go back 5 years and unite in the one common ground we have, liking videogames and being from the same intraweb site


you're being baited
no one believes that

the funniest part is that the threads with Wolfenstein in the thread image are getting deleted super quick. This one is completely untouched even though it's overtly a meta discussion.

funny thing is you know theyve pruned this thread and found it to be suitable

I dont blame them either, this thread is less cancerous than the others and as the saying goes, there must always be one king to control the scourge

>Reddit spacing
Found the 2012fag

I fucking hate you, OP. Why wouldn't you make a regular Wolfenstein thread? Why reference them getting deleted? Moron.

You would know.

GG wasn't conceived on an IRC, the idea to manipulate it was you tinfoil story twisting twat.

wolfstein threads should be moved to Sup Forums.

the game is pushing a certain agenda and politics belongs on Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is bad.
(You) me, bitch.