>Hey bro, you bought my game, right?
Hey bro, you bought my game, right?
Hell yeah dood
Y-yeah Chad...
Yup. 10/10 breh
Good luck recreating the success on whatever do next
>You will never make a game as successful as Chad's
Of course man it's pretty rad!
Y-ys sir ;_;7
why are people so angry at chads?
They are usually pretty chill to have around, the bully/mean guy was usually the fat ugly fuck who nobody liked.
I remember chads giving me tips with girls and shit like that.
I still don't understand why the other autistic boards hate chad so much.
Yeah looks pretty gay bro, I'm going back to Madden. and PUBG.
It's a meme mostly
/r9k/ucks probably got offended by a chad being too friendly with them when they were in school
Chad is actually the nicest person you'll ever meet. It's pseudo-Chads (Brads) who are assholes.
Yeah man, it was great.
Dude, what's up with your hair tho?
A chad used to bully me everyday in high school and the girls laughed with, he was always with those fucking whores and smelled like smegma because he banged his gf before school and didnt shower after
Thays why I hate them
>is literally named Chad
Fuck man
Chad = jock. This guy doesn't come off as a jock at all. Just a regular cool guy.
Fucking retards, stop ruining the meme like every other.
His name is Chad you retard fuck off and buy Chad's game
>his name being Chad makes him one
Guess your name is Retard.
Yeah I bought it from TPB.
>His name is Chad
>But he's not Chad
I guess your name is Retard
How can the virgin Toby Fox even compete?
virgin gaming journalists hate him
Just stop posting.
No, but i've been "busy" with looking at stuff from your game if it makes you feel better >:^)
You first Retard
I understand user, gotta be frugal when you're out of work. I hope you enjoy the game anyways, hopefully you can purchase it when your finances are in better shape.
>a chad
>video games
i understand he is rolling in it because of all the betas and deltas of this board, but if he is a gamer, he ain't no chad
*smack my bitch up playing in my head*
uhhh sure brah
I'm not, I'm pretty sure almost everyone here is memeing
It's funny
It's a joke
Don't ever reply to me again.
>it's a joke
it's not
maybe you shouldnt have been such weak prey and stood up for yourself
honestly no one to blame but you
Thank you for your insight, self proclaimed chad expert who spends his free time shitposting in a ugandan tapestry bazaar
Yes mister Chad.
We got Chad EXPERTS in here take their advice
Chad is literally a jock. Prove me wrong.
I would have bought it first day on ps4 but you had to make deals with the devil.
Chads have always played Vidya, they've just always masterfully hid their power levels
Now that numales are threatening to destroy the medium Chad's are taking it upon themselves to make things right by making games like Cuphead
A lot of people at my school could play the “Stairway to Heaven” guitar solo, but they couldn’t play three chords of a Ramones song if their life depended on it because they didn't have the strength or ability to do it. But all I did was practice that, and the style that I eventually fell into is more focused than people would actually imagine.
>I lost the argument
There is no argument. You simply don't know what Chad means like the rest of these meme'ing redditors.
You know it Chad, my man!
You're A-OK i my book
I know people named Chad are Chad. That's how names work.
how the heck is that related with what he said in his post?
Not him but I’m getting mixed signals
Are chads supposed to be ridiculous caricatures to be mocked or are they good looking people who do cool/not shitty things.
It’s not hard for me to imagine good looking and cool people to work on videogames. I’m not handsome myself or very social but I try a little each day to work out and stop being antisocial and wanna learn to make my own video game (a homage to Okage) so guys like chad are an inspiration for me.
anyone else thinks he looks kinda like cristian bale. the eyes
should have started lifting. chad and stacy may have noticed you
Fuck you, Chad, leave our games alone. You're not a virgin.
No I didn't bring anything.
Who is this man?
>play three chords
that's not how being a bard works, user
>and smelled like smegma because he banged his gf before school
Playing his game while he fucks your gf in the same room
>Instead of just getting a GoG copy
I'd imagine that the Chad would be someone who has everything go their way both intentionally and unintentionally.
>he has only one pirated version
>tfw got bullied throught highschool because i was the quiet guy who just wanted to be friendly but was autistic as fuck.
>all my bullies are married and have kids and a nice job
>im a 25 year old freshman in college because i became a neet for so many years due to the toll bullying took on my confidence and self esteem
I am working out now, going to college and hopefully will get a girlfriend and my first kiss. wish me luck bros.
>StudioMDHR is an independent video game developer consisting of two brothers: Chad & Jared Moldenhauer.
its the cuphead dev. you did buy his game, right?
Chads are perfect. Bullies are not Chads. They are basically the equivalent of a Gary Stu. Everyone loves them and they in turn love everyone as well along with being perfect at everything they do. They are ultimately positive in all aspects.
No, I have to support my local economy by buying Elex
Not yet.
>Never was into cartoons so don't really care about it at first
>Bunch of journalists start complaining the game is too hard and should be easier to be more inclusive
>Look it up because I like challenging game
>Game is fun as fuck
Thanks Chad and thanks journalists
Good luck from another who started to get their shit together in mid 20s.
we need a virgin walk dev to compare this specimen to
typical butthurt of a homo bottom when someone drops some truth about his top
you guys just consider every most average looking guy that is somewhat fit to be a chad.
t. person that leaves his house from time to time
the virgin stairway to heaven soloist never succeeded as an artist, while the chad ramones chords player went on to create incredibly innovative and influential indie rock
You serious? It's fun as motherfucking shit, I love it bruh
it's a meme you dip
if that's average then I'm ugly as fuck. pic related. shut up you don'w know what you're talking about
Because in today's society, the pushed around weak nerd has developed a God Complex and thinks himself better than everyone, while all the chads have down to earth personalities.
I blame all the 80s movies desu
I love how Chads have become simultaneously romanticised and flanderised in a sense. I always thought they were just tall handsome guys who handegged their way through college going to keggers and beach parties before settling down in a six figure job with Stacy.
O-of course, Chad
>hides torrent
>right wing white man makes a video game
>it's game of the month
Fuck yeah brah it's sick
The Invincibility dash makes the game almost redundant.
what the h*ck are you talking about, she's not ugly
that;s me you dorkand im not a she
You misunderstand not just because of the meme, Chad is his actually name.
Nobody cares about your Sup Forums shit, user.
Go back to
that everything about him is average except his body type, and even that isn't even fit, just somewhat of a guy that goes to the gym from time to time.
just say you're american to let us know what yor average guy looks like.
>right wing
I thought I heard he was a leftie somewhere? Also it doesn't matter. His game is good and he put his heart into it, that's all I care about.
>user brings politics into thread for no reason
>it's stupid
that chick would be cute if she dressed like a non retard
No way am I buying anything from a chad
That girl's face unironically looks like a horror game face. Like the mask from Little Nightmares as a literal mask lol.
No, the aiming is cancer for the sake of making the game harder for no reason
Im glad I didn't buy it and immediately get buyers remorse even though the visuals are probably the most perfect thing I've ever seen in any video game
I play fighting games and I enjoy difficulty but not needless random shit like dank souls
>Yo user, we're goin to the gym and playing some Cuphead after, you coming?
underrated joke
Chads who play vidya general?
pic related plays obscure RPG's from the early 2000s on twitch frequently
nah, i'm not gay
What do you think those things on its chest are
No, I bought something that will benefit me.
>vidya reviewer
>benchpresses 500
corset is pushing the shirt up