Street Fighter V Arcade Editon announced

Update will include another V-trigger for each character, a proper arcade mode, and other changes. The update will be free to current SFV owners, and $40 for complete game for new players.

Scheduled launch date is January 16, 2018

Clarification: the game is not actually coming to arcades

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Question: why does Street Fighter V trigger casuals and plebs so badly?

It only triggers them because the all the pros say it's shit

>Arcade Edition
>No actual arcade cabinet release
Guess Japs will just keep playing SF4/3

Are they gonna rebalance everything as well? More defensive options would be nice.

Because all they played was USFIV

No thanks.
I'll wait for Ultra Street Fighter V in Early 2018


Looks like they're building up to it.

Can I just straight up admit that I have no idea what people mean when they say that? Bring back meterless invincible reversals? Stuff like the alpha counter? Or is it like, buttons that you can press with relatively little risk while stuck in the corner? Everybody says that but I get the feeling everybody is thinking of something else when they say that.

>Arcade Edition
>not actually coming to arcades

At least they aren't gonna go Maximum Overjew and charge me for the update when they said before that there would be no paid re-releases. Just a free patch, like Dark Souls 2 should've done but didn't and I still refuse to buy any FromSoftware games ever since.

If I buy the game right now, will I get all DLC?


If you buy the AE coming out in January, it'll have the twelve characters of Season 1 and Season 2 there. If you buy the regular version of the game currently out, you'll only get the free updates like the Arcade Mode, new UI, Extra Battle Mode, etc., but you'd still have to get the DLC characters through the usual methods (with in-game Fight Money or with real money).

I wanted new V skills as well. Fuck Chun Li's, not even pros use that shit.

Interested in new v-triggers, really hoping that means new v-skills too because I am ass with Giefs parry

where da new supers
where da new mechanic


>The update will be free to current SFV owners


>Street fighter V got an arcade mode with comic endings
>MVCI got an arcade mode with no endings
how embarrassing

As someone who doesn't give a shit about PvP, this sounds like its actually worth trying now. Lots of stuff to do.

delet AA jab

6 arcade modes. They fucking funneled the money Disney gave them to this game.

>Half of SFV's dlc budget

Daily reminder to kill yourself, Boco

fuck off dude

It'll probably get a balance patch after Capcom Cup and before Evo Japan happens, which is right when this game comes out. It won't get any more defensive options though, that would basically have to be built into the core game.

Holy shit. They fucking robbed them blind. Jesus

Yes sir...

>Just a free patch, like Dark Souls 2 should've done but didn't and I still refuse to buy any FromSoftware games ever since.
Good to see someone else who feels this way.
Fuck those greedy bastards.

except the fact that disney gave no money to capcom, capcom gave Disney part of the revenue for esports in return for not paying for the license. And thats not even Disney thats marvel

Is it completely overhauling the gameplay? Otherwise I don't give a fuck.

I hope there are gameplay changes outside of just adding a new V trigger.

They're releasing a cabinet in Japan that runs on the Steam version

>As someone who doesn't give a shit about PvP
>in a fighting game
Just when I think you can't get any worse

You must be trolling

>And thats not even Disney thats marvel
That's like saying you're not sucking ME off, you're sucking my dick off. Disney owns Marvel. It's Disney.

game rewards random yolo play too much, making mid-level play a nightmare, especially if youre trying to learn REAL footsies.

>tfw went back to playing USF4
Hey, this is fun!

except no its not, or did you forget how kevin fiege begged disney to buy marvel studios completely from marvel. Thats kind of a big deal as now the movies are directly under disney while the rest of it is marvel. Or how about the time Marvel said no when disney asked if they could use marvel characters for disney infinity and only gave in if disney let marvel decide the characters and only after the game already released.

So no its nothing like your analogy

The return of the Japanese gods. Its over for america now.

we've managed to live with meterless reversals for the last 30 years why should they be gone all of a sudden? maybe make backdashes have some strike invuln instead of just being grab invuln, because as it stands having them be in forced CH state while not having any sort of strike invuln is just bizarre. the universal nerf to v-reversals in s2 was also unnecessary, and should probably be reverted or maybe a retooling of v-reversals on an individual basis is a good idea.

Because SFV at it's core is the anti-thesis of SFIV and everyone is an 09'er

I'm not touching that shit until the fix the visuals, god it still looks awful.

Yeah, I started playing USF4 again after two years or however the fuck long it's been and it's still fun, although obviously the player pool is a lot smaller. Competition really isn't much worse, because most of the people who still play it have some idea what they're doing.

I know its not a big issue anymore but why not fix the face?

You don't look any better.

How would you know? Mr Mous?

How the fuck did a fighting game not have an arcade mode for 2 years after launch?

normally uppercut special moves have invincibility frames on startup, making them good reversals. but in sf5 only EX uppercuts are fully invincible, meaning a defensive player is almost fucked if they dont have bar.

I know, everything clips into each other. It's really fucking shitty.

Modern Capcom

I'm thinking of getting it on ps4. I really miss all those characters.

Didn't Capcom specifically say they weren't going to do any new editions to this game?

I hope they change the announcer so he's not a generic monotone esports speaker. The game needs more pizzazz.

>free update

That you have to pay for. It says in the fine print at the end of the trailer that the updates are free if you already own the base game.

it actuallly seems characters are getting extra vskills to go with their triggers if link related is to be trusted

No paid editions. Which this is. You get the upgrade as long as you own the original game. The 39.99 is basically a GOTY edition with the DLC in it.

Why did USF4 do everything better but SFV is the new game?

They said you'd only ever have to buy one disc and they wouldn't charge for balance updates, you can also unlock the DLC characters with ingame currency

I'll certainly take it over a paid update.

>tfw they'll never bring back the Alpha combos from the previous builds

Because people had lower standards when IV came out.

People really got hyped with ultra. But the characters they added in ultra are just ported over characters from Cross Tekken. Its why Elena's hit boxes were so messed up and Hugo's.

I don't know, why has every SF game after Super Turbo failed to surpass it?

which people are still bitching about. I know they made it a grind if your not hardcore into the game but isn't that the point, if you like SFV and play every day you will have all the content if you only play it casually you will have to pay.

I have not played SFV, what do people dislike about it compared to the previous titles?

ultra was not some holy grail, it was a piece of shit too in its own ways

SF4 brought back fighting games despite being trash until ultra where it now rests as ok but worse than 2 and 3

The character models clip through themselves but the gameplay is average. Also, paywalls

4 got a lot of shit at launch too as it was considered a massive step down from 3rd Strike, and each new iteration of 4 carried its own problems. But people were just glad there was a new game to play after 10 fucking years of 3rd Strike.

I think FChamp said it best, it's a SF game that's trying more to be Marvel.

Yea, it caught me off guard.

they should worry about the hair clipping through his shoulder first

I bought it at launch, still play semi-regularly, and have all the dlc characters. The only thing I ever spent money on was the gief macho man costume. SFV being treated as a platform beats the fuck out of the yearly new editions


If you're talking about normal 2 then I think USF4 is better than it.

That's her new V-Trigger. All those images are in training mode, and Nadeshiko must've been on screen long enough for Mika's bar to refill.

My only hope is that MvCI lasts long enough to become good. Which it probably will, but still.

I'm talking about the final versions of each game, 3rd strike and ST are better than Ultra 4

Well yeah, SF2 vanilla is a busted mess. Everyone knows that when you're talking about 2 you're talking about ST, and 3rd Strike for 3.

So what fighting games are you fags playing since Capcom has gone to shit instead of SFV and Marvel Infinite.

I play KI, Skullgirls, and Pokken, which is really unfortunately underrated as a competitive game

I am talking about the people who play once in a blue moon who complain that it takes to long to unlock characters. No matter how shitty anyone thinks the characters look it costs money to make them they do not want everyone to get all the characters that would pretty much make it pointless for them

I've just been playing a lot of MvCI

get weird al like for that billy and mandy arena fighter

As soon as DBFZ got announced I stopped caring about infinite but I'll probably pick up it's ultimate edition down the road if the price is right

I play sfv. Also melee and guilty gear

I play SFV and Tekken, looking forward to DBFZ.

SFV and Rev2 mostly
I play ST and 3rd strike with friends time to time

shit you bring up a good point. well at least this means ill get to use birdie's new sparrowhawk stance vtrigger AND eat the donuts

The only thing I want back from SFIV is all the flare. The menus and announcer are hype as fuck. I get unhype getting greeted by the minimalistic designs of SFV.

I have been out of this for a while,have they fixed Akuma's fucking stupid retard hairline and bun?

The only thing i don't like when it comes to discussion of Infinite is the complete 180 this board has done on MvC3. It used to be one of the most disliked games on this board, people would never shut up about Touch of Death or or that the meta is dominated by certain characters, and that it;'s the most boring game to watch at evo.

Now? People won't stop praising it. It's Zelda Syndrome.


Neutral game is fucking weak. A strong neutral is what separated SF from anime fighters and MK, and now that's gone.

Its because people just parrot what they hear.

Looks pretty good, I'm hype for it.

>4 got a lot of shit at launch too as it was considered a massive step down from 3rd Strike

Nobody non-Japanese actually liked 3S.

>guys we're not going to make updated versions of the game
>a few years pass
>here's the updated version of the game you guys
so who saw this coming

Well I mean you don't have to pay for it if you already have the base game so you lose nothing.

To be fair overly strong neutrals are fucking boring. Look at smash 4

Aside from MvC2, it was all we were playing.

It's almost as if the games that came afterwards were worse.