Total War is the call of Duty of strategy games

Each new game is a casualized clone of the previous one with braindead AI, repetitive gameplay, cancerous balance design and next to no challenge.

All the while battles become faster and less strategic for the ADD ridden RTS crowd.

If you still support total war games by buying their titles or praise them online you deserve to be jewed of every last one of your pennies.

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This review tells you everything you need to know about this game. Although he was being far too generous by giving it a 6/10.

It deserves a 3/10 at this point. Ranking it even lower than Rome 2.

>Battles now have the added depth of Magic, Monsters, Lords, and Flying Units
>Each faction has a hefty difference in playstyles, with close ties to a well established franchise
But do tell, OP, would you have two factions, Red and Blue, where the only difference in them is the hue of their armor?
The game's a major success, sorry lad.

Stop the presses a Sup Forumsirgin is mad a game beat his old outdated games.

>they turned chaos into the cancerous horde gameplay from atilla
just fuck my shit up

>5 min battle
>Copy pasted spells across all magic schools
>Against a braindead AI


>shilling this hard

I loved Rome 1 as a kid and have been enthralled to TW ever since but I really can't disagree with this. The arcadey battles since Rome 2 have been fucking atrocious and I can't wrap my head around why CA is doing this. The gutting of an already barebones campaign economy is also inexcusable. I love total war but CA is obviously neglecting the potential of their games ever since Shogun 2 (or possibly Empire).

min battle
>>Copy pasted spells across all magic schools
Wrong again
>>Against a braindead AI
M8 stop playing on Easy.

>legend and/or arch

>hammer and anvil
>less strategic

>braindead AI
As opposed to the "brilliant" ai from medieval or rome that dont even know how to flank?

I'll get it when they add Tomb Kangz

I am enjoying playing co op with a friend

OP is just a faggot who is mad that people like a video game

Why would i listen to a shitty version of arch?

I liked the first one, but the elves look like either complete fags or complete edgelords. Should I buy just for dinosaurs?

>implying the OP isn't a shill for trying to generate controversy about a newly released game

>It deserves a 3/10 at this point. Ranking it even lower than Rome 2.
Your opinion is shit. Get back to me when history is altered and Rome 2's launch wasn't an embarrassing mistake.

Fucking history faggots so buttmad that some fantasy moved in and lo and behold ESCAPIST FANTASIES ARE MORE ALLURING THAN HISTORY

I am waiting for the joined grand map

I don't want to play as faggy elves, or reddit rats. or retarded lizards

Dinosaurs and Rats are cool. Fag Elves are UBERSTRONK and their racial leader's a total bro. Edgy Elves get neat stuff like Hydras and incest though.

I'll listen to the one who can rape all the youtube paid marketers like Pixellated Appolo, Sun Jetzu, Heir of carthage... in a series of 1vs1.

So Legend this is.

i've been playing it quite a lot. go play the old games if you enjoy them more, I like these ones better since factions actually have a notable difference.

>total war pvp
shit just like legend :^)

Stop disrespecting Heir. I was already watching him when he has less than 2000 views per videos.

Warhammer 2 is a polished turd. Rome 2 was a flawed bloc of concrete.

But you have the brain of a seagull so obviously that fact completely escapes your own understanding of game mechanism.

Warhammer 3's coming in 2019, faggot


I'm going to buy the third one on day one and there is nothing you can do to stop me, you contrarian faggots.

legend's entire campaign playstyle is cheesing the AI and winning via autoresolve. That's pretty great when you have an autistic youtube channel to run but not so much when you want to have fun with a game.

Alright mr game mechanics expert. Why is total warhammer a polished turd?

>hurr he can beat youtubers

So? Youtubers are all shitters who play on Hard

Still doesn't mean Legend isn't a min-maxing faggot who autoresolves all his battles



>playing against the AI

It stimulates your serotonin alright if you're easily entertained. Might as well just masturbate you'll fire more neurons than playing in Legendary.

>But do tell, OP, would you have two factions, Red and Blue, where the only difference in them is the hue of their armor?

I noticed that jus from the pictures of the piracy torrent download... lol

fucking 10+ game right there.

Im sorry you hate good games. While I fully agree with the battles becoming faster and not as great, mods fix that fully. The Gameplay was the same with every game, so you pretty much just hate the entire franchise and have most likely never played one for more then a hour, thanks for wasting my time with your autistic bait.

I don't care, as long as I get /my guys/ eventually

>Implying OP isn't a faggot who worships Archwarhammer.
/tg/ and /vg/ worship this game. Fuck off cunt.

>Playing halfway decently against the AI qualifies as cheesing

Makes sense. Having an IQ above Todd Howard's size in inches essentially breaks the game turn 1.

>throw overcharged lightning into large group of skaven slaves
>it does fuckall damage
I thought they were supposedly fixed magic?

>mods fixing anything
This meme again

>brain dead AI
that's why you challenge yourself by attacking 3 20 stack armies alone

>>>Copy pasted spells across all magic schools
He's honestly right.
>cone attack
>aoe attack
>vortex attack
you could eliminate all "schools" of magic and just have one to the same effect

god I hate those ghost faggots, but regardless, good fucking job m8

>hahaha I'm going to eat this big bowl full of freshly squeezed shit and there's nothing you can...


>Somebody on /tg/'s already written up smut of Morathi getting railed by a Temple Guard after getting the shit beaten out of her in a battle
/tg/ YES!


These complaints are based entirely around the campaign while the battles (the best part of the game) are better than ever.

Fuck off OP and go play CK if you want to keep playing your epic deus vault campaigns

>Challenge yourself
>Use belegar

Whatever faggot, I'm just hungry for Warhammer

>Orc enemy with shit units

I don't see the challenge
Try fighting 2 full stacks of lizardmen with sategalons, bastiladons and Temple guards.

So speculate on the next one?

Im saying waring kingdoms china

Next one is Warhammer 3

As Skaven


>M8 stop playing on Easy.

Empire 2

naval battles only auto resolve

On the attack, no warpbomb takbir cheese allowed

Judging by the screenshot your entire army got curbstomped halfway through and you just cheesed it with the 3 ethereal heroes

>nu/tg/ and /reddit/ worship this game.

What a feat

Show me kills screen

Just started playing the first game. Any tips on actually winning a battle? I'm sixty some turns in and I end up hitting auto resolve if I don't want to lose all my troops.

Ants Vs Termites. Bee DLC

>haha, le based old /tg/ would hate the most faithful adaptation of a warhammer franchise.

What faction?

nah i'm a tactical genius

Dwarfs since it's my first game.

>tactical genius
>losing your elite army to 2 orc trash stacks

>Get Grudge Throwers
>Get Cannons or Mortars or w/e
>Park Ranged around the artillery
>Park Infantry around the Ranged

It just seems like all you did was stand there and the shitty orc units just died on your overpowered unbreakable dwarf units.

I've seen better battles won by good players as dwarf and it's always the same, they just admit to doing nothing special, dwarf just sits there and grinds.
They are literally the easiest race by far.

Try the same as Skaven with no cheese.

tactial geniuses like me understand that losing expendable troops means nothing
literally pawns in my game and they were replaced in 3 turns

this unironically

even better get a runesmith and make him sit next to your infantry constantly spamming the armor and +phys defense bonus

That is basically 2 stacks and from what I see is just trash orc units.

Not impressive

Learn positioning and counters. Get more quarrelers. Choose your artillery targets.
Use pause and slowdown when you feel overwhelmed or when you need to make decisions. Not every battle needs to be fought in realtime.

You must be playing on easy if that army of your was that easily replaceable, those orc stacks were probably altogether cheaper than yours.

>x is the y of z

>tactical genius with a race who's main draw is that they stand in one place and slowly let the enemy kill themselves because their units never break.
>Against and underpowered Orc army
>The doomdiver still got the most kills

Yea real good job there m80.

>no cheese

Broken cheese I mean, like warpbomb abuse or menace from below out of map bugging.



They hate this game (because it is much better than DoW).

they dont talk about it at all.

>the most faithful
>real time strategy

>its not faithful to the setting!
>it is not classified as a RTS!

>what Dark Omen is

>they dont talk about it at all.

This, Total War is under the radar for most of Sup Forums. Game just came out and there's hardly any buzz on here. /tg/ and /vg/ are the only places that talk about it.

Damn, how many stacks was that?

3 judging by the stupidly high unit sizes.

I don't remember too well because it was three years ago, but probably 3. I remember toward the end I had to start cycling units out of the middle of the line because they were literally just running out of ammo, however it was offset by the fact that AI was retarded with reinforcements and literally just fed them into my grinder 1-2 at a time. Sorry for the shit quality shots as I was running the game on a toaster back then, but this is how reinforcements came to me.


someone post this replay


Rome 1 is the best game. Everything after Shogun 2 sucks.

That's a terrible result, you got fucking crushed.

Fall of the samurai is the best game. Everything that isn't FOTS sucks.

How do i git gud at skaven?

>Casualized version
Have you fucking played the campaign on very hard?

Who here excited for Campaign 3?

>Chaos Dwarfs
>Ogre Kingdoms
>Daemons of Chaos

Don't forget the Chink faction, TW3 can't all be Chaos factions.

Is this confirmed?

Unfortunately no.

It does look like a pretty decent map though, that being said traversing mountains and vast deserts/plains might get tedious after awhile.

I think that we would definitely get the lands to the east of this as well, namely Cathay and Ind. Otherwise, there would be a lack of terrain variation and probably not enough room to cram start locations for all the factions, assuming they go the route of TWWH2 and place a small version of every army on the map.