Jurassic Park Thread

Let's talk about Jurassic Park Games and dinosaurs in general.

Hopes and expectations for the new park builder game?
youtube.com/watch?v=-V-0L1HeeAA [Open]

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dinosaurs aren't cool anymore

Dinosaurs were always cool and will continue to be cool into the foreseeable future.

>building a park where the carnivores roam free in Operation Genesis
>That sequence in the telltale series where the 'Nam vet kills a raptor in melee combat
>walking around Lego Jurassic Park as a huge dinosaur
>swinging around a huge rod of metal in trespasser, and bludgeoning everything with it

Jurassic park games have their moments.

>play JPOG
>balloon fell in the raptor enclosure

The Lost World PS1 game allows you to play as a raptor, pounce on humans, and disembowel them. It's amazing.

Is ARK worth getting? I'm seeing mixed reviews

>tfw rewatching the original and realizing the park layout makes no sense and has no consistency
>Newman had to enter a fucking dinosaur enclosure to get to the docks
>T-Rex pen suddenly has a 300 foot drop below the fence despite the fence clearly being ground level just minutes earlier with the goat
>raptors are so deadly and agile they keep them in a tiny cage as tall as a single story building and feed them by opening the top and leaving it open until they're done
Should have left it to nostalgia desu.

Only if you have friends to play with or join someone's clan. You'll lock yourself out of the later gear if you invest in everything.

You might just be retarded.

He took a straight line path to the docks to try to cut down time. regular traffic would go around the pen.

there's a 25 foot drop at the T-Rex cage so that when the Rex comes around his torso is at eye level.

Not to mention hundreds of dinosaurs just to service a couple safari cars. Extremely large paddocks but you can only see stuff from the fence.

You also now realize that the island probably has its own concrete plant to build all those structures.

That reminds me, Nedry actually meant to go back to the park after dropping off the embryos right? I imagine he didn't want ingen to go after his ass for the rest of his life.

Yeah, the idea was to drop the can off at the ship, then make it back to the office before the lights came back on.

>Newman had to enter a fucking dinosaur enclosure to get to the docks
As far as I know he doesnt, he enters the tour route for a straight path to the docks instead of going around but the dinosaur is only in the way because he turned off the fence so it was able to get onto the road

Honestly every big predator enclosure should have a moat just before the fence. Would've worked for the Indominus Rex too, wouldn't affect viewers.

I need ideas for my next JPOG Park. Someone post a theme or idea.

Dino party members are best

Chaos Island: The Lost World is objectively the best RTS ever made.

There's a scene where he pushed an electrical gate with his bare hands. I think he was taking a shortcut.

I'm aware of that but I'm pretty sure the gate was only into the tour area, like a service path, not actually inside the dinosaur enclosure itself.

The remote tour cars enter the Jurassic Park gate at the beginning of the tour as well, like a secondary perimiter fence around the dinosaur areas.


Layout makes total sense. All park maps are clear and concise.

Newman was leaving perimeter fencing to get to the docks, and he took a more direct route

The T-Rex Pen was laid out in a clear way, it just wasn't cut right in the movie.

Deinonychus would have been incredibly deadly and agile in real life, have you seen videos of Cassowary? They have to enter their cages with rakes and riot shields. And Cassowaries are way smaller than Deinonychus.

It was a test run. They didn't have hundreds of dinos and only two safari cars.

God damn are you guys underage?

nah dude they used to be cool lizards but now they're lame ass giant chickens

>Extremely large paddocks but you can only see stuff from the fence.

There is evidence to suggest the cars would stop at particular viewing spots and let people out. Especially since the T-Rex Paddock has bathrooms.

Edgy fucking kids that watch a movie and don't grasp the smaller things. They literally have to be fucking told every single god damn thing. They can't understand context, concept, or idea. They have to throw a shit fit over the dumbest fucking things the movie actually carefully explains by showing and using subtlety. A whole generation is going to grow up blind to nuance in film.

The comment

is so mind numbingly stupid.
Obviously he was taking the shortest possible route. Who the fuck needs to be fucking explained this fact

I still like the first Sega Genesis game, fuck you fight me

No performance blows ass

Who /expandedvisitor-dinosaurlimit/ here?

Oh come on, this happens every time we have a JP thread.
>30 replies
>Thread dies
Fuck you

I will share my autism to prevent the thread from dying.

I plan my JPOG parks in Excel down to the most minute detail, like which way the goat faces when it spawns. I also figured out how the scoring system works so I have a good authenticity and overall attraction scores.

Damn I'd like to see that park in game.
>I figured out how the scoring system works
Do tell

I want to fuck a dinosaur!


Is it serviceable?

So thrill and fun scores are straightforward. More dinos with higher stars = high scores. A single T. Rex can max out the thrill bar by herself.

Authenticity depends on the interaction between each species. In the in-game dinopedia, a herbivore would have their preferred friend and a carnivore their preferred prey. Putting friendly animals together boosts the Auth score greatly. Putting a carnivore together with the herbivores boosts the score too but it obviously stresses out the Dinos and dinos are expensive.

For example, put 3 triceratops, 3 torosaurus, and 3 styracosaurus in one enclosure (all horned Dino's). You'll get full fun and authenticity scores. Then in the next, separate but close cage put a Rex. You'll get full scores without any bias. It'll satisfy any visitor.

Other good setup is parasaur, edmontosaur, corythosaur and ouranosaur combo (duckbills).

My first psx game was a jp 2d platforms that was really a lot of fun. You got to play as 4 different characters: compy, human, raptor, and t rex. It was difficult af though. I think it took me a year to beat the compy stages. I think.the furthest I was able to make it legitimately was to the raptor stages but I can't recall. Luckily there were cheats to play the other levels. It had really great music too.

Yeah but might as well play JPOG


>really great music
Yep, by Michael giacchino. He's a Hollywood composer now, did the Jurassic World score too.

In 3D and you can mod it. I like the GBA game though, don't get me wrong.

So how do you like your dinosaurs Sup Forums- feathered or unfeathered?

I personally don't mind feathered dinos, so long as they don't go full retard and have them feathered from head to toe. Big crests of feathers on the head/down the spine for intimidation/mating displays sounds legit.

I think it makes the look silly

I like my dinos realistic. If that means no feathers, full feathers, a couple of feathers, even a massive cock on the forehead, it's all cool with me.

Can't stand people that think dinosaurs are suppose to be "cool" by looks, and that somehow adding/removing feathers changes their appeal.

I expect this game will be terrible enough to make all previous jurassic park games retroactively bad

Look I'm all with science when it comes to global warming or what makes a healthy diet, but I think they are doing dinosaurs a huge disservice by emasculating them like this. Why not let dinosaurs be impossibly awesome like they were before?

Feather fix when?

Also, have fun beta testing!!!!!!!!!

>based triceratops still safe from featherfaggotry


That's what you think

Post your top 3 extinct organisms


Honorable mentions to Kaprosuchus and Eurypterids in general

>>based triceratops still safe from featherfaggotry

It's beak implies otherwise.

But that raises an even more interesting question: Why do some squids have beaks as well? Why do some fish have human like teeth? Why do some reptilians taste like chicken? And why the fuck do bananas look like penises???

We're all related.

Also humans are part virus and host bacteria.

Raptors are too awesome for real life

A 2-meter tall killing machine that can run super fast would need really high metabolism. Instead we get flightless turkeys. So yes that kid at the start of JP1 had it right all along.

>Instead we get flightless turkeys.

There used to be giraffed syes literally flight capable animals. Be glad they're all dead.

Not me though, humans suck ass.

>what is dakotaraptor
>what is utahraptor

Velicoraptors were always like 1.5 foot tall toothed turkeys, Utahraptors are what you want

Has anyone did the calculation to check if Quetzalcoatl can actually fly? I want to believe.

I'm aware of them, but it's hard to imagine them running like cheetahs and bringing down giants. They're more likely tree gliders

>nearly 20 foot long, 6 foot high pack hunter
>tree glider

u fucking wot

They actually got bigger

I like you and what you're about

I like dinosaurs, and only if the game is trying to be true with regards to paleontology do I think they should be feathered, if the game doesn't even try to attempt a veneer of staying true to that, then I don't care. I am perfectly OK with pic related not being feathered.

>birds have beaks
>birds are feathered
>ceratopsians have beaks
>ceratopsians must be feathered
>turtles have beaks
>so obviously they have feathers too


that game was the reason my parents wouldn't let me play t games until I was 13

Rampage edition was awesome. More games should have a rampage edition.


Are there any recent games where you play as a caveman and fight dinos?

Thunder stun all dinosaur. You know?

Always liked this box art, but the triceratops dude never actually appears in the game.

I just fucked a girl tonight while watching Jurassic Park. Came in her when the T-Rex escapes its pen.

You did not!

>ywn play a polished and finished hd remaster of Tresspasser

>play JPOG
>make enclosures evenly spaced from the center
>notice herbivores crowding around the fence, think nothing of it
>later realize they're all gathered around the outer part of the fence
>every enclosure is the same, with herbivores moving away from the Center of the island, gathered on the far side of the fence
>the animals are trying to get off the island
>the devs actually coded it so the animals would try to get off the island just like in the goddamned book

But he is right about the drop in the T-rex pen, pretty sure that Spielberg himself said that it was there for dramatic effect.

A pair of boobs and an arm. Anne was the perfect woman.

Lightning can actually strike your dinos in JP Operation Genesis and cause them to rampage.

The Lost World Arcade was hype as fuck.

it hurts

it's about time i rewatched the research indicates let's play

if y'all haven't watched this guy, it's about the most relaxed and informative playthrough of any game i've ever watched


Really enjoyed the SNES games

He has an extremely sexy voice and is knowledgeable as fuck. If only all LPs are like this.

oh shit son, a Jurassic Park thread. Is the telltale game worth the dosh?
tfw waiting for ir lightgun so I can play the lost world on supermodel 3.

Operation Genesis > The lost world (sega model 3 lightgun) > lost world PS1 > jurassic park on gameboy
is there more JP vidya out there that is worth it?

I'm ashamed to admit that I enjoy Jurassic World The Game despite it's jewish microtransation scheme and massive time walls.

>you take out the helicopter after a hurricane lets the tyrannosaurus loose in your compact and overcrowded park

I fucking love Trespasser. Any interesting mods? Any remastering projects with a chance to be finished?

dinosaurs are free, people are in the enclosures

Getting 100% in that game is one of my crowning gaming achievements

wow, actually impressive user

Good idea. I'll still need paths but I'll make it claustrophobic.

That's insane, how did you get all the DNA??

>dude hanging from the fence is about to buy it
>his buddy on the ground distracts the trex
>gets eaten


I always disable twisters, they interfere with the comfy.

I hope he gets an Easter Egg, like employee of the year award or something

>>That sequence in the telltale series where the 'Nam vet kills a raptor in melee combat
It was pretty good

Just a shame that the Telltale game was shit with a shit story.

>A single T. Rex can max out the thrill bar by herself
This is how I know you're a good Jurassic Park fan

>. Is the telltale game worth the dosh
depends if you're really a JP fan

The game is pretty shit, it was done before the first Walking Dead game and shit was still pretty rough

I don't know. I like the lore it tried to add to the Jurassic Park universe, like how the islands were populated by natives before inGen came in.

The story wasn't very good but eeeh I saw worse I guess

This game does soothe the 'tism.
Could you label what species are in each enclosure?
I'm going to replicate this.

we actually figured this out on Sup Forums a bit ago.

The storm was stronger than predicted. The ship was forced to leave way earlier than expected. That's why Nedry was begging to give him extra time.
More than likely he was going to be doing a shit night shift alone. Hammond Muldoon and Sam Jackson would have been gone for the night. The tour would have been back at the visitors center and not out by the TRex paddock.
He wasnt going to get lost in the rain on the way to the docks.

It was a fun thread.

You just had look in all the nooks and crannies of the levels, I may have looked at a walkthrough for some of them though

The storm messed everything up. There was supposed to be way more employees, probably more wardens as well

When is the first info dump about that Jurassic Park builder game expected? I'm pretty hyped.