Official Meta Thread

Are mods just going to ignore the site-wide and not let us have a meta thread?

Delete Sup Forums.
Let them return to reddit and be their problem.

replace with mods that don't let personell opinions influence their enforcing of rules

whining that the mods deleted your off-topic thread is not a meta thread

Your last thread was literally just a b8 thread where you bitched about the mods. Fuck off, retard.

the current Sup Forums mods are fucking garbage
inb4 thread deleted/banned

Hey, OP. When Hiro said that, he said that he wanted a meta thread to discuss problems at the time. He didn't mean that you'd get to make these shit threads for all perpetuity. Fuck off. Meta threads are cancer.

Make a fucking e-celeb board already.

If that happens then will you guys fuck off too?

No other board has a meta thread whining about the board.

Ban faggots

Sup Forums really went to shit after Moot left.

That will literally just spread the cancer further throughout the site. You will get shitposting threads in all boards talking about freedom of Speech being violated. It would be a nightmare.

permaban anime posters

Ban tripfags

They're more relevant to the state of the board and video games than Wolfenstein Sup Forums-bait thread #919063948649 where nobody actually discusses the game.

who was in the wrong here?

Insta permaban anyone who posts political related stuff.
Sup Forums saved

these threads happen on other boards too

Its not the mods that are the problem. People just need to stop making these shit threads that don't relate to video games at all and maybe contribute to this fucking board.

make me a mod so i can ban people who disagree with me

Can you only discuss the gameplay of a game? You pretend it's Sup Forumsbait but the reality is you just don't want people to whine about it, because it's something you like.

The current mods delete video game threads quite often.

What if there are real world politics in a game?

This a new low for /vee/. I have lost all the hope for this shithole.

Ban Life is Strange, Last of Us and Valhalla threads, since those are all political games.

Leave then nigga.

kids from reddit ruined it for everyone and just use those games as an excuse to go fucking wild with their wicked sick Sup Forums memes

Can we get a fucking /yt/ Youtube board already

Sup Forums and Sup Forums both delete eceleb and youtube threads and its ridiculous we have no place to discuss such a huge part of internet culture

Yeah and they get laughed off.

if you have a single grouped point, it just causes it to fester and build in strength. If they have no place to group at, then it gradually dies out over time. Think about one big meteor versus a hundred smaller meteors that burn up in the atmosphere

Are they left wing politics? You can only discuss it favorably, if not go to Sup Forums. Is it right wing? Go to Sup Forums.

Where 2 go?


this also no e celeb posts or gameplay cancer videos

Reddit, where you come from.

Nice job dodging the question and just mindlessly throwing out the word "reddit".

If a game has a real world political message to its story, are we allowed to discuss that aspect of its story?

>we have no place to discuss such a huge part of internet culture
Thats what recess is for

>mfw people still think mods give a fuck about these threads

No they don't, they have a strong anti-janny culture


no eceleb threads.
no LOL comic threads.
only threads about an actual video game.
topics relating to the people currently working on a video game or have worked on a video game is also allowed.

Remember when /new/ was deleted and some faggots were spamming stormfront threads?
Sup Forums has the biggest amount of newfags who think Sup Forums is just for shitposting.
Every other board would be ruined if Sup Forums got deleted.

hahahahaahaha fuck off plebbit

Are we being spammed by some autistic Sup Forums-shitter? I must have seen this thread nearly a dozen times in the past hour or two.

actually unironically literally kys faggot

What's the point of having these threads on Sup Forums mods don't give enough of a shit to do anything and users are too into shit posting to try to make the board a better place

well I mean technically you have Sup Forums and /trash/
if it makes you feel better prequel threads are deleted on Sup Forums and Sup Forums so we have yto use /trash/

>delete Sup Forums
>actually moderate the boards for awhile
>all the cancer is gone and people actually discuss the point of the board
There, I saved the website.

>If a game has a real world political message to its story, are we allowed to discuss that aspect of its story?
Again, it normally wouldn't have been a problem, but we got a massive influx of literal children actually from reddit during the trump election that would just meme it the fuck up and get the thread pruned.
Sucks for people that really want to talk about politics in games for some reason, guess they have nothing better to do. But you can't bring up politics without it just turning into a clusterfuck of shitty memes and kids spouting edgy opinions to try and "trigger" people even though all they ever do is annoy everyone by acting like retarded faggots

The only autistic faggot is you, SJWs are targeting white people as a whole.

Seems like I struck a nerve, little baby.

>>actually moderate the boards for awhile
The major flaw. Most mods have given up.

>mods deleting every thread about a game being pushed hard by shills because it pushes the "correct" political agenda
based mods.

>it's the "golden age of enlightened rational informative posts on Sup Forums" myth again
Outside of a few notable exceptions, nothing intelligent or worthwhile ever happens on this website. It's a TV show, it exists purely for entertainment. You're delusional if you think otherwise.

We routinely have AVGN, RLM, Angry Joe, Dunkey, Jontron threads here so there is obviously a demand for it.

>fag janny/mod deletes video game thread cause he doesn't like it
>call fag out
>get b&
we need new mods that aren't from Reddit

>its ok to spam cuz its Sup Forums XD

The mods have been like this long before reddit and long before you came here yesterday.

>normally freedom of speech wouldn't be a problem, but we have many dangerous reactionaries in our midst who are trying to undo the progress of the revolution, which is why we have to send people to the gulags. Sorry that you guys had to ruin a good thing.
Jesus, the number of time's I've heard this story. Whatever. Obviously I'm not gonna change your mind.

2008 actually, and how come I haven't noticed it until now if that is true?

I'm not spamming a video game board with propaganda and conspiracy theories that do not in any way pertain to video games.

You just said it yourself.

>stealth add tag for browser ID so we can filter mobile posters
>e-celeb ban or moved(somewhere)
>keep up the good work on trap thread bans
>webm threads are fine
>console wars are dying out slowly
Sup Forums is fixed.

yes, that's a picture of a leftist.

Your point?

>bawwww I got banned

please newfriend most bans are 3 days/1 week
we need to bring back the old ban system OSban phone posters and give it longer bans to faggots
this I miss public bans and bant ban messages Sup Forums feels commercial now and hardly chaotic

I routinely report them and sage them

Videogames are the media being most heavily targeted/poisoned right now with this diversity bullshit. When it isnt diversity at all. Its fags, women and niggers who do nothing but whine about things they already have.

Where are the Asians?
Where are the Indians
Where are the Middle Easterners?
Where are the Latinos?
Where are the Italians?
Where are the Russians and Slavs?

They don't fucking complain about diversity in videogames, only the fucking niggers, women, and fags.

>discussing board meta on Sup Forums
>immediately brings up Sup Forums
How about mods start by banning you retards first?

Sup Forums isn't america, and "Freedom of speech" doesn't mean "freedom to talk about whatever I want even though there are rules for each board that determine what we're allowed to talk about"

so this is Sup Forums in 2017

The point is you think its ok to spam, when its clearly not ok on any board.

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums.
The board with the most newfags that dont lurk at all and just shitpost for giggles.

Idk about you but 8+ years without shitty mods deleting appropriate threads seems like a long time to me. But go ahead and call me a newfag just cause I wasn't here in 2004.

we could talk about video games

true but excluding Japan where are most game studios?

use logic senpaitachi yes jews are subversive but that doesn't mean you should spout one sided retard logic

Since when did all the crybabies from /qa/ come here?

Nigger you came to Sup Forums during the influx of newfags.
Your opinion means nothing.

That's Sup Forums and most of the people that whine about Sup Forums for things that don't even make sense

pic related
/qa/ isn't a listed board most people don't know about it and also /qa/ is retarded go look at the catalog

this, eceleb threads are getting out of hand, they are never about video games, it's always faggots talking about their e-friends

jesus christ /qa/ is a shithole

Pro-tip you stupid fuck, the vast majority of game developers/publishers in the west clearly identify as liberal and have since video games have existed. This is also the case for every other medium that can be described as "art" by the general populace. You getting mad at self-identified liberals implementing liberal thinking points in their products while still consuming these liberal products makes you the dumbest person in the room.
>Slavs aren't white
Yeah you have to go back

What happened though? It seemed like it was a /jp/ invasion but the kind of weebs there are definitely not /jp/

Ban filename threads. They're just blatant excuses to post off topic crap on the board.

Assign ID's to this shit hole already. I'm tired of blatant same fagging, shitposting, marketers and their elk.

Public ban on any post with twitter screencap.

maybe not such a bad idea, only newfags won't know how to avoid it so it'll keep them honest.

>not smart enough to tone down intelligence around idiots

They sometimes mistakenly link back the chan they're from.

Stop bringing your cartoon shit here.

Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums shits. Just because it has a video game doesn't mean it should necessarily be discussed. Stop using that as an excuse to discuss the mainframe series itself. Example, Shonen Jump/Cartoon Network type faggots coming here and just talking about the latest chapters of MHA and recent Super episode, then use Budokai Tenkaichi 3 as an excuse for Beerusposting. Same with Samurai Jack when it was airing, this applies for EVERYTHING.

tl;dr Don't bring your non-vidya shit here and use a game adaption as some sort of shield for your shit.

what if it's game news?

its been like this for like a year or two idk its fucking weird mods do post there still and some threads are useful but ya its mostly cancer in srs need of chemo stat
no fuck you unlike flags id's are cancer
literally the only thing that will get you a public ban now is posting lewd yotsuba on Sup Forums or ultra full retard posts

Lmao another shitskin pretending to be a part of aryan masterrace.

Start publicly banning anyone who breaks the rules. That would shake the shit out of this board in a week.

Which is worse? pol or Reddit?

It's a trap question because they are the same thing :^)

No, it went to shit when he implemented captcha. Remember when he said it was temporary?

Which is gayer? Tumblr or Sup Forums?
