*Bzzt!* Deploying Wonderful 101 thread!


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Where the fuck is the Wonderful 102 reveal?

Sup Forums! Unite up!

This game did not sell and no one cares about it except a few people on Sup Forums.

Beep-O kinda looks like P-Star, now that I think about it.


I hope the Shirogane Comet can be Wonder-ized if they make a sequel.

You wish there was a sequel
and so do I



Bump because a Wonder thread doesn't deserve to go out like the game.

Next year, in game magazines

I need to do another playthrough. I only did one and was blown away by it. 101/10 music, too.

Which also spawned some god-tier mixes. youtube.com/watch?v=VjR7JZbdONs

This game made me feel happy and really that's the best compliment you can ever give a game.

Has anyone actually gotten all the bottle caps? I haven't mustered the grit to attempt the 101 difficulty

I wish I could like this game.

I'm one of those fags that couldn't into the controls, stylus or thumbstick

It took awhile to grow on me. I loved the humor, music, and setting but the gameplay itself didn't really click with me until near the end. The fast battery recharge and hero time blocks really improved it for me.

I tried but the bottelcap for that punchout section is so fucking stupid I gave up

yeah, I've heard at least once before that you don't get any good until near the end, but HLTB lists it as 17 hours (give or take), which is putting me off from going back for a third go

how well does it run on cemu? I want to do another play through but my wii u is borked


I can't understand how hard it is to make shapes with the stick. Any new shape can be practiced with a few drills while exploring

>the punch out secret missions
Fuck me those are rough

Claiming best girl

Getting good isn't a matter of getting new items or abilities mostly You just gotta get better and learn how to play the game more efficiently, which is hard for a lot of people coming off of something like Bayonetta or MGR because those are much more offensive games, whereas W101 is much more defensive, since getting hit by pretty much anything means you can't attack again until you've gathered your team and reformed your morphs.

The early game tends to get easier once you unlock Gun Stinger or how to trick the game into letting you use it early since you can use it to stun a lot of early enemies in a single barrage.

One of the many characters whom I wish we learned more about. Surprisingly few people got any backstory which is a little disappointing. Hopefully 102 expands on everyone.

Great game.

They really went crazy with all the Platinum stuff.

Anyone know why in the model viewer when you view them in their underwear they have their eyes closed?

no milk? or just doing too fucking much?

That's not best girl.

I'm posting this in every W101 thread.


I unironically want a sidestory about Wonder Black with Green as the sidekick

They already teased it, so soon.


I want those Joycons

betcha it's a port of the first one

You're both nuts

>Famicon Joycon and dock
>white grips
>their jackets say W101 instead of W100 like they did in the original game
>big orange boss I don't recognize from the first game

There's a lot of stuff going on in this image.

B-Ball, Heh, you think you know B-Ball ? I'll show you B-ball

I really hope they dont ruin it with some shoehorned multiplayer experience.

also who is that guy on the right? Kamiya?


He's honestly the best example of a standardized leader i've seen in years, if not ever.

>That reveal in operation 6

>Hey wonder red, why don't you come visit us and fuck my sister

Vorkken had good in him all along.

Yes. Wonder Director. He's unlockable in W101. His weapon is Wonder Goggles.

>17k a month
>only game worth owning the console for is still unplayable


The first game had multiplayer that was entirely optional and just there for the hell of it. No reason the second game couldn't do something similar.

Possible, or it could be both together. Platinum's been pretty mum on the subject and we haven't been able to convince Kamiya to return to Sup Forums.

Immorta is pretty good too.

Wonderful 101 justified my Wii U purchase alone. It's my favorite game.

DK, Bayonetta, and Pikmin also helped.

We get it, you're vegan.




Hands down 6b was my favorite mission. There were so many good missions but that one really pulled me in. The music was spot on and made me really appreciate Red.


are those striker eureka and cherno alpha at the upper left corner of the pic?

I found it hard to keep up. There was so much enemy variety, that they were introducing new enemies every stage. Sometimes twice a stage the whole game length. New challenges the whole way through. Really amazing.

This game was a pleasant surprise because I expected it to be 4 hours long like every other Platinum game.


I wanted to like 006-B but that SHMUP section holy fuck

I'd lean on it being a port rather than a sequel. Wonderful 101 didn't get the recognition it deserved, even down the line like Bayonetta eventually did.

If Wonderful 101 either conveyed its systems better, or if it punished death beyond score and did checkpointing instead of letting you blunder through the game without trying to learn it well then I think people would understand what it actually is much better, and it's frustrating that they don't.

Weird how the multiplayer wasnt co-op though. I guess it wouldnt make sense for the solo missions

Well Kamiya did say before release that he didn't focus on length as much as replayability, which colored expectations a bit. I was pleasantly surprised as well.

Operation 6 could've been broken into 4 parts instead of 3 honestly. Especially since Operation 7 is only 2 parts.

The funniest thing about this game was the shitposting before release. Everyone was wondering about the length and most Sonyfags were spewing "IT'LL BE 6 HOURS LONG LOL".

Then Kamiya went and said either in an interview or a tweet "Wonderful 101 is a game that is meant to be replayed several times over" and then shitposters went out of control feeling themselves justified and mocking the game's length before we knew anything about it.

Then the game released and it was like 10-15 hours long and the first playthrough is basically your fucking tutorial. God what an amazing game.

>This is a Nintendo character.

So how do you feel about these 3?

Is there any point in selecting other individuals besdies the main character to be the leader unit?

They all seemed to level at the same time.


>Shit, unbearable
>Good character that had a nice arc. His mere existence also makes Red a better character as it shows how great a leader he really is. Red and Blue are a great team
>Shit, but sort of bearable

Personally, I don't think the lack of a drawback to dying is that big a deal. Sure, you CAN blunder through the entire game, even on 101% Hard, dying every 30 seconds, but it wouldn't be fun for anyone involved and you wouldn't get anything out of it, and it's obviously not the way the game was meant to be played.

I do think the game needs some better checkpointing, though. Boss battles not having any checkpoints at all, even at the very start, made them a lot more annoying to replay for good scores.

Multiplayer was co-op, though. The team of 100 was split into 2-5 equal groups, with each player taking control of one group as you fight through waves of bad guys.

Bigger characters can run around faster with their morph out, smaller characters run slower.

Secret characters get advantages like fists always on fire or ice whips.

Too much and hyper-extended the knee.

>but it wouldn't be fun for anyone involved and you wouldn't get anything out of it, and it's obviously not the way the game was meant to be played.
And a lot of people had that experience, which is why some people in media never talk about this game as more than a footnote.

>Hate her voice but want to sodomize her

Also, it's never really talked about when this game is brought up, but can we just take a second to appreciate how from top to bottom this game had an amazing localization, with a great cast and script, and they still put the Japanese voices in.

The same could be said of a lot of other games, but game journalists being bad at games isn't new, sadly.

During some enemies. One of W101s faces will momentarily flash on the screen. Ive never been able to pull one off.

Lets say im Wonder Red. And while fighting an enemy Wonder Blues face cuts to the screen like a prompt to use him. But I dont know im supposed to

- switch red for blue and stand still
- switch red for blue and swing
- Use that button that makes the blue attack come out but not actually switch from Wonder Red.

When you die you always see the specific wonderful one laying defeated in their boxers. They’re dead, or unconscious so they have their eyes closed. Guess the model viewer follows that rule.

>I found the only parry skill in this hack and slash game is not useful
Words cannot express my contempt for these people

It’s be even worse if you had to repeat content for dying. They would just never get past the first level.

Not to mention boss fights are 20 minutes long. No idea why you’d want to lose progress on shit like that. Go for ranks.

In 001-C, during the sword clashes near the end, you make a sword with Blue and then hit A as Laambo gets close.

For every other instance of these counter events, you make a morph that corresponds to the character shown, and stand there holding it. Sometimes you'll need to be in a certain region of an incoming attack to parry it.

For example, during 002-C, there's one point when you're riding on the jets where Pink will show up in the corner. You make a Whip and stand in the middle of the jet platform, and don't press anything, and the counter event will trigger.

A lot of people have trouble with them because the first time you're expected to do them is during 001-C with Blue, where you counter Laambo's attacks with your own manually, but every other instance you don't.


Wtf. Draw their weapon quick enough. It’s just like any of the actual qtes

I didn't even realize that the cut-ins were QTEs until a friend told me.

It gets worse.

Speaking as an outsider and someone who was never heavy into 101 when it first released. One of the biggest problems this game has/was is the demo that came out. Everyone I heard was turned off by it due to its sudden plunge. Some people even thought it was an easy "power rangers" game.

I did eventually play and beat it. Disagree if you wish, but I think the drawing mechanic was unappealing to most people. I think the game has heart but I don't believe its as amazing as bayonetta or nier.

as far as i remember the game never explains it

doesn't the face cut-in also happen in all the actual QTEs, though?

thats this answered my question. THe first one being a swing, followed by never a swing again messed me up

I can understand how some might not like the drawing mechanic, but if you look at it objectively, it completely validates itself as a mechanic.

One of the most common complaints you hear about Bayonetta and MGR is that you can only have so many weapons on your person at once. In Bayonetta, you get two sets of two that you can switch between, but changing them out requires pausing and changing them out in a menu, which breaks the flow of the game. In MGR, you have you basic sword, but your heavy attack can be switched out for three other weapons, but switching again requires pausing the game to change what you want to use.

Meanwhile in W101, the drawing mechanic allows you to not only choose whatever weapon you want to use in less than a second if you're good enough, adding another aspect of skill to the game but also choose the size of that weapon on the fly, giving you complete control over your offensive options whenever you want.

I did. Totally worth it. Literally my favorite game still. The entire reason I got a Wii U.

Was there any reason to use Immortas bow morph? Seemed the shittiest one

I haven't had the chance to play Nier (unless you're talking about Automata in which case that game is horribly overrated and weak by Platinum standards) but I believe W101 stands by Bayonetta in both scale and gameplay, especially after playing them back to back. Also, the worst thing I can say about the drawing mechanic is that it's a little too easy for newcomers to overthink. It's much more akin to inputting fighting game commands. When you view it like that the moves start coming out rapid fast and combos flow like a damn river.

I was stuck on the first wonder punch because I kept thinking you had to input a perfect circle.

Bowgun does absurd damage, especially against bosses for some reason, even more if you're using Unite Immorta.

I'm pretty sure most speedruns against Jergingha use a lot of Bowgun because it wrecks every form of his in like five hits.

don't forget the part where you can use them all simultaneously if you have enough unite gauge. Shit is bonkers.

>Not THAT bad, what makes me mad the most is that he just gets in willy nilly at the end as Wonder Goggles. Shit, Will had to wait like years before he went into TW100. But I guess Green and misc characters like Wonder Schoolgirl existing pokes a hole in that.
>Best in that image. He had progression. Just the right level of edge and assholeness before progressing past that. Namely his beef with Immorta before trusting her to finish Vijounne
>Wasted potential. Clearly had shit with her alleged dead younger brother, but all this gets shoved aside for ruining every scene with VORKIEEEEEE. Bonus for shitting up reunion with Immorta and Vorkken.

People seemingly absolutely refuse to learn that you can draw with the right stick and give up after having to move your hand off the gamepad.

They gotta learn sometime.

this is pretty fucking good
why isn't it more popular?

I refuse to believe that these people exist.

Whatever helps you sleep better at night, man.

Is it really that hard to believe, though, especially with the recent Cuphead debacle?

I still love Vijounne, but goddamn is Immorta up there with her.

i can tolerate pink and blue, but i really fucking hate that little shit
>dooms the whole planet
>"i didn't meant to do this!"

i wonder if the next game that kamiya directs, he will put another luka

Immorta a cute.

Vijounne a sexy.

No they don't. They drop the game before they have the chance of learning any technique that might even slightly drift into "advanced"

It's becoming increasingly hard ESPECIALLY after Cuphead. It's these shit reviewers that make me mad that a gem like this did horrible in sales because of them. W101 included.

That's also an option, I suppose. I guess some people don't mind being quitters.

I've got that game but haven't even booted it up yet, mainly because I haven't beaten the first Lost Planet yet. Maybe someday I'll get around to it.