Reminder to buy Hat in Time

Reminder to buy Hat in Time.

Polygon/Neogaf are literally foaming at the mouth becaus Jontron is in it and are now operating a smear campaign against him, the game, and the devs telling everyone to not buy unless he's taken out.

Other urls found in this thread:

sounds familiar

why do people not like jontron exactly? I would say it should be "I really hate his videos" but I just know this is something political, and I'm not giving clicks to the shit writers.

is it really a smear campaign when he deserved it?



Deserve what exactly?

>why do people not like jontron exactly?

he said some racsist shit during a livestream debate. Was taken out of Yooka Layle


you don't know what the word deserve means, do you?

its not racist, its a fact blacks commit proportionally more crime

Some SJWs crying isnt controversy

is there a webm?

>Reminder to buy Hat in Time
Nice try shill, why don't you just use the catalog and concentrate your shilling on 1 thread at once, fuck! All this obvious off-topic shit to keep the threads bumped is annoying

Everyone has a right to state their own opinions.

I do know what it means and he deserved it.

t. Sup Forums

not that I am aware of

It's completely political, Jontron unironically ranted about statistics saying blacks committing the most crime, going as far as to claim rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites. He's also full on board with deporting illegals.

Funny thing is, he didnt lose a single subscriber. Still 2 Million strong even with bimonthly videos.

facts are racist user

There's a debate with Destiny.

>he said some racist shit
Found the redditor.

samefagging this hard

>This game that dozens of people worked on should fail because one guy with a bit part had an opinion I dislike

Literally unironically you are an SJW

Yeah, that worked out really well for that last guys.

>Everyone has a right to state their own opinions.

and private companies have the right to not associate people whose opinions do not align with the company

>People care about what Jontron said
>But not the dev's shady background

He just gave crime statistics, regardless if they're actually legitimate, it's not "racist shit"

>say racist shit on stream
>get called on it
>bawww they're running a smear campaign so I'm going to unironically shill Sup Forums on this game

jesus fuck go back to Sup Forums, why the fuck am I supposed to care about some unfunny fat fuck who said some racist shit? Let alone buy a shitty looking game he's in. not a webm, good enough though.

>stating facts means you're Sup Forums now
I hope you people continue to expose how retarded you are.

>but not without controversy
The only """""controversy""""" I have seen of this, are all these articles claiming there is any.

And this specific company isn't, and it's causing autistic screeching.


>say racist shit on stream
>get called on it
No one should buy the "we're not actually SJWs we're just le ebin true neutral :D" shit that so many SJWs on this board try and pull anymore. This is literally how they talk right here, this is it.

He said some stupid shit in a debate (not saying I agree or disagree with him, but he was really uninformed/misinformed about a lot of shit he said), but people immediately jumped to making him seem like a racist fucking anti-christ

blacks are also proportionally greater in numbers below the poverty line, in addition to a huge number of other factors which accurately comprise the overall picture of 'black america'. The notion of boiling down a factor of just about any person to be based purely on race is just ill-informed.

>state facts
what a fucking crybaby.

but thats all the political dichotomy boils down to.

the right who are hard-working winners
and the left who are loser who whine, complain, cry, give up, and pass blame.

no fucking surprise its the lefties who cry about cupheads difficulty

Sjw get what they want through smear campaigns. Gamers retaliate with review bombs. So it's a matter of choosing between getting your name dragged through the mud via articles or via bad game reviews.

I don't buy games with e-celeb shit in them. Sorry, shill.

funny thing beign that it is true. Sure you average berverly ill nigg commits less than a hood rat, but still more than your average white.

If memory serve the ONLY crime where the ratio is white>black is DUI, everything else, even white collar, negroid win it.

You sound like an SJW.


The absolute state of Polygon.

>someone says something I moderately dislike
>I and all of my friends will stalk him till the rest of his days
>I have totally mentally stable and the guy deserves it

SJWs are now about as mentally sane as real-life stalkers. They just lost an ability to get over things.

>Buying a game from the anti-capitalist SJW faggot developer.

Nah, I'll go the socialist route and get it for free.I'm sure he'd understand!

I wonder why...

>statistics saying blacks committing the most crime, going as far as to claim rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites.
that's true though
but facts are racist these days

>>Polygon/Neofag mad that they used someones voice
>the noise they make
>not his actual personality
>not his actual ideals
>not even any kind of jontron designed character
>just the fucking sound of his voice

literal witchhunting
literal faggotry
literally pearl clenching overreaction I expect from a fucking 45 year old fat soccer mom from the 90s

fucking pathetic honestly. Do these guys disavow all hollywood media because of the child actor abuse claims? No of course not because they're FUCKING RETARDED

>anti-capitalist SJW faggot developer
Got sauce on that? Haven't looked at anything Hat in time related so I know nothing about the devs

You don't happen to be American by any chance do you?

Are you anti-SJW retards really incapable of understanding the concept of there being consequences for your actions? If someone does something shitty, it's only expected that the opinions of people who find out about it will change negatively

t. Sup Forums

I'm mad they used his voice because he sounds like shit. As does the rest of the voice acting in this game. Also, someone post their penguin IDs

If only poverty causes crime then why are crime rates in the Appalachia (poorest part of the United States. Predominately white) lower than that of areas like Detroit and Oakland?


Ah, the good old days.

I just don't find him entertaining but I would never do anything like those assholes are doing

giving a baseless statistic that hinges on race is pretty racist to me senpai.

because blacks as a collective totally havent had their fair share of help

How about you go back to >>>/neofag/ you goddamn scumbag

Yet when they do the same thing to YOUR ilk, you call them stalkers who can't get over butthurt. "It's ok when we do it."

Not him but sure, there can be consequences. He was removed from Yooka Laylee already. All these busy bodies shouting off the rooftops to everyone not to buy this game cause of one silly voice is petty and pathetic though

What did he do that was shitty though? Have an opinion?

t. Polygon writer

jontron is a shit and you're shit for caring as much as they do

all those things are true

No, fuck this game.

do explain to me how the FBI crime stats are baseless. This should be entertaining.

Yeah, and they commit more crime on average.

Well you're a stupid weeb, so I'm not surprised you'd think that way.

Can people please post this with a source from now on? I've never seen this sourced.

There's a library in the game, and one of the books makes a (shitty, stupid) joke about capitalism.

How do you operate a smear campaign against someone who decided to double down on protecting the purity of a gene pool he isn't part of?

Like when can anyone do to him that is worse than that?

reminder that this same shill thread has been posted like 5 times today

this game is garbage as is easily visible from the videos of it being played

Yeah and the consequence of being an insane stalker is that every normal person thinks that you are an insane stalker, it's not a fucking difficult concept.
>Except when I'm going on my insane crusades against people who at some point said something I didn't like. I should obviously face no consequence for that!
Guess what retard, when you act like an insane person people will point that out.

im gonna buy it and im gonna continue to masturbate to pictures of jontron no matter how booty blasted SJWs get

not an argument.


Sounds like a non-issue then

dey dindu nuffins dey gud bois we need mo monay for dem programs

picked the fuck up

Why the fuck should he be cut from a voice line on a random npc?
How is what he said relevant to VIDEO GAMES
he's (i assume?) a good paying backer for the game
It's a fucking sound byte