Get up without my permission, I'll blast your ass so far through your head, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red

Get up without my permission, I'll blast your ass so far through your head, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red.

The story and dialogue for this DLC is so good but the gameplay is such shit

what the fuck was that guy's problem?

>his voice actor is dead
why live

Personally, I love Dean Domino since he reminds me of myself. He's intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor.

and a cuck

I know you are just making an attempt at humor, but he really is like an average Sup Forumsirgin

A short-tempered, thin-skinned prima donna who hates based on principle alone. Sinclair was a fool, but he was kind-hearted and more successful than our boy Dean. That's really all it took for him to exact his 200 year revenge plan on the late Sinclair.

i'm not reading that shit you fucking virgin lol

Bothered me so much that if you pass a speech check and tell him to fuck off with his bluff, he tries to kill you no matter what other interactions you have with him.

He's an asshole.

The one thing I really liked about this guy is how you can absolutely mess up a perfect run of Dead Money based on how you shape your first impression with him. If you use ANY speech options in that first conversation, he thinks you're trying to one-up him, and INSTANTLY doesn't like you.

I remember finding that out the hard way, when I was right at the bitter end, and I really didn't know how to feel about it. In retrospect though, it's EXACTLY something that character would do, and that's fantastic.

I think it's cool.
You're conditioned to think the speech check is always the best choice, so they decided to throw you a curveball with Dean without explicitly telling you he won't respond well to it. That would ruin the whole thing.

Why would you not want to kill the petty piss priss in the first place? He's a nasty character who dislikes anyone but the lowest brownosers.

I told him to fuck off and I beat his zombie brains out with a baton.


He's a pretty cool guy once you get around his angst.

The Strip: Vilified

And my wife... is Asian

First impressions matter, user.

glad i'm not a speech faggot or a barter faggot. this guy survived when i played dead money and i got to have a cool conversation with him at the end.

I'm pretty sure I passed it and still made friends with him.
