what does she found in her table?
keep it on videogames.
What does she found in her table?
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what did she find on the table?
keep it videogames
Damn, that's a good one
She deserved it
My love letter
Wait a minute, that desk...
>positive bullying
hah u kno what would be funny. how about loss on the desk haha, it can just be 4 lines, its hilarious hahahaha
I'm sorry, user :(
Don't ever say those things
Delete your post, nigger!
He's alright every know and then.
Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic. Eh, Luigi?
horrible execution, here's how it's done
that table is traced, no human can make something so detailed
Post the Dunmer one.
Bite your arms off and you'll become so much funnier overnight.
Say that to my face, not online fucker.
>tfw you will never be the guy who took her virginity and ruined her life
now this is quality
Only Sup Forums can get attached to a crackwhore.
better than the standard
for you my friend
Thanks senpai
she did, but not the baby
Every single person in that doujin is a moustache-twirling villain, i surprised her mom didn't rape her or sold her into slavery or something.
this doujin killed me inside honestly..but yeah im suprised her mom didnt just kill her
Oh right, now I remember why this was expunged.
>>Every single person in that doujin is a moustache-twirling villain
Yeah which made it fucking hilarious to me. Not even ShindoLs "worst" work imo and most definitely not the worse doujin I've read period. I swear all the people crying about it have to be super new.
Because Fakku licensed it?
another shindol thread
What manga is this from?
Can anyone post original?
For once, I'm glad Fakku took something away.
What have you read that's worse?
Do you fucks really read the doujins?
Are you all excited for ShindoL's game?
>I swear all the people crying about it have to be super new.
Yeah, there's worse stuff and even worse Shindol stuff, but it was just so bad from a story perspective that it jumped the shark.
Vanilla is a god-tier fetish anyway.
If it's like that manga or Barrier Free then yes. If it's like his usual affairs then no, don't bring that evil near me.
Anything guro for starters. Shindols yotsuba doujin was way worse than this one too imo. And a whole bunch more on the panda.
Trigger warning
>Vanilla is a god-tier fetish anyway.
Spaghetti Sauce!!!
now this is sexy to me
>creates one of the most heartwarming doujins of all time
>devolves into a permanent cycle of NTR/corruption shit afterwards
he has such a gift, but he wastes it
Fucking this, and the girl was beyond retarded too.
I seriously hope that pretending to be sad it's nothing but a dumb Sup Forums meme.
Sauce for this one please!!
I was going to make fun of you for treating loving, affectionate happy sex like a fetish but then I realised that it basically is a fetish. It's not like you'll find vanilla in basic pornography after all.
she was fucking stupid but you gotta remember there are girls like her in real life. which at least for me made me upset by it...but i still fapped until she went off.
Gotta take the good with the bad
metamorphosis by shindol
anyone else fantasize about shagging to school slag with their mates after reading the first chapter of emergence
asking for my mates
now this...really touched my heart..and my penis
>having more than one dick in the bedroom
And all those girls deserve every single bad thing that happens to them.
no they deserve someone to actually love them and help them you dunce
too fucking far. I draw the line here
ravioli ravioli sauce up my assholi
>t. mgtow
what game is this supposed to be from?
That's not how it works. There's nothing to love about them.
if you get to know them yes there is. i mean this girl openly admitted before she went full retard she liked video games and manga.
>before she went full retard
No shit. Every single girl is a good girl before she goes full retard.
Leona Heidern
Unknown artist. find it on gelbooru
then prevent said girl from going full retard man!
the homeless guys weren't awful people
you're right
Gimme das sous
Yeah, I always assume people are just playing up how upset they are about it because it's exactly like that page from 100 Bullets where the guy just recounts how a woman's daughter went from being in highschool to found dead in theater 8 months pregnant with her tits lopped off and a homeless woman stealing the shoes off her corpse.
At some point it just becomes parody.
Then she won't be that girl. Why not turn one of the bullies into a fuccboi/perfect gf material while am I at it?
you can with enough influence
Wait what happens to the Shindol girl THIS TIME