Play Civilization 5

>play Civilization 5
>the barbarians are evil

What the FUCK? Are you telling me that just because they don't want to form their own "civilization", they are evil? That's damn retarded.

They're evil because they attack you, and steal your civilians

They raid the civilized men

Everyone who isn't part of your civilization is evil.

The people in the goodie huts are the good barbarians.

who said they're evil? seems like innocent men fleeing persecution hoping to turn your cities into fiery messes and call them home, i think you're the evil one for denying them that basic human right

This. If those civ leaders didn't want to die, they shouldn't have tried to fuck me over on those trade deals.

is it possible to lose a war in hex based civ games below deity difficulty?

I'm asking why. Why is it that the only interaction you have with non-agricultural tribes is war? Why can't you talk to them, and learn from their enlightened tribal wisdom? Are they lesser people just because they're "uncivilized"?

These games have a very clear pro-civilization bias, which really bothers me.

This is my favorite way to play. No alliances; no mercy. Peace is for cowards. Anyone that doesn't choose to kneel will be made to do so. There is no greater victory than to see the lands of your enemies be destroyed, and then be restored to function as an engine for the mighty machines of your empire as it marches on to greater battles and grander victories.

There are tribal villages like said. You can recruit barbarians in 6 tho.

>Why can't you talk to them, and learn from their enlightened tribal wisdom?

excuse me shitlord, assuming they have a spoken language is racist and they are merely imparting their knowledge via open wounds and conflagrations. You are being so... ugh. can't even

Then go play Barbarian 5 then, retard.

Jesus christ its mind blowing how bad this game looks compared to civ 5
How do you fuck up THIS hard?


>Why can't you talk to them, and learn from their enlightened tribal wisdom?
If they had wisdom they wouldn't be savages.
Are they lesser people just because they're "uncivilized"?

Wouldn't the Huns, Scythians, Iroquois, Shoshone, Polynesia, Celts, Sioux and potentially even the Mongols and Zulu count as Barbarians rather then as civs?

Picture somewhat related

What games let me start out as uncivilized barbarians and grow into a prosperous civilization?

It looks great and extremely comfy, friend.

>Are they lesser people just because they're "uncivilized"?


Mountain Blade. You start as a mercenary and can eventually found your own kingdom.

The Civ games, every game starts off with you, formerly a barbarian group, discovering agriculture and becoming a civilization.

Most tribal groups actually do have knowledge about things that we didn't know about, a decent amount of discoveries of new animal and plant species, and by extension chemical compounds for medicine comes from tribes in the amazon or the indonesian islands.

There's also a lot to learn about linsugistics and psychology for them since they essentially act as an isolated group and see how they developed different and how human brains work from

To be fair I think barbarians are a really half-assed mechanic. They don't even change properly from era to era. They're just an early-game annoyance that either get totally wiped from the map or simply ignored.

You tell those imaginary SJWs in your head!

>SJWs in gaming don't exist
how intellectually dishonest can you get

>can't trade or learn from tribes
>only options are to ignore them while they continually attack you or just wipe them out

Damn, never knew Civilization was that realistic.

Is Civilization VI worth buying?

Wait until the inevitable expansions that improve everything are released and put on sale in a bundle.

This. They went full retard and tried to appeal to phone gamers too much. Everything about it looks worse than 5.

>Most tribal groups actually do have knowledge about things that we didn't know about
No shit. They had the benefit of living in that area around all those different plants and animals. Not suprising they figured out how to use them to some extent.