Psychonauts 2

New Psychonauts 2 update video.

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I don't expect this to be good

I look forward to it's release in 2019-2020

Fuck tim sweeney

>trusting tim schafer even a little bit

So Erik Wolpaw left Valve to work on this full time right? God I hope he left Valve to work on this full time.

>no time skip


psychonauts had a good gimmick going for it but can it survive on its own merits as a game without a new gimmick setting and artstyle?

I pity the people who still trust this fat hack

Looks good but we'll see if they can make a full game out of it. If they try to make this episodic I swear to fuck.

And they don’t expect it to
They got their kickstarter money. They’re going to get more, and deliver the minimum product that they can without getting a class action lawsuit on their asses.

They asked for 3.3 m again
And they got 3.8 m

It looks fun

I don't expect anything but I hope it's good, those games about embarking on a crazy lighthearted adventure aren't really made anymore.

Can't Tim leave his communism behind though? I'm not a fan iof his politics but I liked Psychonauts a lot. Fucking commiefornia.

Oh look, another easily triggered Sup Forumsshit

Why not?

Psychonauts 1 cost 11.5 million.

Maybe this tech demo is all an elaborate ruse but it doesn't looks like "the minimum product" to me. We'll see how the finished release turns out but it seems like at least some of the people there know what they're doing.

it was more than that, I remember Tim saying it costed 24m or maybe 30m


>replayed the first game a month or two ago and I still love it
I'm excited. I just hope Tim doesn't find some way to fuck it all up.

>trees work like springs
We Sonic now

>Raz is back in his gypsie rags despite having become an official psychonaut
I want an explanation, Tim.

was it a mistake to not grab the first one when it was avaible for free? I was away when I saw it was avaible for free.

>Caring about Mr Shitface.

You can get it for like five bucks or less on steam during the upcoming sales.

I think his new clothes with a little cloth physics look pretty damn good though


>24-30m for a game of that calibre
Bobby kotick was right. The man can't handle money for shit

>people still gave Schafer money
>people used a shady crowdfunding site to do so


Psychonauts had a lot of voice acting, and that shit ain't free.

Psychonauts coasts by with clever writing.

Strip away the cutscenes and soundbites and you're left with a mediocre 3D platformer with half-baked movement and combat abilities, level design favoring style over substance and stiff, awkward controls.

If Tim Schafer in 2005 couldn't get Psychonauts to play well, then Tim Schafer in 2017 probably won't even get Psychonauts 2 to run well.

It's a new coat with his uniform underneath.

>stiff controls
They were fine. Also the characters and story were obviously part of the charm of the game, not every 3D platformer has to be Not-Mario, you insufferable faggot.


>level design favoring style over substance
Creative presentation and level design with unique gameplay gimmicks doesn't count for anything?

Really like the look of it, but I'll miss the old campgrounds.

The new hub looks bigger and more varied from a gameplay standpoint, but I hope it matches the liveliness and atmosphere of the first game's, and the way it felt like there was a dozen different background stories going on with all of the side-characters.

>Also the characters and story were obviously part of the charm of the game
No shit. Except I wouldn't say "part." It's very clearly "all."

I'm saying it's important that a video game be able to stand its ground as a game on top of any fluff put into the art or story.

Would you play Psychonauts without the story, user?

You can have creative presentation and still make a good level.

A lot of games do this. Psychonauts unfortunately doesn't for the most part.
Nobody will argue that The Milkman Conspiracy is the highlight of the game. But what about the rest?

Basic Braining is your average tutorial stage, Brain Tumbler Experiment is a linear path with some awkward swinging segments, Sasha's Shooting Gallery is conceptually strong but doesn't quite deliver, and sort of just feels like another tutorial stage, Mila's Dance Party is built around some very awkward bouncing and momentum-based traversal with the slippery Levitation power, Lungfishopolis is more of a shallow power trip than anything, Waterloo World is frankly forgettable, Black Velvetopia's gimmick makes the entire stage a nuisance to be dodged than a challenge to be overcome, and the less said about Meat Circus, the better.

As I said, Psychonauts is a mediocre game. Not awful, but not all it's cracked up to be either.
The story and characters carry the level design and gameplay far more than it probably deserves.

Now I enjoyed my time with Psychonauts, although collecting every figment was a fucking pain.
That doesn't mean I didn't notice how flawed it was along the way.

He is going for the sadha look, uniform underneath his new cloak. I am gald they kept the helmet, seeing him without it would've been like seeing him naked.

>collecting every figment was a fucking pain.

>tfw missing 1 figment
>in Waterloo World

You can't separate the story of the game from the game because it was made with a heavy focus on the characters. They even had social media profiles for all the kids of the camp with each kid leaving messages at one point, it's like saying would you play Mario 64 without jumping.

I'd say the gameplay ain't bad at all, the levels are quite creative, the things you do in them vary a lot, which counts for something.

The first half of the game was basically tutorial levels, but I thought everything at the asylum was great.

Combat's stiff and the general platforming's not perfect, but I found the rest of the game memorable enough to overlook it. So I guess it depends on what you're looking for.

>You can't separate the story of the game from the game because it was made with a heavy focus on the characters.
That doesn't mean you should get a free pass to deliver subpar gameplay.

I love the game but I didn't bother being a completionist once I got the upgrades I wanted.

Pretty sure the only reward you get from maxing out figments is a thirty second bonus cutscene anyhow. Didn't seem worth the effort.

>finding that one room in Milla's mind

>subpar gameplay
Compared to what? It has some pretty good platforming, combat with many different powers, and each level felt quite different from the other. Also the multiple hubs offered some nice exploration as well.

It isn't, mostly since the cutscene is literally the lungfish monster flirting with the turtle and sheegor being a thirdwheel

>Realizing the figments outside of the room are the memories of the children from the orphanage

Yeah, I just looked it up online after I beat it.

This looks kinda bad with the direction it's heading in Psychonauts was cool because it was surreal it wasn't just a platformer and it's appearance looks like it's working very hard just to emulate "platformer". That blows.

yeah that room has some really dark fucked up shit for such a light hearted game

Only the art style makes it look like that, if you think about it, this game is damn dark, especially qhen you add the childrens camp internet accounts

To be fair it's just the hub, like the camp from the first game. I'll save judgment for when we actually see the mental worlds.

What they show in that video is the equivalent of the camp from the first game, and the weirdest stuff there was the psychic bear. They explicitly say in the video they're not showing off any of the mental levels until later.

>schafer is getting away with it

>Compared to what?
Most other 3D platformers released around the same time and earlier?

>It has some pretty good platforming
No, it really doesn't. In a way I feel weird actually calling it a platformer.
>combat with many different powers
That doesn't make it good. I'd rather have fewer powers that are given more time and care.
>each level felt quite different from the other
Not a very difficult thing to accomplish.

You're welcome to love Psychonauts as much as you want, but that doesn't mean it's a great game or was particularly well-designed.

I mean, it's no secret the game had a troubled development. It's fairly evident within the game itself, and Caroline Esmurdoc even went as far as to say that the game was only really developed for two years of the four and a half they were working on it.

You've got a director who's only worked on adventure games prior, a green development team juggling multiple platforms, Microsoft's notoriously troublesome requests, among other things.
Of course they don't deliver the greatest 3D platformer.

>trusting mr shitface

Small parts of it are dark, like the overly happy kids that talk about suicide, Milla's kids burning, also Edgar's self hatred and that level can be quite dark. I loved Black Velvetopia,

Such as? You're still not elaborating which amazing 3D platformers put it to shame back then.

Yes Psychonauts isn't a "pure" platformer, it's more of a hybrid of platforming, shooting and a big adventure focus. I don't see how that's a bad thing.

I don't trust Schafter but i wouldn't mind them proving me wrong with Psy2

Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Jak and Daxter
Sly Cooper

Off the top of my head
I don't know why I have to mention them, it should be obvious.

Have you played some of those games recently? Mario 64 is still good, now Banjo Kazooie is a game that barely has platforming and the level design is fucking terrible.

Psychonauts also came out close to the Mario Sunshine era, and that game was also quite the underwhelming Mario title, easily the worst Mario 3D platformer.

>Sup Forums loves Tim Schafer again

This board is so easy to trick

Sunshine was still a better game than Psychonauts

And yes I revisit many of those old platformers regularly, because they're good and I enjoy replaying them again and again.

Psychonauts is a game I will rarely revisit, because all it really has to offer me is its story, and I've already seen it.
When I'm in control, I am having less fun than when I'm watching the characters interact.

Was it? The FLUDD was a terrible game mechanic, the best parts of the game had that shit taken out from you, the blue coins were awful padding of the game. Tons of annoying shit like having to get that boat and Yoshi to get to the island with the blocked pipe, takes literally minutes to wait for the boat to get there, just to enter a fucking level. Nah Psychonauts shat all over that abortion.

Agreed, while I enjoyed sunshine, calling it a good game is a monumental overstatement and while psychonauts isn't the perfect game and it has it's flaws, it's far more enjoyable than sunshine will ever be.

>the blue coins were awful padding of the game

The only real bitch of a figment to find was the fsiry in waterloo world, the rest were easy to both find and collect

Nah, there are a number that are a pain in the dick, and you can't tell me the sheer NUMBER of them isn't clear padding.

Figments aren't required to complete the game at all, while blue coins hold shitloads of shines hostage. Shines are directly linked to the progression of the game.

So Psychonauts was a game from two generations ago and went MASSIVELY over budget. Psychonauts 2 is a game from a time when games are much more expensive and has half the budget.

How the hell is this supposed to work?

You don't need to collect all the Shines to beat the game

Easy, this time they don't build their oen engine but work in unreal engine

Looks great thanks for sharing!

But you do need to collect some of them to get ahead, so it's clearly not the same thing as figments, that just upgrade your powers and aren't necessary at all for game progression.

Easy, it won't.
Just like Psychonauts 1

The only way that would work is if the engine took 80-90% of the budget of the first game.

Padding is padding and moving the goalposts is moving the goalposts.

If anything, figments can be considered more padding than blue coins when they don't even drive you to a goal of some sort.

Not 80% but still above 50%, 30% to voice actors.

>some collectibles that only enhance your powers are the same thing as shines that are necessary to open up new worlds and shit
Really makes you think, then you still have you address the problem of the fludd being utter shit, and the game just being flat out mediocre in many points.

Figments are padding. That's all they are. Their lack of place in the critical path only makes it more true.

This isn't Psychonauts vs Sunshine.
This is "Psychonauts isn't that great" vs "I can't possibly allow an anonymous user to feel negatively towards my favorite game"

You're free to feel whatever you want about Psychonauts, as I am free to think it's a pretty good game and argue that it's hardly a terribly overrated game or anything of the sort, the game was a financial disaster anyway.

He isn't very good as a lead designer because he keeps adding shit to his games that drive up development time/cost until eventually you're left with a game full of half-baked ideas and an obviously rushed final 1/3rd or 1/4th of the game.

Also you clearly don't know what padding is. Padding is when the game stops you and forces you to collect tons of bugs or else you can't progress, as Twilight Princess does with the tears of light. You can skip all figments and complete the game just fine. They're optional collectibles.

Padding is anything that needlessly expands the "content" of the game without providing anything of real depth or reward to the player. It's not exclusively within the critical path.

Skyrim's radiant quests are padding, for example.

>They're optional collectibles
As are any given Shine in Sunshine, Jiggy in Banjo, egg in Spyro, start in SM64, etc.
Very few of the collectibles in any of those games are ones you MUST get to beat the game.

They're designed to give you that choice. The ones you want are critical, the ones you don't are optional.
So if I don't want to collect blue coin Shines, they're optional.

>shines and jiggies are optional
Have you really played those fucking games? Because if you don't collect jigsaws in Banjo you don't fucking progress in the game, they're like keys. If you just collect 2 per level have fun faggot, you ain't playing other worlds because there are doors with the number of jigsaws you need to open them. Shines work in similar fashion, you only open new worlds in SMS by acquiring shines. So it's not only a collectible they are keys to progression, or gates if you will.

looks alright for early build stage

i'll allow it

Aren't there levels in Banjo that aren't necessary to beat to fight Grunty?

And in Sunshine even though you unlock new levels with Shines, you don't need this or that Shine from a specific course to make that happen. That's what I mean.

You need to finish the seventh Shine of every stage to fight Bowser, which means doing all the Shines before it.


Too bad that Tim Schafer turned out to be a huge cunting feminist suck up. Even if the game is good, I'm not playing it.

I never understood that way of thinking, if you think a game is good and worth playing why not do it even if you hate the dev with a passion? Why not enjoy something just cause someone you don't like made it.

It is the duty of every person who claims to care about western civilization to make it as hard as possible for communists, feminists and other assorted vermin to operate in society. Giving them money, or playing their game is doing the opposite of that.

I love Psychonauts more than I hate Schafer.

>I love Schafer

I can see your point, but I still disagree, not enjoying something because of someones political view seems something an immature child or social justice snowflake would do.

His Psychonauts uniform from 1 was in the closet in the Rhombus of Ruin VR