Are you guys looking forward to Wolfenstein?

Are you guys looking forward to Wolfenstein?

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I legitimately don't understand the controversy here. Nazis are bad people, why is it bad to imply that they don't belong in a county? It's like saying rapists don't belong in a country.

No, I don't feel so good about killing nazis anymore as I did as a kid. I've come to the tragic realization that nazis were good people, just like you and me, and that there are no real villains in the world, just endless bickering over side issues.

Antifa ruined the word Nazi

Because these days anyone left of Marx is getting called a Nazi.

The alt-right can't handle being called derogatory terms even though thats all they call everyone else they don't like
Its just the teapot calling the coffee mug white

Oh SJW game

Pirate on Day 1

I'm trying to.

The problem arises when you start calling everyone who disagrees with you a nazi to justify spewing vitriolic hatred toward them