Did you guys see that Star Wars: Empire at War got a patch at Disney's request to strip gamespy and integrate steam...

Did you guys see that Star Wars: Empire at War got a patch at Disney's request to strip gamespy and integrate steam multiplayer?

I'm downloading an update now, but hopefully this means Imperial Civil War multiplayer will work through steam, which would be fuckin great.

Anyone play EaW?

Super slowpoke.png

I didn't know if anyone on Sup Forums pays attention. I just got back from Canadia.

I've been playing it with friends, really fun to go back, either vanilla, foc or RaW.

Unfortunately couldn't make the RaW galactic conquest to work.

Battlefront II, now this. Any other Star Wars games get this treatment?

>tfw poorfag stuck playing the buggy pirated version on my toaster

Why is Disney so based? I'm warming up to them over this sellout tub of lard.

hopefully Republic Commando does

this is pretty much the only good thing they've done and it's not enough to make me like them

Is it feasible to have both Republic at War and Imperial Civil War installed and switch back and forth? I love ICW, but I never tried RaW.

One good thing doesn't make up for how badly they've fucked up the franchise

I feel strongly conflicted about this game. I redownload it about once a year but everytime I end up bitterly uninstalling it a dozen or so hours later because if it had just taken its ideas a little further it could have been so much better.

honestly if there was a way to wrench the liscense from EA I'd actually have hope for Star Wars games.
I don't think that's likely.

Thrawn reporting

>revamping old SW games
>also making EU fanfiction garbage non-canon

Disney has always been /ourguys/

Don't visit my country again.

Did you try the mods?

Imperial Civil War and Republic at War bot add very serious depth, and a ton of new ships/units.

I'm from Minnesota, you can't keep me out. I got up about twice a year to steal your fish or game then come home. Don't worry about it.

the game is dirt cheap on steam, you'd get the patch (which fixes come galactic conquest bugs, and some minor bugs, and allows steam mp).

C'mon user.

with steam workshop subscribe to both and when you need to change mods put the appropiate number in the launch options, so it's STEAMMOD=modnumber

>making the absolute worst piece of shit garbage in all of the EU canon by putting thrawn in Rebels
yeah no disney will never EVER be /ourguy/

>the game is dirt cheap on steam
i haven't bought a game since 2015 user

is it just the digital versions or can you get it on physical too?

>gave us CW micro-series and TCW CGI series due to his own fervernt autism to expand the universe
>supported game developers (Republic Commandos, Battlefront series (classic), RotS game, etc...
Lucas was always better than Disney.

>worst anything from EU
No. Seriously, there's some dumb shit in EU, especially in the Bantam publishing era before Del Rey got it and Lucas Arts went "We really need to make this shit consistent for long plot lines" because yeah there was dumb crap like IG-88 putting his memory/AI into the second Death Star and shutting doors on the Emperor's face (and to be fair, this is by KJA whose one of the worst sci-fi writers ever), the Children of the Jedi novel with a super weapon that made no sense (it was just a big starship that abducted people and brainwashed them into being stormtroopers), and especially the crap like Crystal Star but Thrawn?


Thrawn is what would set this user off? Makes absolutely no sense to me. Thrawn, Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, these are like the most iconic of EU characters as well as the most beloved and popular ones at that in the franchise. I agree, Rebels is shit. It ruined Maul, Filoni has proven he doesn't have much of a spine or backbone to stand up to what was the original intent for Maul's character, and that Rebels is also crippled by some REALLY shitty writing as well as budget issues and will never be as good as TCW.

But seriously? Thrawn, garbage? Nah.

No no no. Disney is not based. Just some guys that took advantage of their positions to get their old games working again for multiplayer because the knew stuff Disney is releasing is gay as fuck.

holy shit this please

bls ubdate KOTOR1

Thrawn was best back in TIE Fighter.

If you look you might be able to find one, it's an old game though.

Disney is Google tier evil user, just because they did something nice once doesn't wipe away everything else. It's likely some bean counter found out that the financial cost of having these games patched was far lower than the fifty cents or whatever they'll get from each of these games that are purchased to play the restored multiplayer now that they own the licensing and can collect from it. Disney is renowned for hostile treatment of competition, extreme protection of copyright to the point of bringing legal action against unauthorized school viewings of their products, and squeezing anyone they can for every penny they can. Not generosity or kindness.