I finally beat God Hand. Despite dying a crazy amount of times, I had fun with it

I finally beat God Hand. Despite dying a crazy amount of times, I had fun with it.

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The real reward is the credits song. youtube.com/watch?v=qhTL3sOINKY

Congrats, you've completed the first step.
Now do a Kick Me Sign run.
Then a run on Hard.
Then a run on Hard with the Kick Me Sign
Then do it all again but this time without cheesing the whole fucking game you fucking scrub.
Attain true enlightenment. Purify your body in the righteous fire of pain and suffering as those who have come before you have done.

You're damn right there, user. I watched the end credits, but no matter what, I felt like I didn't earn it.

I enjoyed the credits so much more because I EARNED it.

My buddy swears up and down that Hard Mode is actually easier for locking you at DIE, since it means you don't need to adjust your timings for each difficulty's behavior. I just think he's fucking nuts.

He's not exactly wrong. Normal can be kinda iffy due to constant difficulty changes.
The common complaint is doing fine at lower levels but then getting auto-ranked up *specifically because* you're doing well and getting your shit slapped.
The less mentioned janky transition is moving from the harder difficulties to the easier ones. For example, if I've been playing on one of the harder difficulties for a while, I tend to start throwing out guard breaks on prediction alone (similar to how you would predictive parries in Dark Souls PvP). If you change difficulty to an easier one and don't account for it then chances are the enemies won't block as quickly as you thought, leading to said guard break being dodged and your shit getting slapped in return. Same goes for some dodge timings.

Being locked to one and only one difficulty means you only have to worry about one set of guard break timings, one set of AI strategies, one set of damage values, etc. Instead of having to constantly swap between knowledge of all the different skill levels and their effects on the fly, all you have to worry about is one. It may be the hardest one, granted, but it's still just one, and, as God Hand combat tends to prove, it's easier to deal with one hard guy than it is multiple guys of varying difficulty all at once.

so should I emulate this or what

It's sort of tough to emulate last I heard. There's a really helpful infographic floating around that can walk you through it, if you can dig it up on google.

Yes, enable speedhacks and go play it.

What happened? Why didn't Gene got into MVC:I?

He is wrong. This only applies if you don't pay any attention to rank besides maybe getting to level die as quickly as possible. Even a tiny bit of rank manipulation makes it so much easier.

wikipedia says it's on PSN? does that mean it's available on PS4 too or just PS3? and is emulating better than that?

It's definitely available on PS3. That's where I played it through. I never had any hiccups or glitches during my playthroughs.

>Then a run on Hard with the Kick Me Sign
Did that
>Then do it all again but this time without cheesing the whole fucking game you fucking scrub.
I can't help it, the drunken twist is too fucking good.

Man what's the point of doing a kms run if you're gonna cheese it. Regular runs have enough cheese as is, gotta take the chance to truly learn the game.

The game was pretty much a flop on release and quickly faded into oblivion. It wasn't until much later that it really achieved cult status and cult status doesn't exactly shoe-you-in for a crossover fighting game.

Available on PS3 PSN, not on PS4 PSN. I don't think PS4 PSN does PS2 at all. As for quality, PS3 version has some slowdown at parts not general present on the PS2 version (which has some slowdown as well), but it's still more than playable.
PC emulation is also fine if you know enough about it to actually get the game running fairly well.
I got the PS3 PSN version as well as a PS2 copy but I've never emulated it. Take that for what you will.

Eh, to each his own I guess. I hate doing rank manipulation (either by grovelling or intentionally taking hits) so being locked to Hard makes the game much easier for me. Tighter tolerances in combat but less outside of said combat that I have to worry about.

Because without roulette moves or God Mode, it can take forever to whittle away at midboss enemies unless you use specific moves to cheese them out.

>cult status doesn't exactly shoe-you-in for a crossover fighting game

MvC3 was closer to the height of God Hand's resurgence of popularity. Barring a fucking miracle we're never going to see him again.

I would say it be better to emulate it. Like mentioned, speedhacks help this game so much. I was originally playing this on a modded PS2, but with how much I was dying and how freaking long it takes to reload to continue or just straight up reload because I (usually) wanted to get through a level without dying, it helps so much. I have save-states of various places as well, and it helped so much with learning how to do a boss fight or even try to do it with various handicaps (like Granny Smacker on Death Shudder).

WIth how bad MvC:I ended up being in terms of simplified gameplay and shoddy character models, I wouldn't want Gene in that game.

Hell, I'd rather have Gene be in that "supposed" Playstation All-Stars sequel, considering his game was PS2 only. I have a feeling Sony would treat him better than Capcom at this point.

So I was just randomly looking up God Hand info and I saw this attached to an article


The article was from 2014, but maybe there's still hope for God Hand yet?

They're porting Okami again, so maybe. Wouldn't count on it though-- God Hand isn't going to look so good if you upscale it.

Man, I fucking love this game.

what's your setup?

I did a KMS run of the challenges, including challenge 51
Let's see you do better fags

good job op. im proud.

Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba and Hideki Kamiya are behind some of the very best games of history.
Why havent they achieved anything that mechanically deep since fucking Clover Studios?

Is there a reason to use the first versions of the moves over the later versions?

Don't know about Mikami or Inaba but Kamiya made something pretty interesting with dodge input in Bayo

another run and this time git gud

kamiya's obsession with the full invincible dodge whenever you want canceling anything with a single button with no limitations ruins the combat of every platinum game. It removes all commitment, which removes any need to choose which attack you're going to use, so you always just spam the highest DPS combo you have and mash the dodge button when you see attacks coming at you. And then this makes the games fundamentally easy, so he has to flood the screen with enemies so you have difficulty based on having a hard time just noticing the wind ups. And that removes any difficulty from aiming, since you just point your attacks in the general direction of the huge blob of enemies all over the screen. It creates a great big meaningless spectacle.
Bayonetta wasn't so bad about that, but MGR was, and Nier Automata's was so bad I ended up wishing for a skip combat button. Everything but the boss fights was just a fucking chore.

>best games of history
DMC1 and VJ are great, not best of history, but come on. The rest of his career is shades of good and mediocre. RE2 isn't as innovative or interesting as RE1 and RE3. Okami's a padded chore. Everything in Bayonetta other than the core combat with normal enemies majorly stinks. Wonderful 101 is good but suffers some of the same problem as Bayo.
God Hand is the best thing to come out of Clover, Capcom, and Platinum because it's just about punching people. There's no garbage platforming or minigames or quick time events or backtracking. You just frolic through the pure beat em up fun. Kamiya can't grasp this. I won't cal him a hack, but he's just flopping dead-fish-like around crapping out enjoyable but dubious games that mostly would've been better if they weren't directed by him.

You make it sound as if kamiya directed MGR and Nier

He's the genesis of that infinite dodge that all the platinum games have

But Madworld already had invincible dodge

I just beat this recently. Do I do a hard run or a normal kms run next?

KMS on Normal is harder in my opinion, so i'd go with hard first

that game was also reviewed in 9/10s not 4/10s