Will RDR2 even top the god tier gunplay in this? Will any game for that matter?

Will RDR2 even top the god tier gunplay in this? Will any game for that matter?

>top the god tier gunplay in this?
>Will any game for that matter?
many games have before and have after release.

Go on. What gun has better gun control, sfx, feel, and physics? No game has come close to RDR's physics.

>dual weilding
Probably means it will fell more artificial than “realistic”


Auto aim and bullet time? Yeah the gunplay was shit. It's like saying BoTW has a good combat system when all it is is quicktime events.

RO, and hell even it's sequels have had better guns.
that's a very short list rattled off the top of my head.

Canned animations.

>Comparing FPS shooting mechanics to third person shooting mechanics
Youre fucking retarded, and ARMA aiming doesnt feel nice
This guys right though, best Rockstar third person mechanics ive seen

Knew it would go over your head.

>auto aim

lol faggot

>What gun has better gun control, sfx, feel, and physics?
>what? you can't use FPS games!
retard. also MP1 and 2 has better mechanics than 3.

>What gun has better gun control, sfx, feel, and physics?
I probably should have paid attention to that. I disagree with you, Max Payne 3s shooting feels damn near perfect
Other than that though youre right those games shit on RDR

Death animations in MP3 come nowhere near as well done as RDR

>Max Payne 3s shooting feels damn near perfect
mechanically it is objectively worse than 1 and 2, unless your definition of a good shooter is being pigeon holed into forced cover and having less options in combat. in which case I really question your judgement.

The real question should be whether or not the Wilhelm scream will be in this game.

it should be in every game.

>Satisfying shooting

you can complain about the gunplay, but to say it's worse than RDR then you're mentally fucked.

Gunplay in RDR was only god tier with free aiming

I feel like we played vastly different games.

I hope so, but just wait till the game is released to your local gamestore.

Wilhelm scream in RDR2 is a must.

Death animations aren't gunplay

When will the game be finally released for REAL? Spring, summer or winter?

heh god tier gunplay? oh please kid that game has the worst gunplay ever, seriously kill your self for saying that and go play DOOM

>what is visual feedback
fucking retard

Literally anything

Rockstar games feel like shit to play because they have a neurotic obsession with "weight"

As far as I know dual wielding was actually a thing in the 19th century, Revolver had only 6 shots, so they used often 2 Revolvers to have a higher chance to survive during gunfights.
Despite that, I liked the dual wielding in Red Dead Revolver.

It will when it comes out on PC and you won't need to use shitty analog.

This, I turned off auto aim during the very first gun fight, it just felt like shit.

Would kill for this game shooting mechanics, all of it, even the slowmo to replace or in addition to DeadEye. Also a hardcore game option to physically carry rifles, one or two at a time in person with the horse being your storage. All that plus next gen Euphoria or whatever can replace it.