Ummm... who the f*ck is this and what does she have to do with video games? XD
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The person in OP invented Lets Play.
This majestic bastard is none other than Christine Weston Chandler
I'm very... upset... right noOOOOOOOW
Fuck dude, this is horrifying... i feel so bad for his mother
what is medically going on with Barb
she is not well
typically being ancient tends to lead to death
well yea but like my great grandmother is 98 and still bebopping around, can hold a conversation is completely there mentally
Barb isnt even blinking and
Her son is an autistic tranny who lives at home, her husband died of shame and heartbreak. How much worse can life get?
he seems like he's putting it on for the camera
like her's so autistic he can't even emote
he kinda knows what being upset/outraged should sound like so he has to fake it
so bizarre
there going to be million chris chans in the next few decades because of all these idiot women having kids way too late in life
god i completely forgot about about this cunt i stopped when he made his "unclit"
is he still alive or did he finally kill himself?
Not to mention the tranny bullshit
Chris will never kill himself. Chris has got an ego as massive as the entire solar system. I seriously doubt he would ever contemplate removing his glorious presence from the earth. He knows he is better than the dang dirty trolls.
>Mods keep deleting chris chan threads
If you aren't convinced the mods hate Sup Forums by this point then I don't know what will.
I think even if he did get to that point, he'd be too scared to do it.
I hope Barb dies soon, for her sake, just to get some fucking peace.
>watching the Q&A now
Why the fuck is it an hour long?
>that muslim point
i couldnt tell what he was saying for half the video
did someone hack his mom's facebook?
His latest internet GF said her FB got hacked and she dumped him before their first date was supposed to happen. Chris blames the trolls.
I know this gets asked all the time but what legitimately will happen to Chris when she dies?
like who is going to pay for and arrange funeral tasks
what will happen with that house and all the shit in it?
Sadly Chris is so fucking nuts, nobody will find out and he'll be dancing with her corpse until someone finally visits and finds out shes dead.
A man in a dress is not a woman
A man in a dress wearing lipstick is still not a woman
A man who cuts his penis off and incises an open wound where it used to be is still not a woman
If you can't deal with the fact that you have a y chromosome then just off yourself, because it is never, EVER going to go away :)
profile link?
is it another horrifying tranny?
Did that picture get run through Google Deepmind?
norman bates without the business or murder
The bank will get the house for sure. Chris gets enough cash from the tugboat that he can afford rent on a modest apartment as long as someone (most likely Rocky) helps him find one. The problem is that he'll use all the tugboat on stupid shit instead of the bills. So he'll get evicted and wind up homeless or if he's lucky in some institution.
have you ever seen those hoarders shows? where the people just amass filth and useless junk and are behind on bills so the town/bank evicts them but they don't leave and drag the process out for as long as possible?
I guarantee that will be chris. and he will beg for money like never before but will still not stop wasting his tugboat on legos and amiibos and shit
I thought it was just some deviant art chick he commissioned to do some art that he thought was his gf and started stalking her on fb. Is this girl someone else?
Nah, that happened too, but there's another woman.
youre behind the times, theres been a new girl since Doopie. jessica something...let me check the wiki
nuh uh that was slowbeef
How long until DSP beomes a tranny?
he looks so sad, i kinda feel bad for him.
Hawk... my log has a message for you ...
nigger I don't give a flying fuck what other people do until it starts affecting my day-to-day life
damn nigga
people are keeping this shit up to date
Nah, even if he was to dumb to call a paramedic he'd still broadcast it to the internet and someone else would do it for him.
>that rambling nonsense answer
It never stops being amazing.
10 years into Chris Chan lore and you just can't beat the classic pranks done again.
>20 minutes in
>Ya'll still like me, you pay attention to me
Fucking hell the way he sees the world.
Think of all the good Chris has put back into the world guys. He's got to have been the subject of at least 2-3 psych students thesis.
It's interesting how the same prank keeps working after it's happened so many times before, but I'd personally like to see someone put some serious effort into things and get us another round of Liquid Chris.
>implying """"gender"""" isn't arbitrary
literally no reason to care
>b-b-but muh king jew in the sky said that...
shit religion
Chris is proof that Neanderthals survived the Ice Age.
But during the Stone Age..!
I stopped paying attention to all the boring trolls who got nothing new and productive out of Chris. Will we ever get a good saga again?
this picture is incredible holy shit
Can someone give me a expedient exposition on the tugboat term? How does he get all this money? What does the cuck vessel of the seas have to do with anything?
It's not likely since the people most interested in Chris have vowed to take a stance of noninterference for fear of causing anther absence from the net.
after barb dies things should get interesting
Where did you get this?
It's a monthly government benefits package. Chris is retarded enough for it to qualify him for disability benefits.
its what chris calls his wellfare check
This is art.
>Her dead eyed, eternally surprised stare
>That line reading
>The oscillating fan in the background
Fucking genius.
Jesus Christ. Chris, please, for the love of god, get help.
Don't pity her. This is what she deserves
Gender isn't fucking arbitrary it's something you're born with and can't change which is the angle he's arguing from. Even if a tranny can get a pseudo vag they still can't have babies, get periods, won't naturally produce estrogen at the same levels, and won't have the same bone structure as cis women.
Enjoy your (You) you knuckle dragging mongoloid.
Chris has also gotten better at not interacting with many people via the net. He tends to ignore emails and other contact from those he doesnt already know.
this is quite amusing but nonetheless i want christian back again this tranny saga has dragged on long enough
Wow. it’s real.
tugboats = helps big ships navigate piers
>After his father's death in September 2011, Chris's tugboat increased, and as of 2014, Chris was receiving approximately $1300 a month in welfare money.
>34 minutes
Chris has binge watched Fraiser twice and feels it is very enlightening.
>work 40 hours a week
>make more than minimum wage
>have my own place
>chris gets about $50 less per month than my paycheck
>his patreon pushes him over me in income
ok but you're not debilitatingly autistic
I aint clickin that shit, nigga
she's a decrepit old witch counting down the seconds on the clock until her well overdue death
it's fairly tame
its a comic he drew
It's new pages from Sonichu. Chris is writing an arc where Rosechu goes through some weight gain.
>CWC thread with good music
Das it mane.
I only make 12.25 an hour but get bonuses for productivity/attendance and the job offers tons of adjustable overtime. Being that I have a roommate and the bills are split it's more than enough money to pursue autism.
>those profile pics after breakup 1
>those comic pages she "inspired"
>didn't even give him her phone number
So she's another troll, right?
I drew Robee, not enough art of him
They were supposed to meet. I don't if the date has already passed or something.
needs more rainbow power. Good work though.
Yeah, today. The day AFTER she broke up with him
She was definitely a troll
>chris won't have a date to the mlp movie
To be fair you're right. She was the one who raised such a fuck up of a son and didn't get him any help whatsoever.
Someone post the drawing with megan.
>someone ban themselves
>xir still wears xirs high school ring
It was pretty fucking obvious from the start that she was. No one on Earth would willingly date Chris or be in a relationship with him.
we don't cotton to freaks around these parts.
>tfw in the Land of the Free you get 2x more money than my wage if you're just a bit weird
Storytime fags
She deserves to die with Chris making her final years as miserable and insane as possible.
Good work user.