There are people on this board that think that New Vegas is better than Fallout 3

>there are people on this board that think that New Vegas is better than Fallout 3


I liked 3's atmosphere a lot more

Lmao, it's this thread again.

Neck yourself, Todd.

I know it's insane right?

Couldn't agree more friend I love that green filter really adds to the vibe

Fallout 3 for exploration.
New Vegas for quests.

Is F4 worse than 3? Give me an honest breakdown.


I don't know... I liked 4's story and characters more, but 3 felt really different whenit came out.

I prefer 4 than 3, but I wouldn't say one is better than the other.

Nah, you got it wrong


>playing 3d fallouts

>playing crappy isometric fallouts

Fallout got relevant until 2008.

>playing fallout
>not playing the superior post apocalyptic rpg

Shit bait sage

I feel like I can see everything there is to see in 3 in a single playthrough, and being able to modify weapons is a feature I always love.

>fallout 3
shit story, fun world
>fallout nv
interesting story/world

4 is definitely better.
Everything is more polished, you get more faction options, better characters, more interesting environments (though they went WAY overboard on the "lol 200 year old skeleton in a closet with pistol next to it guess what happened")

>not playing both



>Tactics and 2 worse than 3 and 4

user I...

Fallout is post post apocalyptic though.

>there are people on this board that make 0/10 bait threads
kys faggot
1&2 are the only good Fallout games.

Rate my odds of survival, Sup Forums. This is my third play of Fallout 1.


should have chosen energy weapons

>4 END
>First Aid tagged
you wot m8

yeah but what about the main quests

Todd, we get it, you don't like new vegas

>dis tred agen

Perception and intelligence scale First Aid. I compensate for low hitpoints with healing ability

New Vegas is superior but I feel 3 more comfy.

>should have chosen energy weapons
It's better to just pick it up with Tag!
Small guns are incredible in the early and midgame of F1, because accuracy is a lot higher than in the second game.

Does anyone have that one screencap of that one user playing Fallout 2 with shit stats, managed to get to Frank Horrigan and actually won against him on his fifth go?

I hold off on using the gun until I'm out of the cave. I know I ought to be playing to my strengths, but I can't fight the "but I might need it later" instinct.

You'll always gonna need it later

I know, but I don't feel the eight-HP rats warrant a bullet that I could use to kill mantis or something in the overworld.

>todd put more effort into sidequest than the actual mainquests

why is he such a fucking hack?

I think new vegas is slightly better but making a better game than bethesda isn't much of an achievement anyway.

rats and manti get the knife family
should have Ian before you fight manti packs anyways

>there are people on this board that think
Why bother thinking on r/the_shitpost?

Right, because my back could use a few more holes.

At least he isn't Sulik :^)

Don't you talk shit about my tribal bro

More like Marcus. Giving him the bozar was the worst idea ever.

new vegas was way more polished and carefully thought out than fo3.

so yes, i belive after playing both, i much prefer FoNv over Fo3.

sure nv has its moments with the story and reasoning for things, but its not mustache twirling pants on head retarded of fo3 when it comes to main plots or side quests.

as for dlc, new vegas stands king above fo3.

this is so cherrypicking it's not even funny, can't believe faggots fall for this.

He's great as long as you just give him melee/unarmed weps
>Sulik gets super sledge crit
>enemy slides 20 tiles away, animation takes 15 seconds to finish
Yeah I never used Marcus at all
Sulik/Vic/Cassidy is top tier bro team in 2.

not gonna make it.

It's a shame that the companions that are cool in concept are lame in execution, like Marcus and Goris.

my nigga. the 4 of us were a great team.


If you prefer F3 over NV you are a brain dead fucking retard.

or a troll

What about Ian?

Sulik's pretty good with the .223 pistol. I always let him use it if I'm going with a ranged team.

t. contrarian

Since no one came into my thread Im gonna paste here.

>Yes Man is more of a "I don't want to take a side" or "I killed or angered everyone relevant to the story" choice. Get to know House and NCR before you do Yes Man's route.
>Legion can go fuck themselves.

Is this really true? Did I make the mistake of siding with yes man instead of chilling with Mr. House? I was told the NCR and Legion dont even have a good amount of quests, now the NCR and legion completely hate me which means I pretty much rushed to the ending. I cant find any side quests while just free roaming the wasteland and there's no brotherhood missions, might a as well just blow their ass up.

What the fuck do I do, Im tempted to go back to a specific save but I really feel like I wasted time.

Ian's a faggot

He be dead.

no, you started this mess, now finish it how you were playing it.

everything besides yes man has a lot of quests and things to do. other than legion, it feels very rushed.

What should the next Fallout location be?


Boy would I love to see a modernized version of New Vegas visuals.
>2017 PBR desert

>NV at the top
some people just can't be helped

>[disrobing animations intensify]

It's okay user I'm disgusted by the truth too.

>Fallout 4 that high
Metacritic was a mistake.

I don't think that New Vegas is better than Fallout 3, I know that Fallout New Vegas is better than Fallout 3.

>no, you started this mess, now finish it how you were playing it.

You have no idea how disappointed I am right at this moment, it really good but now there's literally nothing to do.

Fallout 4 was better than 3 and NV is better than 4, how about that?
NV > 4 > 3

I don't compare them to the originals because they are literally a different genre but while we're at it:

2 > 1 > Tactics

More quests doesn't make New Vegas better.

You're telling me you enjoy doing lame shit like "collect me 20 soda bottles" for the near-useless rewards? That shit's for the birds man.

I just liked wondering around collecting gear, weapons, chems, and then getting into fights where I use all of it. I don't give a damn about helping random faggot retrieve a bottle of purified water

>I was told the NCR and Legion dont even have a good amount of quests
You were lied to. NCR has a gorillion quests, and they dont interfere much with others other than Legion quests.
You can in fact go NCR all the way until the very end and still do Yes Man.

Does this actually consider how many reviews there are for each game and who wrote each review (objective my ass, reviews are always subjective even on metacritic)

Objective fact:
FO3 was the first of the 3D open world Fallouts, so people went into it with different expectations and flavors that changed over the years, and when New Vegas came out, the same people by that time already had forgot about FO3 really objectively looked like and built up some sort of nostalgia around it, and when NV came out (with the same engine and a lot of reused assets) it was suddenly ugly and the gameplay was somehow worse

eh, you can use books/dump 2 levels into it and get it to 100+, enough till you get your first laser pistol.

Where the fuck can I go to become a ncr member, I think im gonna just gonna do a previous save, Fuck tho I wasted so much time today

Marcus can use energy weapons, give him YB42K and his in business.

>finally get Brotherhood power armor
>what the fuck NCR faggots shooting me
>Boone sniping his own comrades into red paste
fuckin kek

Just help NCR along the way and they'll consider you one of their own. You can always RP it and say your Courier was already an NCR citizen. You have the option to say that to the guy that repairs your shit at Mojave Outpost. And there's plenty indication taht the Courier is or may have been one. But it's all up to you.

3 > nv


You didn't expect this outcome with all the BOS-NCR war thing that is referenced by literally every BOS member and the NCR personel at HELIOS One?

>finally get Brotherhood power armor
>what the fuck NCR faggots shooting me

Well, yeah.


Haven't gotten around to Tactics yet and I've heard that BoS is nothing but dog shit so I'm not playing it.

>but I feel 3 more comfy.
I find this opinion to be odd solely because, even if 3 is pants on head retarded a lot of the time, the wasteland is a lot more hostile towards you in most areas, and the game's color scheme is a sickly green with lots of grey, whereas NV has more people hanging about who don't immediately want to kill you and has a warmer, less hostile piss filter color scheme.

moreso I didn't expect Boone to start doming his buddies without pause. You'd think he would have put up a fuss about me hanging out with BoS and doing quests for them and shit.

>playing STALKER
>not playing the superior post apocalyptic rpg

Boone doesnt really give a shit about BoS. Its all about dem Khans.


Now that would've been some interesting interaction to see
>Have Boone as companion
>Go to BoS bunker (already having BoS sympathy either cause Veronica or you dealth with the Ranger)
>Boone points out it's a BoS bunker
>Character response
>Boone responds accordingly to player and explains they are enemies of the NCR, thus, they were also his enemies.
>player can tell him theyre here to kill BoS
>So player kills BoS
>or he can tell him that they're on his side, or weak.
>Boone will say that if they do a wrong move, or sees anything he wont like he's leaving. (Can't decide if there should actually be there someone to trigger him to leave you)
>If For the Republic 2 done with BoS in truce with NCR player can tell this to Boone.
>Boone will tell the player that it's a relief that loose end has been dealt with.

Old World Blues automatically makes New Vegas the better of the two.

You mean Dead Money?

Forced companions runs gameplay. I have never played with an AI that I have liked in any game.

>superior post apocalyptic rpg
Stalker is neither of those things.

I hated Old World Blues. Gameplay wasn’t fun and the LOL SCIENCE! humour would go on for so fucking long it hurt. It needed some serious editing down, it just thought it was too funny.

Fuck you. D-Dog is the shit.

I'm one of the people who shitposted pretty hard over the years about fallout 3 being good in it's own way

it did a lot of things amazingly well, but the things it did poorly are just awful, and the real truth is that nothing about these games is challenging in any way

you're choosing between three benefits:
new vegas: listen to a lot of interesting voice actors
fo3: find lots of interesting ways that unknown people died
fo4: shoot lots of interesting guns

Im not even trying to be a contrarian, where the fuck do you get other side quests or people, it just feels like im running around finding people and having to gamble whether they like me or not.

>enemies that take 500 shots to kill

yeah nah

The most interesting thing about New Vegas is the voice acting? What are you babbling about, lad?

>There are people in this board who didn't enjoy both and get triggered at the sight of the other.

so everyone agrees that melee and explosives without sneaking is the most interesting way to play, right

it would be unpleasant if someone in this thread were wrong

fo4: find teddy bears and skeletons arranged in lewd positions

Didn't you hear? Fallout 3 is the worst piece of media ever created.