He voted for Hillary

>He voted for Hillary

Other urls found in this thread:


>He voted

I voted for Jill.

>He is literally incapable of staying in his containment board

Not videogames


Sup Forums get the fuck out jesus fuck, MODSSSSSSS.

>he posts Sup Forums shit outside of Sup Forums
fuck off and stop complaining about literally everything.

>he's too dumb to differentiate between Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Why do Trumpfags still comment about MUH HILLARY 1 year later? How insecure can you be?


>implying these are Sup Forumstards and not scum from leftypol and discord

That tends to happen when you get tricked on a national scale and elect a man so incompetent that he can't even get anything done with a party majority.

Technically Trump is playing the ultimate videogame right now.


Back to
>>Sup Forums

I voted for Jill Stein
t. leftist jew

Republicans have always been that way, options were just thin thanks to Democrats going full-retard these past few years.

The Wall just got $10 billion granted the other day btw.


I just vote for whatever benefits me most at any one given time

this thread has been up longer than any of the jontron threads and jontron actually talks about videogames

Because she's still trying to stay relevant and is currently pushing "muh gun control"

So they only thing they've given money to is something they weren't supposed to pay for in the first place. Sasuga, America.

Talking about video games isn't video games.

she wrote a book in a year that tried to blame everyone but her on why her campaign failed.


>thread about user's cute dick gets deleted
>Sup Forums shit stays up forever

I wonder why

>user's cute dick

What the fuck, are you gay nigga?

>vote for Trump because lel fuck brown people
>he fucks up Puerto Rico so bad that all the spanish speaking brown people come here
>and they're already legal


>>thread about user's cute dick gets deleted
After what, an hour? Just go make another sissy thread if you want to see it again.

Nah, I'm just not insecure in my sexual preference so if I see a good looking dick I can say it's good looking without feeling anything really except admiration for this well formed benis

The GOP is an opposition party. Opposition doesn't really work when you have total power. Who are you opposing then?

So in other words, you're gay.

>voting for a jesuit trained 33 degree mason brother

the utter state of lefties

>he is a fucking retarded who doesn't stay in his containment board

>still thinks the fence will ever happen



>Sup Forumstards shitting up boards and crossposting at 1:20 AM because they have no jobs to sleep for

Yes, fence.

Enjoy your lawsuits.


>he still supports (((trump)))
Good goy

But you're doing the same thing :/

>Americans are so dumb that they reduce politics into crude teamsport


>thinks the government can literally show up on private land and Indian reservation land, tell them to leave, and that's it
Again, enjoy those lawsuits. They haven't even finished with the ones from the Bush era secure fence act. Turns out people don't want eyesores on their property and sacred grounds.


mods do your job
delete these shitty threads and ban everyone in it

I'm just fucking with ya mate, I don't even like Trump.

The law is the law user, now you have to let me inspect your penis!


>When you're le 56% amerishart

ya kill us all

Didn't think that one through did you

a job would imply they get compensated

>Your country's leader has twitter beef with celebrities.

Those are words I'd never thought I'd say/type, in any case Sup Forums needs to go and stay go.

Good times.

yiff in hell furfag


Name 3 (THREE) good things trump or his adminstration has done other then

>Kill the TPP
>Undo obama era title IX changes
>cause SJW tears

shit dude i had that same monitor and mount

i really can't




You cannot beat the establishment, they will make you one of them.

Is Trump and his followers the most solid confirmation of the

supreme court
travel ban
cutback on regulations

Yep, I made the right choice.

l m a o



I honestly want to know what is its about Hilary that made people Vote for her.

I mean, supposed policies.

Good fucking taste desu

I honestly want to know what is its about Trump that made people Vote for him.

I mean, supposed policies.

They can't do anything because of retarded senate rules that stop anything from getting done unless you have 60 votes.

I mean if you guys want to force the narrative of the other guys being reddit maybe you shouldn't be so obviously reddit yourselves

hes the funny "you're fired" man from the tv

>when you're such an unlikeable fake cunt not even the collosal mainstream media machine can get you elected

she's a woman
she's not Trump
that's literally it
video games

Back to reddit with you.

>He didn't check this 5

i want to fucking die

Does not actively hate the 2nd Amendment.

That's pretty much it.

>TFW you've embraced Sup Forums as being a part of Sup Forums.

The sooner you accept Sup Forums, the sooner you'll be able to enjoy Sup Forums again.

He's gonna make us say Merry Christmas again.

Too bad.

Isn't he an business guy? That sounds useful.

Is there a guideline for your discord or something?

I notice that you guys like to use the same insults back at your enemies, like snowflake. Same thing at play here right?

All this frogposting gave this page a new meaning

>he voted for Hitler 2.0
>and saved America


Keeping net neutrality and not being a dumb climate change denier.

Plus I trust greedy, narcissistic republican businessmen about as far as I can throw them. Not saying Hillary is too much better than that, but Trump is the personification of that caricature.

Video Games.


If the democrats are so corrupt, why doesnt the gun lobby buy them?

Zootopia sucks

bellwether is fine though

I always found the confederate statue debacle funny. They're doing so much to help the slaves who've long since died while capturing those moments with the devices made by the third world country equivalent to them today.

>i'm a fickle retard that lets reactionary teenagers dictate his opinions
No wonder you enjoy the current state of this shithole, you'd enjoy anything.



Because I bet money on him winning over a year before the election.

I made over ten grand on him winning.
I don't give two shits about what he does, I already got paid.