Where were you when Battlegrounds BTFO of Sup Forums?
As if there are any more doubts that PUBG won't be GOTY 2017.
Where were you when Battlegrounds BTFO of Sup Forums?
As if there are any more doubts that PUBG won't be GOTY 2017.
How does one tell that someone is gay in this game? Is there a sex minigame or something?
What's the appeal of this game? It has 3 times more players than Dota 2 (the next contender). I have a strong feeling that I am missing out on tons of fun, but I'm afraid to buy a bad game.
I'm wondering myself.
See, they say its just a new feature but its really just them capitalizing on the playerbase calling everyone faggots ingame
They'll tell you
That's the point user.
What the fuck how
i think this just means you can put long woman hair on the dude model
The fuck are they on about? How would you even know what the sexual orientation of your character is? Why the fuck does it even matter?
Uhhh, isn't killing trans people a little how should I say transphobic?
Oh.. so they are taking a piss out of the gayshitters?
If you say so Bluehole
>INB4 China cracks down on them for promoting homosexuality
Do it!
That would be good. Long haired male characterd can be cool.
but males can already wear skirts...???
Its an open world deathmatch game that doesn't try to be anything other than an open world deathmatch game.
Oddly enough, not many game like it exist. It is all shitty mods for games like ARMA or open world zombie games where everyone ends up deathmatching anyway.
Games are fairly short, so it is easy to jump on with a few friends and shoot the shit. Crazy shooting skill isn't required since it is more environmental.
If you die early on, oh well not super stressful. If you are really into it though being one of the remaining few during the endgame is pretty intense.
Not really my thing but I get the appeal as some fast dumb fun.
Sup Forums making fake tweets again huh?
meant for
Why does sexuality matter in a videogame? btw im bisexual
>fake tweets
Sup Forums is getting real desperate huh
It's not even as bad as some of the shit they've ACTUALLY said in the past.
Dumb fucker was crying that some streamer triggered his PTSD because the streamer jokingly threatened to round house kick him to the head.
>fake tweet
I was legit about to get so fucking mad.
who gets mad at shit like this, like what
I do
Go fuck yourself u cunt
So now I can play as David Bowie
*an lgbt character
Now the China loot box farm simulator is dying
just another case that proof that all of western media should be ignored and boycotted
So this is the dying breaths of PUBG...
How long will it be when the fanbase turns on him?
Do I really have to explain?...
That's a pretty good joke desu
No idea.
I've played nearly 20 hours and done pretty well in the matches, getting right to the end, or nearly there.
You basically just run around and hide for 30 minutes then 2 minutes of intense firefight. It's just the same thing over and over and over like Dota or CSGO.
If you kill a LGBT character and step on their blood, you gain a permanent disease debuff.
I cant believe my eyes, literally half of this thread does not get the joke.
Is this the absolute state of Sup Forums?
>It's just the same thing over and over and over like
every MMO
good joke you should be on television
>implying i play trash MMO's
call me autistic but im into stuff like Squad, Arma 3 Milsim, Hearts of Iron, Siege.
though eve online was fucking epic for the 5 years i played it desu
>"like what"
>not getting mad at sjw pandering
Nobody asked for your sexuality? Seems you're the one who cares about such stuff, little snowflake.
>Buy a free game
Really made me think
this would be an amazing tweet if they actually didn't change anything in the game.
You could also play gay characters in Battlefield 1942. it was called being gay and playing the game. How do you add LGBT "Characters" in a multiplayer game? Do they go all homophobe and have them prance around like an 80s stereotype?Or do they focus on the T and have chicks with a noticable bulge?
fuck off retarded faggot with your stupid ass nigger "waah" shit nigger
>this is what they spend their millions of dollars a day on
give it another 2 months and this clusterfuck will be circling the toilet
any other big boy words you wanna throw?
You'll get banned after unknowingly killing one of them because they'll tell Unknown that you were being transphobic by killing them.
It's not even a real tweet you utter retards.
So how's PUBG compared to Fortnite?
I tried out Fortnite because it's free and it was ok, but nothing too amazing.
What does PUBG have over Fortnite that makes it so mega popular?
put me in the screencap
Ok? So, what - you can give your dude a manbun? Go completely Natalie Portman with your girl?
Anyone reading this should just know that they added more hair models to each player model, then tweeted this shit out to get some sort of imaginary bonus points. This is the absolute highest form of hilarity, when a half dozen small cosmetic changes warrants a worldwide notification on a topic that doesn't really apply to this game.
I mean, what - is there a faggot out there that is going to paint a rainbow on himself and go hot on world mic and declare how you should notice him? Fine then, I'll notice him. I'll notice him at a hundred yards.
if you see someone playing PUBG you instantly know he is a faggot
well this was a good test for how bad this board has become
guess I'll stick to a dead chan
>can finally pull of the Not Important cosplay
Looks like my genocidal crusade begins in pubg
Your head
>You can now create a LGBT character!
What the fuck does that even mean? No, seriously, explain to me what the fuck does that mean and how the fuck does it affect some shitty shooting game?
You can choose the male character model but tick a separate Female / Wolf / Attack Helicopter box that does nothing.
>posting a fake tweet
>anyone that matters has switched to fortnite
>now appeasing the people that don't matter
Money well spent on their parts, as usual.
are fortnite cucks this delusional
i wonder how they make the character look like a faggot without being lgbtist?
Is this real? Or just a joke? Because I honestly can't accept that this is real
Great contribution to the discussion, people like you make this place so much better
That's the joke
>not getting mad at sjw pandering
It's called "not being thirteen."
this idiotic pandering is already hellishly disruptive
I wouldnt be surprised if in 50-100 years they start hanging them again
offer them a finger, they will take both hands
never satisfied
Identifying as an Apache should give you extra armor.
>endorsing mentally unstable people
There's always Fortnite BR
Identifying as an Apache will only get you an increase to vagrancy and diabetes.
You mean the discussion over a fake tweet? I'm sorry I didn't add sprinkles to your turd thread.
They're implying gays aren't like normal people and you can identify one from a mile away, very progressive