Name FIVE games where religion is portrayed in a good way

Name FIVE games where religion is portrayed in a good way.

Hard mode: name five games where God is literally the good guy and he/she helps you save the world in the end

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Binding of isaac

Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves

Dragon Quest

Never heard of it

My life, brother.

summertime saga

Before they fucked the series up it was heavily implied the Maker was helping the Warden fight the Darkspawn in Dragon Age Origins.

Tales of Eternia has the MC go through a series of trials in order to receives his world's God's power in order to defeat his worlds devil essentially.

Every Castlevania.

You are welcome.

do you mean religion as a whole or christianity?
Important distinction.


Let's meet in the middle and say any monotheistic religion

Buh buh buh da netflix series had a bad priest innit! muh fedora invasion!

Visit the church. Climb the stairs, instantly hate the game. That was after I found out Mia wasn't included in the base release.

Guild Wars

Most Final Fantasy games that aren't Tactics.

well then google it, dumbass

how monotheistic?
Catholic or like there's no special angels demigods or demons just god and void?

The Hero Yoshihiko


the don't demonize the religion just the clergy.

One major God but lesser gods/demons are okay

Or just give us a short rundown, ass


The entire religion in fft is a complete lie, used to control people, and it's ultimate goal is to resurrect "god", who is basically satan.

Right, because they typically roll the clergy in with the aristocracy, who is just the easiest caste to shit upon.

SMT for the second question

dragon's dogma

Dragon Quest. In most of them you'd be pretty fucked without the church

Ironically enough, bloodborne and darkest dungeon and the rest of the souls games

Most games are used as a propaganda tool for jews
Jews hate Christianity and they poison western society with cheap atheism

These are good answers

Never played, I was under the impression the series was very anti God?

Don't know these games, need more info. Give us a synopsis.

you know the whole premise for that game is that america is taken over by the nazis?

It's like Dragon Quest and stuff

You're literally worshipping the jewish god you dumb cunt
your deity is a jew racial supremacist

in SMT you basically fight the Demiurge who's forgotten that he's not the real capital G God, and you play as a chosen one (messiah) sent to slap his shit in, as per Super God's will.

>Name 5 games where God is literally the good guy and he/she helps you save the world in the end

I'll start.

the Diablo franchise

El Shaddai. PLUS you get to wear some sick jeans

Act raiser, Act raiser 2, Soul blazer, that 3d noah doom game, eternal war shadows of light

All games, retard. Every fantasy is a religion.


the healing church is another conspiracy run by the ayys

The religion is generally portrayed as corrupt, Saint Urbain was an intolerant dick and the sympathetic Saint Astraea lost her faith and become a (semen) demon.

in Actraiser, you play the Master, who is God

in it's sequel, (or obvious spiritual successor) Soulblader, you play as an angel, and directly interact with the Master, (the same God) doing the same things as the previous game, reclaiming a world that has been taken by a demon, but in a top down format, instead of a sidescrolling format

the next two games, illusion of gaia and terranigma, aren't as good, but get their dicked sucked a lot for some reason, there's less direct interaction with the Master/God in those games, though he is implied

>Religion destroys their society and turns them into animals and aliens
Also the souls games portray religion in a nuetral light.

>False gods keep people under heel through threats of destruction

the divines not deadra worshipers

I loved soul blazer as a kid and played illusion of gaia and terranigma this year, you are right, they aren't as good.

Crusader Kings 2

Souls games are neutral on faith and harsh on religious institutes. The church equivalent in whatever souls game is usually inevitably corrupt but individual faith users and believers in whatever deity of the world you run into are usually rather helpful and well meaning.

You've come the closest to beating the hard mode so far. Have a (you)

>the ayys

Also, you best not be talking shit about the umbasa squad. Saint Urbain was looking out for you from the dirty soul magicks, and Astraea only did what you did, aka take a demon's soul. Dark souls maidens were all good too.


Monster Girl Quest

Ilias Ending in part 2 is best and canon.

>Dosen't know skyrim

In a broad sense any game where the hero is chosen by fate or prophesy.
So probably 1/2 of all videogames past the arcade age.

Who /faithfulncomfy/ here??

The Healing Church isn't really corrupt, they just fucked up once and were forced to rapidly "fix" the problem, which unfortunately led to the problem getting worse. Their intent was to create a panacea that cures literally everything, and beyond nights of "The Hunt", they are lampshaded to do everything in their power to bolster everybody that isn't literally a bloodcrazed werewolf.
>the ayys
They actually outright help humanity and are explicitly stated to be sympathetic to their plight.

>Saint Astrea
But she only lost her faith because she was placed at the literal bottom of an absolute hellhole and was raised to possess a demon's soul as was embedded upon her by a dark god. The church did plenty of good before soul magic came along and fucked the entire world up.

The Civilization Games.

Legit snapped me out of my Atheism phase.

God doesn't exist in any of them

Basically Werewolves in Canada, with good music

it's okay, no problem


Harvest Moon
Terranigma (Hard mode)
Life is Strange
Quest 64


In SMT it depends on how much you like god

If you like God enough to be submissive to his rule you can do that. If you hate God you can go neutral or team up with Lucifer

Harvest Moon

There was almost no mention of god in the games even it has some religious scenery.

>where religion is portrayed in a good way.
>where God is literally the good guy and he/she helps you save the world in the end
...I don't really know about this one. Disgaea 4 you literally fight the All-knowing true God, but that's mostly because your party is comprised of a legion of demons from the Netherworld, and literally destroyed God's "Emergency human cleansing" tool. Hell, the fact that it was active at all was a testament to how fucked up humanity was with literally nonstop murder, rape, genocide, etc. on the surface, such that fucking DEMONS had to come out to say "Knock that shit off, holy fuck". God tries to stop the party after they break that tool, but it's mostly because they literally stopped Him from being able to fix Earth.

I was thinking this an okami

what do you want god to hand you a mission briefing?

With your logic might as well give doom and diablo as an example as well as every game where you fight monsters/demons.

Came here to post this.

Why haven't we ever gotten a video game where we get mission briefings from God, angels, or some other deific figure? I'd love to have some deity hand me down a glowing scroll with mission directions, presumed enemy strength, and location, before I purge vampires and heretics.

Super Noahs Ark 3D

>science victories
anthithesis of religion

> Bloodborne
> positive portrayal of religion

The Healing Church was founded breaking the literal one rule Master Willem imposed, and caused nothing but suffering for everyone. Even ignoring that, the church was doing horrific experiments on people to try create/make contact with "Gods".


Trails in the Sky
Trails in the Sky SC
Trails in the Sky the 3rd (MC is a priest)
Trails to Zero
Trails to Azure

Any sources?

Legend of Heroes

gotta break some eggs to make an omelette

dragons dogma, arguably. You fight god as it's a JRPG so you have to fight god but it's for a greater cause and god himself is usually a good person.

well specifically monsters that are inherently evil or satanic in origin. The very existence of these things and malicious intent puts god/religion as the polar opposite. So whether it explicitly states it is irrelevant because we know what it's not.

The games are filled with shit tons of holy/blessed weaponry. That's kind of an indication that God has a hand in mortal affairs.

There was a van helsing videogame

Why are there so few good games based around Christian mythos? Regardless of your stance on religion, it's pretty damn interesting with a ton of monsters and exciting events to work with.

Accept Aidios into your heart and i'll tell you.

because it's boring as fuck compared to paganism and it's a sure fire way to get your game tied up in frivolous lawsuits with fundies.

In the early days, it was probably considered too offensive. Now it's the literal opposite: everyone in the gaming community hates Christianity so much, they'd never portray it in a positive light.

I'm proud of you guys.
80+ post and there is barely shitposting.
What are some game with Christian/Catholic thematic? Preferably that portraits God in a positive way.
>Trails in the Sky the 3rd (MC is a priest)
Sounds cool, what this saga about?

I feel stuff like Dante's Inferno killed any hope of a good game with a devoutly-christian lead.
Doesn't help that the modern "intellectual" view is so stuck up its own ass in being atheist that they refuse to even acknowledge old folktales, true or not.

To be fair, they were more focused on making the world a better place than being smart with things they didn't fully understand. Plus, Byrgenwerth's scholars have done dramatically more horrific things, and they did immensely more brutal experimentation than the Healing Church did. The Healing Church is the cause of most of the negative fallout in the world, and their shitty band-aid to the problem (Hunters) clearly leads to many, many more people dying and suffering than would have been needed if not for Blood Ministration, but they still thought they were doing good by the world before The Hunt happened. Hell, for all intents and purposes, they did only good things before Old Yharnam happened.

>what this saga about?
It's a very long shonen anime about a lot of things. The 8th game in the series just came out in Japan and the creator says the story is halfway done now.
The church is very relevant throughout but game 3 focuses on them.

why would you? If everyone knows them and the outcome where's the novelty?

So all games with demons and monsters are all religious in some way so the answer for OP is all games?
But has religion been portrayed in a good way with those? A little bit indirectly but if your answer is unequivocally yes then almost all games with demons/monsters have some kind of "blessed/holy" item so the answer is almost all games?

Is this 2007? The current generation would instead bitch at the fact that anything Christian is portrayed in anything but the most absolutely negative light imaginable.

Call me retarded but I honestly felt like FFX gave off strong Christian vibes. Just replacd yevon with the Jewish leaders of that time and swap God and Christ's role (God became sin instead of his son) and the similarities are there. No its not direct comparison but it fits

in the context that they're evil and evil is not just relative. Monsters that are either portrayed as natrual or self preserving are not.

They didn't even make an omelette though.

They started with some eggs, broke them all on the floor and sat amoungst the goo, liking thier fingers.

>what this saga about?
Conspiracies, adventure, friendship, rape and suffering