So what's the verdict?
Better than Yooka-Laylee, at least?
So what's the verdict?
Better than Yooka-Laylee, at least?
Don't know, haven't plaid it yet.
You put the bar so low, yet this game manages to trip over it and land face-first in the mud.
better than cuphead in terms of fun, better than yooka in everything and better than odyssey since its the mario killer.
I never played Yooka or even followed it after it's release, what the fuck happened that was so bad? How did it fuck up?
I haven't played Yooka-Laylee yet because I'm waiting for the Switch version, but I'll give my thoughts on this game.
My major issue with it is the collision detection, There's a handful of slopes that are barely even slopes but I'll start sliding off them like they're too steep at times. The cutscenes are also pretty crude but that's not a gameplay issue. The level design is kind of cluttered but I wouldn't call it bad, I only went to Mafia Town and Subcon Forest so far though.
On the good side, the controls are nice, and I do have a lot of fun playing the game. On top of that, the voice acting is phenomenal, especially stuff like the creepy badge merchant and the Deal with the Devil shadow guy. Character designs are very nice too. The game kind of tosses you into the hat knitting without much explanation but it was quick to figure out. The Sunshine-esque platforming challenges are neat, and the one that was more like a Psychonauts level than anything surprised me. The aesthetic of the game is pretty nice too.
Overall it's a really fun experience, but it could use a bit more polish here and there.
IMO much better then Yooka Laylee. Controls better, better characters, better music, more charm. It's everything Yooka Laylee wanted to be.
It's pretty great honestly. Much better than I expected.
>It's everything Yooka Laylee wanted to be.
More like people wrongly thought YL was going to be.
The entire point of YL was to be a return to n64 platformers and that's exactly what we got. Good things and bad stuff too.
AHIT tries to be a Gamecube platformer, which means more charm and more refinement. YL didn't even attempted to do something the likes of the Owl Express level for example and never intended to.
Not defending YL, just stating the difference between it and AHIT
At first i thought the game felt like aome cheap indie game but after an hour you really start to realize all the cool little details the worlds have. By far the best Nu colectathon.
>The entire point of YL was to be a return to n64 platformers and that's exactly what we got
nothing in yooka laylee feels like a n64 game
all the worlds are empty unity test maps with placeholder NCPs because none of them actually belong in the level
and because they ran out of ideas for pagies placement in the map very quickly, they had to pad the game out with tons and tons of shitty barely functional minigames straight out of a PS2 budget platformer
Well, I guess I much prefer Gamecube style platformers then.
I'll know when I get a torrent and try it.
Better than MN9
But it didn't have enough Hitler voiceovers
well it did end up better than yooka laylee
i just hope its successful enough to get those new worlds they mentioned
rather than a fucked up banjo tooie sequel, its more of a super mario sunshine with a hint of super mario galaxy. someone also compared it to phyconauts but i haven't ran through that yet.
where can i pirate it
They'll put the new levels in anyway cause they were Kickstarter stretch goals.
The only glitches it has are actually features.
Super cute. Pretty fun.
>My major issue with it is the collision detection,
This would be the only thing I have a problem with too.
It's not AWFUL but it could use some tightening up.
It has moments of charm, but at it's core it's still a bit of a mess
Is it just me or does the game peak at Chapter 2 then not really get back to that peak afterwards.
>Better than every single 3D Mario ever made
>Will undoubtedly be better than Mario 3D World 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Won't win GoTY since it doesn't have Mario or Link in it
it isn't fair bros
It owes basically everything to Super Mario Sunshine and Paper Mario though.
Currently at the middle of the 2nd world. It has been great thus far.
My favorite game of 2017 so far, for all that's worth.
It starts off pretty rough but once you get into it its fun as fuck.
>tfw fined $3000 for destruction of property
Hat Kid a cute tho.
>isn't objectively better than all 3D Mario games
>nobody knows yet whether it will beat the new Mario
>some random guy bases his opinion on those two facts above and somehow believes the opposite of what he should
No wonder Trump was elected.
How many worlds/levels are there in the game? I know of the first and second worlds, but I dunno what else there is. Conductor best boy by the way.
Here's your (You)
is there a mod to cut out the eceleb?
A Hat in Time is fantastic
A solid 9/10
4 total plus other stuff.
Oh, sure. Still sounds worth it I guess.
>that child who thinks marioshit is better than this
Not gonna lie this game looks like something you'd find in a Walmart bargain bin.
10/10, would fap again
Feel like the art team had the most fun with making the game. Specially the person that made the loading screen art when you select levels.
I don't know about it being better than 64, Sunshine, or Odyssey, but the others I agree with.
Its actually a really well made 3D platformer with a quirky sense of humor that doesn't try too hard to be funny, at least in my opinion.
10/10 for a Mario like game
I love the cute hero and the huge fuck you to the sjw who cried for MUH REMOVE JONTRON
The murder mystery on the train is by far the best level in the game.
drawfag here with some time to kill, anyone got some hat kid requests?
Hat-shaped sleeping bag.
HG hanging out with the two director birds
>the huge fuck you to the sjw who cried for MUH REMOVE JONTRON
Hat girl version of the MGS1 title screen.
It wasn't as bad as people say it is. The problem is that people asked for a 90's collect-a-thon platformer and that is EXACTLY what they got, complete with a rough camera and sometimes imprecise controls.
If it's exactly what they got then people who were clamoring for it would've liked it more instead of just feeling kinda disappointed by it.
First impression is it wasn't worth the wait
>All those reviews about this game not running great on mac
Fuckers deserved it
If your level design is worse than a game released over 15 years afo, you kidna failed at your job
Unrelated to this shitpost but you actually do trip and fall into mud in one mission.
Slow, clunky piece of shit with a broken camera.
>Your character holds her fingers like a fake gun in stealth sections.
They just had to make every aspect of this game adorable, didn't they?
It's not fucking near better than Galaxy which was a borderline flawless game. Sunshine is arguably better just because it has about 5x the content.
Well the game is a heckin' cute 3D platformer after all.
Even the most polarizing 3D platformers on the N64 had better level designs than fucking Yooka Laylee
Truly god-awful level design, lack of interactivity or the ability to make proper changes on the map (helping an npc who is stuck in a hole will have them still be stuck there afterwards, just with a calmer idle animation), stamina meter on abilities for no good reason, generally mediocre music.
It feels like a fan game made by a bunch of dedicated amateurs on a shoestring budget rather than something made by what were industry leaders with two million in the bank.
Literally all of that loading screen art is phenomenal and honestly one of my favorite things in the game. Especially the Murder on the Owl Express one.
Chapter 2 > Chapter 3 > Chapter 1 > Chapter 4
Convince me to buy hat loli.
This guy does a voice in it
You like the idea of Super Mario Sunshine controls and LoZ:WW aesthetics mixed with some Paper Mario style scenarios? Then you'll like AHIT.
Full mod support and kickass OST.
Wait there's like only maybe one or two things that are half-wrong there.
Is it better than Psychonauts?
I will most likely buy it, but I'm a try-before-you-buy guy so I'll grab a torrent later. Glad it finally came out, though, looks cute.
Considering how fucking obnoxious (and desperate) the shilling has been for this game on Sup Forums, I'm gonna avoid it.
>i let people decide for myself
the ultimate cuck
this. fuck nazis.
>his white supremacist ideologies
>he's not even white
Last I checked, pirating a game doesn't give the developer any money. :^)
Hat Kid can what Yookan't
Nah, fuck you. I can handle basic shilling of trying to spread the word of a game, but all the shilling for this game amounts to "This'll kill Mario and trample over Cuphead! Look you can play a loli!"
Not even that because I don't care. I'm just sick of it when people trying to shill do so by shitting on other games. It's obnoxious.
Not even worth a pirate.
believe what you want nintenfriend, but the new mario game is going to be shit like the rest
I suppose if I liked Psychonauts I would like this too yes? But 28 european dollars öööm..
thank you for standing up to white supremacy.
How the fuck do I break the ice blocks in the forest level? I've tried everything. I think it has something to do with the fruit, but I can't get it to explode.
>A Hat In Time will be safe from having a fanbase of SJW scum
Thanks Jon.
one less sjwcuck playing best game
Just in the first minutes I could already feel that "platformer charm" that I've missed since the n64 and jak 1 era.
Fuck Yooika though, I got it for free and I was still disappointed.
>"This'll kill Mario and trample over Cuphead! Look you can play a loli!"
You got baited pretty good
>le sjw xD
Take the fruit up to a red spirit who will then inhabit it, turning it into a bomb.
Yeah, it's dumb.
>greatest game of all time comes out sometime in the future
>Sup Forums explodes and jerks it off
>you never get to play the GOAT game because you're a contrarian
have fun pleb
leave the thread already sjw cuck
Tune down the shilling a bit.
Nobody thinks this game is competing with Cuphead nor do they want it to
Sorry that all of your obnoxious shilling turned people off from the game rather than make people actually interested in it. Happens a lot. Better luck next time.
And yet people still drew those comparisons because they're both indie.
My game keeps crashing on the first boss anytime he starts his final attack.
Ancient memes/10
JonTron got removed from Yooka Laylee for braining a young black kid for his skittles. A Hat in Time didn't remove him and NeoFag and Polygon are mad
Thanks senpai.
I first heard of this game yesterday and have never posted about it. I'm just tickled thinking about the scenario where an amazing game comes out and you never play it because shilling
You must be incredibly new to Sup Forums if you've never seen contrarianism then.
Everything about it looks super cute and charming so far.
I noticed this too, I was really excited for Chapter 4 but it fell flat when traversing it was tedious as fuck